
Web hizmetlerinden hesabınızı silmek için direkt linklerin dizini.

GitHub'da Katkıda Bulunun JDM'yi Tweetle Just Get My Data'yı Ziyaret Edin

Aradığınız şeyi bulamıyor musunuz? JustDeleteMe'yi daha iyi hale getirmeye yardım edin..

/e/ URL


“Profil” “Ayarlar” “Hesabı Sil” “Onayla”

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Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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16Personalities URL


In your profile preferences, click in ‘Delete Account’ then confirm.

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1984 Hosting URL


If you are logged in, you can use the automated deletion process. If that doesn’t work, you can contact their support to do it.

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1fichier URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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1Password URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, profile girin, “Kalıcı Olarak Hesabımı Sil” seçeneğine tıklayın. “Eminim” yazarak onaylayın ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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1xBet URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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280daily URL


Hesap şifrenizi girin ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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2K Games URL


Go to the page linked, create a request about deleting your account, and customer support should delete it.

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3D Aim Trainer URL


Email your username and e-mail used to create the account.

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404 Media URL


You need to send an email to support.

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It is not possible to delete your account. Even if the account is banned, it will still exist, but in the «Banned» group.

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4shared URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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500px URL


Visit the linked page, select ‘Delete your account’, then click ‘Continue’. Choose a reason why you’re deleting your account and click ‘Continue to delete account’. Finally, confirm your password and click ‘Delete account’.

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7digital URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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7plus URL


Create a new request, select the ‘Reason For Contact’ as ‘Account Related’ and then under ‘Please choose the issue’ select ‘Close 7plus account’. Supply the appropriate email and name, then send the request.

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8tracks URL


Login, go to your account settings and click the delete button. That’s it.

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99app URL


This must be done via the app: Settings ⮕ Privacy ⮕ Delete My Account. You must not have any associated pix key or value in your 99pay wallet.

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99designs URL


Onlarla iletişim kurmanız gerekecek, sadece onayınızı isteyecekler

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Hesabınıza giriş yapın, parameterlere girin, “Hesabımı Sil” seçeneğine tıklayın. Ardından tekrar “Hesabımı silmek istiyorum” tuşuna, ve son olarak “Hesabımı Sil” seçeneğine tıklayın.

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A1Office URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Abacashi URL


Either use the contact form or e-mail them directly asking for the account to be deleted

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AbeBooks URL


“Başka bir şey” seçeneğini seçin, ardından “Hesabımı Kapat” tuşuna basın ve e-posta formunu doldurun.

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Abload URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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About you URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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About.me URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Academia URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Academic Torrents URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Acasa URL


“Hesap Ayarları” kısmında, en altta bulunan “Hesabımı Kaldır” seçeneğini seçin.

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Acceptd URL


Visit the linked page, scroll to the bottom, and click ‘Request Account Deletion’. You will be sent an email with a link to delete your account. Your request will be completed within 10 business days.

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Acciobooks URL


Just visit the linked page, login and confirm the deletion of your account

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Acer URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Acorns URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Acronis URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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ActBlue URL


You must be logged in. In the modal, check the boxes to confirm you understand the consequences of deleting your account. Proceed then confirm using your password or a security code sent to your email. Once confirmed, click the last button to permanently delete your account.

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ActiveCampaign URL


For account deletion requests or requests to remove all account information, submit the Data Subject Rights Request form. When asked “What would you like to initiate with us?” choose the option “I want to be forgotten, and want my personal data erased”.

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Activision URL


Must put in a request, via a ticket system, while logged in to the account (to verify the identity of the account owner).

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Just click delete and all your account data is erased

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Adafruit URL


Just click delete and confirm.

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Addicting Games URL


Fill their form for account deletion and they’ll contact you again through mail for confirmation before deleting it.

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AddMeFast URL


First delete your sites and your ads. Then go to the menu on the top right corner, click ‘My Profile’ then ‘DELETE AddMeFast account’ at the bottom of the page and confirm.

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addy.io URL


Sayfanın altında şifrenizi girin ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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Adfly URL


Press the button to delete your account, make sure you’re logged in.

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AdFoc.us URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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AdGuard URL


On your account settings, scroll to the bottom and click ‘Delete my Account’

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Adidas US URL


On your account settings, scroll down to ‘Manage Account’ and click ‘Delete Account’

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On your “Gérer le compte” page, in the “Supprimer le compte” category, enter your password and click on “Valider”

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Adobe URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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AdvCash URL


Go to the profile page and click the button to delete account

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Aeria Games URL


Login, go to your profile settings on the top right, then go to the ‘Account’ tab and click ‘Delete my Account’

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Afterpay URL


Login, go to your account settings, select ‘Close my account.’

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Agence nationale des titres sécurisés URL


Go to your profile settings and click “Supprimer mon compte”

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Agoda URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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AgoraDesk URL


Go to account settings and click, scroll down and click ‘Delete Account’

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aiqfome URL


Open a ticket on their chat requesting for your account to be deleted. They might reply first asking why, but will then proceed

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airBaltic URL


1) Go to the airbaltic page. 2) Sign in to your airBaltic Club account. 3) Go to Profile section ‘Edit profile’. 4) Click ‘Close profile’.

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Airbnb URL


On the linked page, click the ‘Request to delete your account’ button. Complete the form, then click ‘Delete account’. You may receive a follow-up email to verify your identity.

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Airdroid URL


“Hesap bilgisi” sayfasına gidin, ve ardından AirDroid hesabınızı silmek için “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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AirMeet URL


Click the purple question mark button and then request account deletion via the Airmeet Chat Support. Alternatively, you can email support@airmeet.com.

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Airmiles URL


Launch live chat through ‘Chat’ button and request account deletion or by phone at 1-888-AIR-MILES (247-6453).

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Visit the linked form and submit a support ticket requesting account deletion. Make sure you are logged in so they can find your account, or specify your username in your message. Alternatively, you may also send an email.

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AKAI Professional URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Akinator URL


At the app, click on settings (gear icon) ⮕ Account settings ⮕ Delete account (at the bottom of the screen).

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Albion Online URL


You need to open a support ticket in order to delete your account.

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Alchemy URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Alelo URL


On app, go to ‘Settings’ ⮕ ‘Delete Account’. Follow the requested.

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Algolia URL


Go to your account settings, scroll to the bottom of Account Details, and select the Delete button next to “Delete Account”.

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Algor Education URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Alibaba URL


To delete your account, go to the Alibaba privacy center linked above, then click “Delete Account”, enter “delete” in the text field, and click “Delete Account” again.

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AlienwareArena URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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AliExpress URL


Visit the linked page and click the red ‘Delete my account’ button. Type “agree” in the provided text box, then click ‘Delete’.

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AliPay URL


From the app: Settings ⮕ Account and Security ⮕ Account Cancel.

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All 4 / Channel 4 URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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AllDebrid URL


Login to your account, then open the URL. You should see the option ‘Delete my account’. Enter your username for confirmation and use the deletion link sent to your email to delete your account.

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AlternativeTo URL


Scroll to ‘Danger zone’ at the bottom of your ‘Edit Profile’ page and select ‘Remove my account’.

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Altium URL


Send an account deletion request to the provided email.

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AltTextGeneratorAI URL


Send an email. After receiving the email, your account will be deleted in the next 24 hours.

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Alvanista URL


Profilinizi düzenlemek için bağlantıya tıklayın ve sayfanın altındaki “Hesabı İptal Et” seçeneğini seçin.

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Alza URL


Open the link scroll down and press on the “Request the deletion of my personal data”

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Amara URL


Hesap sayfasına girin ve sayfanın sol altındaki kırmızı “Hesabınızı Silin” tuşuna basın.

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Amazon / Audible URL


Aşağı kaydırın, bir sebep seçin ve onay kutusunu işaretleyip “Hesabı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın ve ardından onaylama e-postasına tıklayın.

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Amazon AWS URL


You will not be able to reuse the email address on the account at the time of closure, but they appear to accept disposable email addresses. However, for accounts created prior to May 2017, there is also an Amazon Marketplace account with the same email. See the entry for Amazon to delete that account.

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AMD Rewards URL


You can not delete your account, only disable it, At the bottom of the page there is a ‘Deactivate your account’ ⮕ Enter password ⮕ Deactivate account

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Ameli URL


On the page “Mes informations”, click on “Résilier mon compte”. It will automatically re-enable sending documents trough your mailbox.

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American Airlines URL


You can request data erasure in the given privacy portal.

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AmiAmi URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Amigo Secreto URL


You need to send them a message through Whatsapp requesting deletion. It takes roughly 20 days.

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Amso URL


You need to write an email to ask them to delete your account. After 1 day the deletion is confirmed.

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Anaconda Nucleus URL


Go to the ‘Delete my Data’ section, click the ‘Delete Data’ button and confirm.

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Ancestry URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Andaman7 URL


Contact customer service via the app and ask for account to be deleted.

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Android File Host (AFH) URL


İletişim formunu kullanarak müşteri hizmetlerine başvurun ve hesabınızın silinmesini talep edin.

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Angelist URL


Giriş yaptıktan sonra “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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Anghami URL


If you can delete the account through the app, follow the process provided in the link. If you are using the web client you’ll have to contact support@anghami.com. Your account will be deactivated within 24 hours and deleted after 30 days.

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Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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AniList URL


“Kullanıcı Hesabını Sil” “Tamam, Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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Animal Crossing Community URL


ACC üzerindeki hesapları “silmiyoruz” veya “son vermiyoruz”. Eğer web sitesini bir daha kullanmak istemiyorsanız, profilinizden tüm kişisel bilgileri silip bir daha giriş yapmayabilirsiniz.

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Anime News Network URL


Visit the linked page and click the delete button, click the confirmation url that sent via email.

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Anime-Planet URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘YES, DELETE MY ACCOUNT FOREVER’.

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Animoto URL


Open the link and click Delete Account

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Ankama URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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AnkiApp URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın. Onaylamak için şifrenizi girin ve “Tamam” seçeneğini seçin. Hesabınızı web.ankiapp.com üzerinden silemezsiniz, lütfen onun yerine join.ankiapp.com sitesini ziyaret edin.

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AnkiWeb URL


E-posta adresinizi girerek onaylayın ve sonrasında “Sil” tuşuna basın.

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Anti-Captcha URL


Confirm account deletion, then input the code you’ll receive by email.

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Any.do URL


For immediate account deletion, in Web/Mobile: Settings(⚙️) → Profile → Delete Account.

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AOL / Instant Messenger URL


Account gets deactivated for a waiting period of 30-180 days depending on your country, then permanently deleted.

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Aparat URL


To unsubscribe, click the Cancel membership button.

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Apex Minecraft Hosting URL


Faturalandırma panelinize giriş yapıp, hesabınızın silinmesi için talep göndermeniz gerekir. Eğer sadece multicraft hesabınız varsa, giriş yapmadan talep gönderebilirsiniz.

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Apiary URL


Create a placeholder API, then delete all of your existing APIs. After that, send a request to terminate your account to the support email.

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Visit the linked page, provide a reason for deletion, then submit the form. Your account will be deleted within 48 hours.

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Apoia.se URL


The exclusion will occur 7 (seven) days after filling the Google Docs form.

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AppJobber URL


Go to the profile page, click the button to delete the account at the top right and confirm. Alternatively you can send and e-mail asking for the deletion.

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Apple Account / iTunes URL


Follow the steps to request account deletion. It is possible to undo for a few days. If you have bought a developer license, it’s impossible to delete your account. Once deleted, you will no longer be able to open a new one with the same email address.

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AppShopper URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Appypie URL


Under Privacy Settings click on ‘Delete / Deactivate Account’ then click on ‘Delete Account’ and confirm and specify a reason.

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Aquaillumination URL


Customer service is unable to delete accounts.

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ara.cat URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Arc Games URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Arch Linux AUR URL


Click on the “My Account” button, then in the first line of text at the top of the page, there is a button that links to a page where you can delete your account.

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Arch Linux Forums URL


You need to send an email to the forum team.

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Archipad URL


Click on your e-mail on the top right. Click on ‘Profile’. Scroll down to find the delete account button in red. Enter password to complete deletion.

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Archive of Our Own URL


Click on your profile picture on the top right, go to ‘Profile’, and click the ‘Delete my account’ button

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Arduino URL


Visit the linked page and under ‘Account Settings’, click the link next to ‘If you wish to delete your Arduino account’. You will be sent an email with a link to delete your account.

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AREX (Airport Railway Company) URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Arlo URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘Permanently Delete Arlo Account’. Click ‘Continue’. Click ‘Reset and remove all devices’. Click ‘Continue’. Click ‘Delete All Content’. Click ‘Continue’. Enter your email address and password associated with the account then click ‘Permanently Delete Arlo Account’

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ArmorGames URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Ars Technica URL


You have to make a forum post about deleting your account and eventually the admins will delete your account, although your comment and post history stays on the website

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Artlist URL


You have to contact the support team by email.

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Artsy URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Asana URL


Go to User Info, click Settings, Account and Delete My account at the bottom. After that, click ‘Continue with deletion’ button, pick a reason and type ‘delete’.

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Asda URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Asgardia.space URL


E-posta gönderip hesabınızın silinmesini talep etmeniz gerekir, ki 10 güne kadar sürebilir. Bazı hesaplarda, site yöneticileri silme taleplerini kontrol etmeyeceklerdir.

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Ashampoo URL


Request deletion by emailing privacy team. Ask them to close your account and send them your name and email address. You’ll receive a mail back from them with a personal removal link in it.

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Ask.fm URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Asos URL


If not using the app, needs to request deletion from customer services. Theoretically on the app there are options to delete account described in the FAQ.

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Assembla URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Go to the website, select your type of account and select which data you want to remove.

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ASUS WebStorage URL


Select “Account related” as the problem category and “Request account deletion” as the problem item.

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Atavi URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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AtCoder URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Aternos URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Athletic Greens URL


Deleting account does not cancel subscription, so do that first. Requires submitting name, address, and phone number to start deletion.

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The Atlantic URL

kısıtlı imkan

Depending on where you live you either need to select “Submit an EEA Data Request” or “Submit a CCPA Data Request”.

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Atlassian / Bitbucket URL


You need to visit my.atlassian.com and designate a different user as a billing and technical contact if your account is the primary billing contact for one or more products

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Auchan URL


Send an email to the address given here. It’s not listed on the FAQ page.

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Audiomack URL


Sol alt köşede “Hesabı Sil” bağlantısına tıklayın

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Augment URL


On the Augment website, log in, then click on the ‘chat box’ at the bottom right of the page, then request for your account to be deleted. Alternatively, send a GDPR request at the email address.

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AulaFacil URL


Click on “Delete account”, provide your current password twice, and then click on “I’m sure I want to delete my profile”.

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Auth0 URL


Delete all tenants on the Auth0 dashboard then send a private message to a support moment on the forums.

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Author.today URL


You cannot delete your account, only disable it. To do so, go to ⮕ personal area ⮕ account ⮕ general ⮕ account management.

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Authy URL


Formu doldurun, telefon numaranızı ve e-posta adresinizi doğrulayın. 30 gün sonra veriler kalıcı olarak silinecek.

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Autodesk URL


Sayfanın en altına gidin, “Hesap Silme Talebi” tuşuna tıklayın ve “Autodesk hesabınızı ve verileri silin” seçeneğinden onaylayın. Şifrenizi girin, ve e-posta adresinize gönderilecek olan 6 haneli kodu girip “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Hesabınızı 30 gün içerisinde silinmesinden kurtarabilirsiniz. Hesap silme işlemi 90 gün içinde tamamlanır.

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AutoScout24 URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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AutoWebSurf URL


Enter your password to confirm the deletion.

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Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Avast! URL


Giriş yapın, “Profil Detayları” sekmesine gidin ve kolayca “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Sign in and post a request in the deletion thread, a moderator will contact you and tell you the details.

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Click on ‘Delete Account’ at the bottom of the page, then ‘Continue Deleting’ and enter your password to delete account.

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Avira URL


Makalede gösterilen talimatları takip edin. Eğer isterseniz, e-posta ile hesabınızın silinmesini de talep edebilirsiniz.

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Avito URL


Enter any reason to delete

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AwardWallet URL


Şifrenizi girip, hesabınızın silme nedenini belirtmeniz gerekir

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Axios URL

kısıtlı imkan

According to their Privacy Policy, if you are a California or Virginia resident, you can email Axios about account deletion and they should delete your account and data.

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Fill out the form requesting data deletion and then go to your e-mail to confirm the request. It takes a couple weeks for them to process the request.

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Account will not be deleted, just disabled. If you want that, click ‘Disable Account’ button. Check ‘Yes, I wish to disable my AZ MVD Now account.’. Click ‘Disable Account’

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Must send an email or call 800-947-9915.

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Babbel URL


Aşağı kaydırın ve “Sil” tuşuna basın. Bir onaylama kutusu gözükecek. Kalıcı olarak Babbel hesabınızı silmek için e-posta adresinize gönderilen bağlantıya tıklamanız gerekir.

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Baby Names URL


Visit the linked page, select a reason why you’re deleting your account, then click ‘Agreed - Close My Account’.

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BabyCenter URL


If you are protected under the GDPR or CCPA, complete the linked form. Otherwise, you must send an email.

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back4app URL


Delete all apps from your dashboard, then create a Support ticket and ask them to delete your account.

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Backblaze URL


“Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın ve gerekli adımları takip edin. İlk olarak, ödenmemiş B2 bakiyenizin olmaması ve hesabınızdaki dosyaların çoğunu silmeniz gerekir.

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Badlion URL


Open settings, scroll down and enter your username and delete your account.

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Badoo URL


Sağ üst köşedeki “Ayarlar” tuşuna tıklayın, ardından sol taraftaki “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Badoo hesabınızı silmek için bilgilerinizi girin, şifrenizi girin ve diğer kutuya neden ayrılmak istediğinizi belirtin. “Onayla” tuşuna tıklayın, işleminizin başarıyla tamamlandığına dair bir mesaj alacaksınız.

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Baidu URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Balance URL


Send an email to their Privacy address. Within 24 hours, a support representative should respond to your request and ask for confirmation. Once they receive and respond to your request confirmation, your login credentials should no longer work.

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Bambuser URL


Ayarlar sayfanıza gidin ve “Hesabı Devre Dışı bırak” seçeneğini bulun. “Hesabı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın ve hesap silmeyi onaylayın.

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Bandcamp URL


Bir sanatçı hesabını kaldırmak için, “Sanatçılar” kısmından ilgili sanatçının profiline tıklayın ve ardından orada bulunan bağlantıya tıklayın.

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Barnes & Noble URL


Visit the linked page, scroll to the bottom to ‘Data Rights Request’ and click on ‘Submit a Request’. Complete and submit the form.

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Basecamp URL


Veri 30 gün sonra kalıcı olarak silinecek.

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Basicversity URL


There is no option to delete accounts. Furthermore, their Privacy page includes an e-Mail address to redirect any inquiries, but it seems it has been left unattended, as no one answers it since, at least, 2018.

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Basin URL


Sayfanın altına doğru kaydırın ve “Tüm verilerimi tamamen yok edin” tuşuna tıklayın

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Bato.to URL


Go to the linked site and click “Delete account”. Remember that you won’t be able to reuse e-mail associated with this account, and all uploaded chapters and comments will not be deleted.

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Battle.net / Blizzard URL


İsteklerin tamamlanması 30 günü bulabilir ve devlet tarafından verilmiş resimli bir kimlik gönderilmesi gerekebilir.

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Same account also covers BBC iPlayer and BBC Sounds.

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Be Welcome URL


“Profilimi Düzenle” sayfasındaki yan menüde bulunan bir “Profili Sil” seçeneği var. Verilerinizin 24 saat içinde silinmesi için bir seçenek bile seçebilirsiniz.

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You need to contact support on the linked page to request account deletion.

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Bearblog URL


Follow the link and confirm account deletion.

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Beatport URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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beecrowd (for talents) URL


Go to the linked page, and at the bottom, type the word “deactivate” (in lowercase letters and without quotes), and click on “Delete”. This action does not delete everything, though: posts, place in ranks, created tournaments, teams on which you’re a member, and progress in disciplines are only username-anonimized. Furthermore, no anonimization is done to data related to progress in disciplines, as only professors who created them are able to remove students and stop tracking.

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Behance URL


Hesabınızı silmek için, sağ üst köşedeki profil fotoğrafınıza tıklayın, “Hesap Ayarları” kısmını ziyaret edin, ve “Hesabı Sil” sekmesine tıklayın. Orada hesabınızı silmek için bir seçenek olacak.

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Contact the customer support via email and request to delete your account. You can only completely delete your account if you have not performed missions or have not made any money using the BeMyEye app, otherwise they will only deactivate it.

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Benfeitoria URL


Log-in, then go to the page linked above, type “EXCLUIR” then click the button to permanently delete the account.

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BeReal URL


The exact steps vary by device. Account will be deleted after 15 days.

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BerryByte URL


Log into your BerryByte client area and send a ticket asking for account deletion. If you only have a game control panel account, you can submit a ticket without having to login.

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Best Buy URL


Process will be much smoother if you sign in. Alternatively, you can call 888-237-8289.

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Best Buy Canada URL


Fill out the form with the information on your account.

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bet365 URL


Hesabı silmek için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçin. Bunu yapmak için bir bağlantı olmadığından, bunu sohbet yoluyla yapmanız ve hesabı kapatmanızı istemeniz önerilir.

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Betano URL


Access Account ⮕ Profile ⮕ Player Protection and select Self-exclusion option. You can choose remove your account for a derised time, or definitely.

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Bethesda URL


To delete the account, login first on Bethesda.net, then click on the above link and select Bethesda as the product (note that the page takes a while to load), then select ‘Delete Personal Information and Account’ and fill out the form, this will send a prefilled support contact form for account deletion. You may also send an email to privacy@support.zenimax.com

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Betnacional URL


According to privacy policy (item 8), you have to send an e-mail to them requesting the account removal.

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Betterment URL


Hesap yalnızca kapatılabilir, ancak tamamen silinemez.

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BeyondMenu URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Bidoo URL


Web sitesindeki yardım bağlantısına tıklayın ve iletişim formunu doldurun. Bir temsilci, hesabın silinmesini onaylamak için size e-posta gönderecektir.

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Bigstock URL


To delete your account, you must email them and request that your account be deleted.

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Bikemap URL


Login, click settings, click ‘Delete Account’, confirm.

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Bilibili URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Binance URL


First you have to empty your account from all cryptocurrencies, then go to the website linked, scroll down and click on “delete account”, then follow the steps.

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Once you open the url and accept the terms and services your account goes into review. The account is deleted within 1 to 5 business days.

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Bitdefender Central URL


Hesabınızı silmek için, giriş yapın, “Hesabım” sayfasından, “Hesabı Sil” bağlantısına tıklayın, “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve “E-posta Gönder” tuşuna tıklayın. Hesap e-posta adresine bir onaylama e-postası gönderilecek. Size gönderilen e-postada “Hesabı Sil” bağlantısını tıklayın, hesabınıza giriş yapın ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Bitfinex URL


Visit the Account Settings page from the menu in the top right corner of the Bitfinex platform. Deactivate your Bitfinex account by changing your account status. Finally, confirm this via the confirmation email. This process is irreversible and your data will be retained for as long as needed to meet audit and regulatory purposes.

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Bitly URL


“Profil” “Hesabı Sil” kısmına girin ve ardından neden hesabınızı sileceğinizi seçin. Hesabınız silinecek fakat tüm kısaltılmış linkler geçerli kalacak.

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Bitstamp URL


Process described on their FAQ. You will need to enter your password to confirm the operation.

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Bittrex URL


The only way to delete an account is to send a customer support request, select ‘Close account’ and fill the form, you will then receive an email ironically asking you to create a Bittrex support account password so you can follow the status of your request.

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Bitwarden URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Bkool URL


To delete an account, the user must write to the following email address: dpo@bkool.com

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BlackBox URL


You need to contact support to delete your account.

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BlackSpigot URL


As noted on the forum, account removals are not an option.

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Bleep URL


Make sure you’re logged in and go to the linked URL and click “Delete Account”, this will show some text telling you to contact support. Click the “Contact Support” button and click the “Contact Us” button in the pop-up. Fill out the form and ask to delete your account.

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BlendSwap URL


Go to your profile and press the ‘delete account’ button

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Blind URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Blinkee URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Blinkist URL


Sayfanın altındaki “Hesabımı silmek istiyorum” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Blogger URL


Google hesabınızın tamamını silmeden Blogger hesabınızı silemezsiniz. Fakat blogunuzu silebilirsiniz.

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Bloomberg URL


You cannot delete your account by yourself. Apparently, they delete it automatically after a long period of inactivity but nothing in their website talks about it.

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Bloomingdales URL


Only residents of California and Nevada are allowed to make official data removal requests. However, if you contact Customer Service via one of the methods listed, they may submit a 30-day account deletion request for you anyway.

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Blue Apron URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Bluebird by American Express URL


Hesabınızdaki tüm parayı kaldırın. Ardından hesabınızın ayarlarına girin, “Profil” sekmesine tıklayın ve “Hesabı Kapat” tuşuna basın.

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Bluejeans URL


İletişim formunu kullanarak müşteri hizmetlerine başvurun ve hesabınızın silinmesini talep edin.

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Bluesky URL


Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete My Account…”. Then provide the confirmation code sent to your email and your account password. No confirmation is given, but the account is deleted instantly.

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Board Game Arena URL


Giriş yapın, “Hesap Ayarları” yerine girin ve “BGA hesabımı sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Board Games Online URL


Log-in ⮕ My Profile ⮕ Click Profile (Settings Icon) ⮕ Click on Delete Profile. Account will be deleted in about one week.

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BoardGameGeek URL


Giriş yapın ve verilen bağlantıya girerek hesabınızın silinmesini talep edin.

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bobatea URL


Log-in, go to Settings ⮕ Account then at the bottom you can delete your account.

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BodBot URL


“Hesabımı Sil” bağlantısına tıklayın.

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Bodybuilding URL


Yardım sayfalarında belirttikleri şekilde destekle iletişim kurarak sadece hesabınızı devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz. Hesabınızı veya verilerinizi kalıcı olarak silmenin bir yolu yok, ve aktif olmayan herkese açık bir profil her zaman herkese açık olarak görünecektir.

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Boeing URL


Fill out the form at the link provided and click Submit. Make sure to click Confirm Email in the email they send you.

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Bohemia Interactive URL


Submit a support ticket to them at the URL and they will send you an email asking to confirm after which the account will be deleted.

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Boingo Wireless URL


Fill the form or send an e-mail to them from the account you want to delete.

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Bol.com URL


Need to request deletion on a page within the account settings. After a few days you receive a link to confirm deletion. You need to be logged in to the account for the confirmation link to be working. Check after 30 days if the account is really removed, as it doesn’t always work. If you can’t figure it out complain by email, but this process takes even longer.

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Bolt URL


You will need to contact support team via the app or request account deletion by sending an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer.

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Bolt Driver URL


You will need to contact support team via the app or request account deletion by sending an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer.

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Bolt Food URL


You will need to contact support team via the app or request account deletion by sending an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer.

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Bones Coffee Company URL


You will need to contact support team via chat or email to request account deletion.

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BookBub URL


Silmeyi talep etmek için iletişim formunu doldurun.

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Booking URL


There is a button on the site to delete your account, but you will never receive a confirmation email. Instead, you need to email them and request account deletion.

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Booklooker URL


Giriş yaptıktan sonra, verilerinizin silinmesini talep etmek için iletişim formunu kullanmanız gerekir.

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Bookmark OS URL


Send an email and request account deletion.

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Boostcamp URL


Visit the linked page and confirm the deletion.

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Go to your profile page and the “Delete Account” button. If you did not set a password, it will ask you to create one before you can delete your account.

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Boots Viewpoint URL


Have to contact them, email used was claire@bootsviewpoint.co.uk

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BorgBase URL


Remove all your backup repositories, then in the account tab click on profile and on the bottom of the page you’ll find a button to remove your account.

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Borussia Dortmund URL


Go to ‘Account-Einstellungen’ and klick ‘BVB-Account deaktivieren. Then contact them via mail to get all data deleted.

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Bountysource URL


Only possible via e-mail, where they’ll (eventually) delete the account.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Boxcryptor URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Braiins URL


Go to the menu on the top right corner, click ‘Account’, scroll down and click ‘Request Account Deletion’.

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Brain.fm URL


Send an email to their Privacy support address to request account deletion. After a brief exchange with a support representative to confirm your intention, there will be a several-day delay while they process your request, after which your login credentials will stop working.

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Braintrust URL


Go to Settings ⮕ Privacy & Security ⮕ My Account and click on Delete Account Button. You will receive a confirmation email.

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Brandpad URL


You need to cancel your subscription first, as deleting your account does not automatically unpublish or delete the brands connected to your account. Then on Account-Circle on the top right ⮕ Account ⮕ Delete Account.

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Brevo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Brilliant URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Bring! URL


Log in to the account you’d like to delete and click the link on the same device.

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British Airways URL


Yazılı bir istek gönderilmelidir. İletişim detayları için iletişim bağlantısına bakın.

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Broadcom Support URL


You need to send a request to the support

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BrowserStack URL


Scroll down and click on the “Delete Account” button, then enter ‘delete’ into the dialog and confirm.

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Brut URL


Contact the customer support via email and request the deletion of your account.

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Contact the customer support via email and request the deletion of your account.

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Bruun-rasmussen.dk URL


Contact customer support to request account deletion.

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Bubbl.us URL


You need to contact support and request account deletion, but the address listed on the help page is incorrect. You need to send an email to the address listed below.

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Buddy UniCredit URL


From the app, contact the support chat and request to close your account, then follow the procedure.

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Buffer URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Builder.io URL


Either you can write them a support ticket from their built-in application under the question mark or write them a mail.

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Buildspace URL


Email support@buildspace.so requesting to delete your account.

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BuiltByBit URL


Login ⮕ Account Details ⮕ Settings ⮕ Account Removal ⮕ Delete account

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Bukalapak URL


“Hesap” “Yardımı Aç” “Hesap & Kişisel Bilgiler” “Sonraki” “Hesabı Devre Dışı Bırak” “Yardım Formuna Yaz” yolunu takip edin ve ardından neden silmek istediğinizi belirtin. Son olarak “Gönder” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Bukkit URL


Message an administrator (timtower is the most active) and tell them you want your account deleted, and they will tell you it will be done when it’s possible.
So deletion of an account is not an option.

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Bungie.net URL


Send an email or fill out either the “GDPR Request” or “Right to Know or Delete” form.

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Destek ekibi “muhasebe amaçları” yüzünden dolayı hesabınızı silmenizi reddeder

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Buser URL


Click in ‘Perfil’ on the right side top and click on ‘Editar perfil’. At the bottom of the page click on ‘Opções Avançadas’ and click on ‘Deletar minha conta’.

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Busuu URL


Click the ‘Delete my account’ button at the bottom of the page, then confirm you’d like to delete your account

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Buy Me a Coffee URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

E-posta gönder »
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Buycott URL


Hesabınızı iptal etmek için onlara e-posta göndermelisiniz

E-posta gönder »
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Buycraft URL


Buycraft, Tebex’e taşındı, hesap silinmesini talep etmek için müşteri hizmetlerine başvurun

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ByDoor URL


Login, head to your account details, scroll to the bottom and click to deactivate your account. The text states it will remove all of your data, but after confirming on the e-mail, it’s just deactivated and can be reactivated later.

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C&M News by Rеss.at URL


Sadece “Gönder” tuşuna tıklayın

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Support have to be emailed with a request and it may be months before the account is deleted, depending on circumstance.

E-posta gönder »
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Cabify URL


Login and go to Contact us ⮕ My Account, payment method, and invoices ⮕ I want to delete my account. Write a message and it will create a ticket.

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Cacoo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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CafePress URL


Visit the linked page and close your account, then contact customer service and ask to have your personal information deleted.

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CakeReader URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Call of Duty Mobile URL


Must put in a request, via a ticket system, while logged in to the account (to verify the identity of the account owner). You may also need to install and log into the game to get PlayerID/UID/PrivacyID needed for account deletion.

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CamelCamelCamel URL


İlk olarak hesabınıza giriş yapın. “Camel hesabımı kapatmak istiyorum.” ve “Gerçekten Eminim” onay kutularını işaretleyin. Ardından “Hesabı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın.

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CamScanner URL


Either e-mail them requesting deletion or download the app, cancel the premium subscription, go to the bottom menu, account, tap the account name and click “Permanently delete/cancel an account”. This will delete all data you have stored too.

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Canva URL


At the bottom of the page click on the button that says ‘Delete account.’ There will be a 14 day waiting period, after this period, all your account data will be deleted.

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Capcut URL


In the ‘Delete Account’ section of the ‘Account settings’, click the red colored ‘Ok’ button. After 30 Days your account will be deleted.

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Capsule URL


Contact support by email or by phone at 1-888-910-1808 and request that your account be deleted. Your request can be denied if you still have an active service or transaction with them.

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Captain.tv URL


Send a request using the ‘Account Deletion’ type

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Car2Go URL


Müşteri hizmetlerini aramanız gerekir ve buna rağmen hesabınızın silinmesini onaylamadan önce haftalar sürebilir

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Carbonmade URL


Giriş yaptığınızda, hesabı silmek için ilgili bağlantıya tıklayın.

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CareerBuilder.com URL


İlk olarak yüklediğiniz dosyaları kaldırmalısınız

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Carrd.co URL


Just enter password and confirm deletion!

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Cash'em All URL


Go to settings in the profile page, then click “Cancel Membership” and confirm the email. You can also request the deletion via email.

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Cash'em All Web URL


Go to settings in the profile page, then click “Delete account” and confirm the email. You can also request the deletion via email.

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Castbox URL


You must request account deletion by email. Include what method you use to sign in (Google, Twitter or Facebook, etc.) and your email address. If you have their Android app, visit the linked page for instructions on how to delete your account yourself.

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Catappult URL


Go to Manage Users Access section, click Request account deletion.

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Catawiki URL


Go to the profile icon in the top right corner and click “Settings”, scroll down and click “Continue” under “Delete my account”, and “Confirm”. Then confirm the deletion from your email.

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Go to the link and make a request about deleting your account. Account deletion can take up to 30 days.

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CCMA (TV3 i CatRàdio) URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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cda URL


Destek ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir

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CDEK Forward URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Use the delete account button at the bottom of the page

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Destek e-posta formunu kullanarak müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişim kurun ve “Genel Sorular” altında hesabınızın silinmesini talep edin.

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To request account cancellation & remove your personal information, please email them. Note: CEEOL will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with their legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce their agreements.

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Celcoin URL


E-posta göndererek müşteri hizmetlerine başvurun ve hesabınızın silinmesini talep edin. Hesabınızın kimliği doğrulamak için istek gönderirken, vergi kimlik numarası ve tam adınızı dahil edin.

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Cengage URL


Complete the “Privacy Rights Request Form” for the “Right to Delete/Right to be Forgotten”. Otherwise, the account will automatically be deleted after 5 years of inactivity (or 1 year for minors).

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Onlarla iletişim kurmadan hesabınızı silemezsiniz. E-posta gönderirken e-posta konusunu “Hesabı Sil” olarak ayarlayın

E-posta gönder »
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Cfx.re URL


You need to send a support request. The button in your forum profile page leads you to that.

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cgtrader URL


Request account removal by sending an email to them requesting for account deletion. Personal data will be stored for 2 years after your last login

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Challonge URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Change.org URL


Send an email from the address you registered with asking to have your account deleted. You will need to answer to some questions about your account.

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ChangeIP URL


All requests for canceling accounts must be made via email or by opening a support ticket from the client area. It may take up to 7 days to be processed. You must have all account information to cancel.

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changelly URL


“E-posta Ayarları” sayfasındaki “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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character.ai URL


Scroll to the bottom of the settings page on your profile and click ”Remove Account“, then insert your username and choose whether you want to export your data while deleting it or not.

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ChatForma URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Cheap Ass Gamer URL


Lütfen hesabınızdan e-posta gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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Checklist URL


Giriş yapın ve hesabınıza gidin. “Hesabını Kapat” kısmına doğru aşağı kaydırın ve “Hesabı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın. Ekrana gelen pencerede “Evet” tuşuna basarak onaylayın. Hesabınız anında silinecektir.

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Checksub URL


Contact the customer support to delete your account.

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Cheezburger URL


Write them an e-mail with your user name and email address attached to the account, along with the reason why you wish to delete the account.

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Chegg URL


To close your account, contact support with the email listed, call/message (408)-351-0942, or request assistance via their twitter @CheggHelp. For data deletion, click here.

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Chemaxon URL


Go to the linked page and delete your account.

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Chess.com URL


Enter your email, do the CAPTCHA and click “Show my data”. Scroll to the bottom, enter your username, and click “Delete”. Any comments and public posts must be deleted individually before deleting your account.

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Chessable URL


Once you submit your account for deletion, your account (and all data associated with it, including your purchased content) will be scheduled for deletion in compliance with the applicable legislation.

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Chessfactor URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Chesspuzzle.net URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Chewy URL


Login ⮕ Account ⮕ Settings ⮕ Privacy Preferences ⮕ Continue to Delete

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Chick-fil-A URL


Fill out the provided privacy web form, send an email to mailto:privacy@chick-fil-a.com, or call 1-866-232-2040.

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Chocolatey URL


Visit the link, select the section “General” and fill out the form, in which request the deletion of your account.

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Cineplex URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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CircleCI URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘Make a Privacy Request’, and then ‘Delete all my data’. Enter your email address. You will receive an email; In that email, click ‘Log in’, and then ‘Confirm Request’. More info here.

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Cisco URL


Fill in the fields on the form, confirm the request in your email and then wait for their privacy team to respond.

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Classmates URL


Provide a reason by selecting a radio button and select ‘Remove Registration’.

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ClassPass URL


Hesabınızı ayarlardan devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz ancak hesabın kendisini tamamen silemezsiniz.

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Classy URL


Fill out the form and submit the request to delete your account and data. If you need to change the country of residence, click on the ‘Back to Privacy Request Center’ link, change your country of origin, then return to the form and submit. After, you will receive an email to the listed address containing a link that you must click to confirm the email address and finish the process.

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CleverReach URL


Silmeyi talep etmek için müşteri hizmetlerine e-posta gönderin

E-posta gönder »
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ClevGuard URL


Site currently does not allow for accounts to be deleted.

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ClickUp URL


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Delete Account” button.

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Clipchamp URL


Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete your account”.

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Clippings.io URL


Visit the linked page and click “Delete Account”

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Clockify URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Cloud Convert URL


“Kontrol Paneli” “Hesap” “Detaylar” kısmına gidin, kullanıcı adınızı ve şifrenizi doldurun. 72 saat sonra hesap silinecektir.

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CloudApp URL


Visit the linked page. Click your name in the top right corner, then click ‘Settings’. In the left column, select ‘Account Details’ and click the red ‘Remove account’ button.

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Cloudflare URL


You must have no domains, add-ons, payment methods or ongoing investigations attached to your account prior to account deletion.

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CloudMagic URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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CNET Download URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için desteğe başvurmalısınız. “CNET Kaydı” kategorisini seçin

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You have to contact them in order to ask to delete your account.

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Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete Account’

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Cocoleech URL


Go to your profile and press ‘Delete Account’.

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Coda URL


Click “Advanced Settings” on the bottom of the page and the option to delete your account should appear

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Code Red URL


Kendinizi silemezsiniz. Sadece telefon numaranızın yerine sahte bir numara ayarlayabilirsiniz.

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Codeanywhere URL


Giriş yapın, “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve şifrenizi girin.

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Codeberg URL


Log into your account, go to settings ⮕ account and type in your password to delete your account.

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Codecademy URL


Sadece “Anladım, hesabımı sil.” tuşuna tıklayın.

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CodeChef URL


Profili düzenle menünüzden “Gizlilik” sekmesine gidin. Aşağı doğru kaydırın ve “CodeChef ile devam etmek istemiyorum” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Codeforces URL


Hesabınızı henüz silemezsiniz. Bu özellik üstünde çalışılıyor ve yakında mevcut olabilir.

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Codeium URL


Scroll down and press the ‘delete your account’ button.

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CodePen URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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CodeProject URL


Profil fotoğrafınızın altında, “Hesabımı Kapat” kutusunu işaretleyin ve ardından “Ayarlarımı Kaydet” tuşuna tıklayın.

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CoderByte URL


Hesabınızı yalnızca destek ekiplerine e-posta göndererek silebilirsiniz. Belirli etkinlik verileri silinmeyip üçüncü parti servisler ile paylaşılabilir.

E-posta gönder »
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CodersRank URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the “Account settings” page to the “Danger Zone” section and click on “Delete your account”

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Coderwall URL


Giriş yapın ve bağlantıyı ziyaret edin.

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CodeSignal URL


Sign in, visit the provided link and press delete profile

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Codetasty URL


Giriş yapın, bağlantıya tıklayın ve “Hesabı Devre Dışı bırak” tuşuna tıklayın. Bunu yaparsanız hesabınız bir süreliğine devre dışı kalacak ve ardından kalıcı olarak silinecek

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Codewars URL


“Hesap Ayarları” kısmına girin ve alta doğru kaydırarak “Hesabı Sil” kısmını bulun

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Codingame URL


Go to your ‘Settings’ and scroll to the bottom to find the ‘Danger Zone’ section. However, the source code one has published will be kept in the system with a GPLv3 license.

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CoffeeCup URL


You need to contact them via email. They usually reply quickly.

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Cohost URL


Click settings on the left, scroll to the bottom of the page, confirm your email address and password, and wait for 3 days. Accounts can be deleted faster than the default 3 days by emailing Cohost.

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Coin URL


Contact them via ticketing system and ask for account to be deleted

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Coinbase URL


Sign in then visit their website and request the deletion of all of your data. You will then be directed to their account activity page where you must close your account after withdrawing all funds.

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CoinBR/Stratum URL


Müşteri hizmetlerine e-posta yoluyla başvurun ve hesabınızı silmek istediğinizi talep edin. Hesabınızın kimliğini doğrulamak için isteği gönderirken, kayıt olduğunuz aynı e-posta adresiyle gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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CoinGecko URL


You can delete your CoinGecko account directly from the website by clicking the ‘Profile’ icon ⮕ ‘Login’ and ‘Security’. At the ‘Login and Security’ page, please click on ‘Delete my account’ to proceed with account deletion

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CoinMarketCap URL


CoinMarketCap provides a button to automatically request account deletion. The account deletion process is said to take up to 21 days.

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CoinPayments URL


Politikalarına göre, hesaplar asla silinemez.

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CoinSpot URL


Once you have removed all wallet balances, you need to create a ticket.

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Cointree URL


Formu doldurun ve hesabınızı silmek için kendilerinin desteklerini bekleyin.

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Collegeboard URL


You can’t delete your College Board account, but you can close it by calling their customer service at 866-315-6068

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Comment ça marche URL


Mesajlarınız forumlarda kalacak.

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commiss.io URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Commun URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Compiled URL


Enter your user settings and select “Delete Account,” and “Delete” when prompted again. This is irreversible.

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Computeruniverse URL


You need to email them to request deletion of your data.

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Conte.it URL


Conte.it’in sigorta hizmetlerinden hesabınızı silmeyi talep etmek için formu doldurun.

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Cook It URL


Yalnızca otomatik abonelik ücretini kalıcı olarak devre dışı bırakmak mümkündür. Bunu yapmanız durumunda yıldızlarınız 0’a düşecektir.

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Coolors URL


Use the link provided to request account deletion. Enter your password, then you get an e-mail with a code. Enter this code in the next input field. If you created the account with a ‘Social Login’ you need to set a password first.

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Coolshop.dk URL


Account deletion can be requested from within ones account settings. It takes them up to 24 hours to process the request.

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Copyleaks URL


Account ⮕ Security ⮕ Delete Account (On the bottom of the page). If you wish to delete all data, use this page.

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Copyrighted URL


Enter your current password to confirm deletion.

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Corellium URL


Click the Delete Account button.

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Correl.app URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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CoSpaces URL


Go to the linked page and scroll down to the bottom of page. From there, click the ‘Delete’ button next to the ‘Delete account’ section.

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Coub URL


Visit the linked page. From the left column, select your username. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Delete Account”.

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Couchsurfing URL


Go the Account & Settings page. Click Deactivate My Account in the bottom right corner. Enter your email and click Delete. Check your email and click the button to complete deletion.

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Coursera URL


“Hesap Ayarları” sayfasının altında hesabı silme tuşu bulunuyor.

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Covoitéo par Karos URL


To delete your account, go at the bottom of the “Help” category, and click on “Delete my account”.

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Cracker Barrel URL


Visit their Privacy Policy website ⮕ Section E, number 9, PRIVACY PORTAL link ⮕ Click URL ⮕ Fill out form (includes filling out personal info) ⮕ Verify your email ⮕ Wait for a response

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Craigslist URL


Silmeyi talep etmek için e-posta gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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CrashPlan URL


Canlı sohbet oturumu başlatın ve karşınızdaki temsilci hesabınızı silecektir.

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Credit Karma URL


Üyeliğiniz e-posta veya çevrim içi üzerinden iptal edilebilir. Bir kez iptal ettikten sonra, Credit Karma hesap geçmişine artık erişiminiz olmayacak ve 6 ay boyunca yeni hesap açamayacaksınız.

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CreditExpert URL


Üyeliğinizi sadece sigorta içeriyorsa e-posta ile iptal edebilirsiniz. Aksi takdirde, e-posta ile gönderdiğiniz iptal mesajları görmezden gelinecek. Hesabınızı iptal etmek için 0800 561 0083 numarasını aramak zorundasınız. Bu yapabileceğiniz tek yol. Daha fazlası için bağlantıya göz atın.

E-posta gönder »
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Credly URL


On the profile settings page, scroll down and click ‘Delete my Profile’.

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Crevado Portfolios URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Cronometer URL


Login ⮕ More ⮕ Account ⮕ Delete Account

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Crowdcast.io URL


Hesabınızı aylık 10$ karşılığında duraklatabilirsiniz ya da iptal edebilirsiniz.

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Crowdfinder URL


Request requires sending a proof of identity

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Crowdfire URL


İsteğinizden 48 saat sonra silinecektir

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Crowdin URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın. “Ayarlar” menüsüne tıklayın. Ardından sayfanın altında “Hesabı Kaldır” tuşuna tıklayın. Neden hesabınızı silmek istediğinizi belirten seçeneklerden bir tanesini seçin ve ardından “Hesabı Kaldır” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Crowdsorsa URL


As of now there’s not a simple way to delete your account. You have to contact their team, your account will be quickly deleted upon request.

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Crunchyroll URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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CryEngine URL


Go to your dashboard, click ‘Delete your account’ and confirm.

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Crypton.sh URL


Sayfanın altına gidin, “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Şifrenizi girin ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basarak işleminizi onaylayın.

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CryptoPanic URL


Click on ‘Yes, send confirmation email’, and you should receive an email to delete your account.

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CryptoVoucher URL


Just click the close account button in the account settings

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CryptPad URL


Aşağı kaydırın ve kırmızı “Hesabınızı Silin” tuşuna tıklayın. Ardından “Tamam” seçeneğine tıklayın

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Crytek URL


You can delete your account by navigating to the profile settings or e-mailing them

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There is no guaranteed way to delete your account, as the website does not offer a button or a form. The provided email addresses do not work probably due to server misconfigurations. The only potential option is to contact an admin on their Discord, but success is not guaranteed.

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cTrader URL


You need to contact customer support and they will ask for very sensitive information such as your passport number.

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Cubeast URL


Select “Remove Account,” confirm your email, then select “DELETE MY ACCOUNT.”

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CubieCloud URL


Send an email asking to delete your account, providing your private id and other evidence.

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Cultura URL


Send a request to personal data rights service. They will delete your account without contacting you to confirm.

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Curio URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Curriculum URL


There’s no way to delete an account. The maximum that can be done is to hide the curriculum.

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CurseForge URL


Send a support ticket from the email associated with your account and include the following information: your account username; a screenshot of you logged in to account settings / authors dashboard.

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Cursor URL


Follow the link. Expand the “Advanced” section. Click “Delete Account”.

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Curve URL


Curve’u kullanmayı bıraktıktan sonra, 2017 Kara Para Aklama Yönetmeliği uyarınca verilerinizi 5 yıl süreyle saklamakla yükümlü olduklarından hesabınızı hemen silemezler.

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Cutout URL


Go to My Dashboard, then Account Settings to delete your account.

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CV online URL


Request account removal by sending an email to them from the same email address appearing on your CVs.

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CVS Pharmacy URL


They allow account deletions under the CCPA, but only for California residents. However, the way they check your location is simply a ZIP code of your choosing. You can input any California ZIP (ex. 94102) and they will allow you to delete your account. Visit the linked page, and select ‘CA residents: request or delete personal information.’ Enter any California ZIP code, then click ‘Delete my info and account’, and finally ‘Yes, delete my info and account’.

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Cybrary URL


“Hesabınızı Silin” sayfasına girin ardından “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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You have to fill out a form. (BUT IT’S ONLY IN CZECH)

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Send a private message to Rodolphe.

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DagsHub URL


You first need to delete/transfer all your repositories. After that you can visit the linked page and delete your account.

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The Daily Wire URL


Click “Delete Your Data” and enter the verification code the company sends to your account email.

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Dailymotion URL


Şifrenizi girin ve işleminizi onaylamak için “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Dan Murphy's URL


You can delete your account either using the mobile app and accessing ‘Account’ at the bottom right, or by using the live chat in a website browser.

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DansTonChat URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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danwin1210.me URL


You can either disable or remove your account. After removal, username is free to be taken again.

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Darty URL


You need to send an account deletion request.

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Dashlane URL


E-posta adresinizi girip “Neden ayrılıyorsunuz” sorusuna cevap seçmeniz gerekir. Bu adımı onaylamak için e-postanıza gelecek olan güvenlik kodunu forma girmeniz gerekir. Bittikten sonra hesabınız silinecektir.

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data.gouv.fr URL


On your profile page, click on the arrow next to the “Edit” button, in the top right of your screen, then on “Delete my profile”

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DataCamp URL


Sayfanın altında kırmızı “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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DataQuest URL


Click the red ‘delete account’ button

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Day One URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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dbrand URL


Contact customer support to request account deletion.

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Deadspin URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Decathlon India URL


Send them a deletion request from the linked contact form and remember to mention your decathlon.in registered email there. After some hours of submitting the request their support representative will email you asking for your confirmation to have your decathlon account permanently deleted. Alternatively, you can email them.

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Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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DeepSeek URL


Using a PC, go to “My Profile” in the lower-left hand corner, then click “Settings”. A pop-up window appears. Click on the “Profile” tab and then click on the red “Delete” button. If using mobile, tap the burger menu in the upper-left hand corner, then tap your username in the lower-left. After that, tap the last option in red, “Delete account”.

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Deezer URL


Eeğer Google/Facebook hesabı ile kayıt olduysanız, şifre oluştur bağlantısından Deezer şifresi oluşturun ve e-postanıza gelecek olan onay bağlantısına tıklayın. Eğer Deezer şifreniz varsa, “Hesap Ayarları” kısmına girin. Sayfanın altındaki “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Deezer şifrenizi girin ve e-postanıza gelecek olan onaylama bağlantısı ile onaylayın.

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Deliveroo URL


At the bottom of the account page is the option to permanently deactivate your account. It is unclear if your data will be retained after this so you may wish to contact dpo@deliveroo.com to exercise your right to erasure under UK GDPR.

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Delivery Code URL


Hesabım’a girin ve Profili Düzenle menüsüne girin. Ardından “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. E-posta adresinize gelecek olan onay bağlantısını ziyaret etmeniz gerekir.

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Delta Airlines (SkyMiles) URL


Site üzerinden hesabınızı silemezsiniz. Verilen bağlantıdaki formu kullanmanız gerekir. Ardından SkyMiles’i seçip, “SkyMiles Hesabını Güncelle” tuşuna basın ve ardından hesabınızı kapatmanızı talep edin.

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There is no way to delete an account. Inactive accounts are deleted automatically after 15 months.

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Demiplane URL


You must submit a support ticket to request account closure.

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Depop URL


Select ‘I want to delete my account’ in the support request page.

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Depositphotos URL


Diğer departmanda canlı sohbete girin ve hesabınızın iptal edilmesini isteyin veya mevcut değilse iletişim formunu kullanın.

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Deutsche Bahn / DB URL


In the “Manage customer account” section, go to “Personal details” and then select the “Delete account” option at the bottom. Now follow the instructions to delete your customer account.

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Deutsche Post URL


Fill out the form to request erasure.

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“Ayarlar” sayfanıza girin. Sol taraftan “Hesap” seçeneğini seçin. “OAuth İlişkilerini Kaldır” ve e-posta ile “Hesap Silmeyi Talep Et” yöntemlerini uygulayabilirsiniz.

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DeviantArt URL


Tüm verileriniz anında silinir, fakat yorumlarınız kalmaya devam eder. Hesabınız 30 gün içinde tekrar aktifleştirilebilir. 30 günün sonunda, hesaplar yeniden etkinleştirilemez.

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DevITjobs URL


Click on the ‘Log in here’ button. After logging in, go to ‘Account’, then ‘Delete Account’. You will be redirected to write to the support email. Account gets deleted within 48 hours.

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Devpost URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Under ‘Kundenkonto’, click on ‘Konto löschen’.

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diasp.eu (Diaspora) URL


“Hesabımı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın ve şifrenizi girerek onaylayın.

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Dice URL


“Ayarlar” kısmına girin. Sayfanın altında “Hesabı Sil” bölümünü bulun.

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DiceCloud URL


There are no settings on the website to delete your account and the contact form is never answered.

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dict.cc URL


Hesap verileri silinecek; kullanıcı adı ise yeniden kullanımı önlemek için engellenecektir.

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Dictionary.com URL


Account data will be deleted along with all the saved data and words. You fill find the detele button at the bottom of the page.

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Didsoft URL


Create a ticket on the website, or email them.

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Dietollemode.com URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Digg URL


“Ayarlar” “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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Digio URL


There is no delete button and talking to the customer support gets you nowhere, they only understand you want to cancel the bank account or the credit card, but not remove the login information.

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DigitalOcean URL


“Tüm hesap verilerimi sil” onay kutusunu seçin ve “Hesabı Devre Dışı bırak” tuşuna basarak işleminizi onaylayın.

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Diigo URL


Sayfanın altına gidin, “Hesabımı silmek istiyorum” tuşuna tıklayın. Şifrenizi girin ve “Silmeyi Onayla” tuşuna basarak işleminizi onaylayın.

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Directleaks URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Discogs URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Discord URL


Account deletion will not delete your messages, which you must do manually (Automating this process is possible using projects such as Undiscord). If you’re a server owner, you’ll need to either delete the server, or transfer ownership for account deletion to succeed. Account deletion takes 15 days on average (You can restore your account in this time).

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Discourse URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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discovery+ URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Disney URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Disney+ URL


Your Disney+ account is different from your Disney account. Deleting your Disney+ account will not delete your Disney account.

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Displate URL


Click the “Deactivate account” button.

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Disqus URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Disroot URL


Go to the home page, click the user icon then press ‘Delete my Account’, nobody will be able to use the same username after deletion.

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distill.io URL


Click the button to delete the account.

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Divize URL


Click on “Delete” and confirm by clicking on “Yes, Delete it!”.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Complete the captcha and press the button to request account deletion. An email will be sent to you to confirm such action.

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In settings scroll to the bottom, click the delete account button and enter your password. Your account will be deleted in 30 days.

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DNSimple URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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E-mailing them is a deadend even after waiting for several weeks.

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DocHub URL


Log in, under “Account” click “Delete my Account”.

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Docker URL


Log in, under account settings find and use “Deactivate Account”.

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DocMorris URL


Contact customer service using their web contact form and ask them to delete your account.

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Doctolib URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Delete my account’.

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DocuSign URL


Verilen bağlantıdaki destek sayfasındaki yönergeleri izleyin; yönergeler, hesap türüne ve izinlerine göre değişiklik gösterebilir.

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Dollskill URL


Email customer service and they will reply once that is complete.

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DonationAlerts URL


Press “Delete account” under the “Account removal”. Your account will be deleted within a month.

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Doneo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Doodle URL


Doodle hesabınızda sayfanın altındaki “Doodle Hesabını Sil” tuşuna basın.

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DoorDash URL


You will need the phone tied to your account to receive the 2FA code.

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Douban URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Douyin URL


You can log out of your account at ‘Me’⮕’≡’⮕’Settings’⮕’Account and Security’⮕’Cancel Account’. However, your account has to meet the conditions linked.

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“Ayarlar” sayfasından silebilirsiniz

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Dr. Martens URL


Send an email stating that you want them to close your account. Include: full name on account, full billing address and registered email address. Once they confirm deletion it may take 7-10 days to take effect.

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Draft URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Drawabox URL


Send an email from the address associated with the account you’d like to delete.

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Drawpile URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Draxlr URL


Contact customer support to request account deletion. They should respond and will delete any personal information, database credentials and result caches that you have provided along with your account within 4 working days.

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DreamHost URL


Contact customer support using the customer service form or privacy contact email.

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Dreamstime URL


Click on the “Delete account” link towards the bottom of the page and then confirm your action in the opened pop-up. Accounts can be deleted only if you have no activity registered (uploads, downloads, comments,blogs etc).

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Dreamwidth URL


Hesap durumunuzu Silindi olarak ayarlarsanız profiliniz diğer kullanıcılardan anında gizlenir fakat hesabınız 30 gün içinde kaldırılmayacaktır.

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Dribbble URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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DriveThruRPG URL


Submit a request asking for the deletion of your account providing your username

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Drivvo URL


On the app, open the ‘Menu’ ⮕ ‘My Account’ ⮕ tap the three dots on the upper right corner, click ‘Delete Account’ and confirm.

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Drizly URL


Fill out the form and/or email them through their contact page: https://drizly.com/contact-us. They will email you promptly to let you know that your account has been deleted.

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Drone.io URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Dronebase URL


Hesabınızı silip silemeyeceğinizi öğrenmek için desteğe başvurun.

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Drop (Massdrop) URL


Log into your Drop account and submit a Support ticket on drop.com/support. Under Reason for Contacting Support, select Account inquiries.

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Dropbox URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Droplr URL


“Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın, e-posta adresini yazın ve işleminizi onaylamak için “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Dropmark URL


Kişisel hesaplar, hesap sayfasının alt kısmında bulunan “Tehlikeli Bölge” bölümünden silinebilir. Not: Kişisel hesabınızı silmeden önce, hesabınızda bulunan koleksiyonları silmeniz veya sahipliği devretmeniz gerekir.

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Log into your account. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner (bottom right on mobile), then on “Настройки”. Select “Основные”. There click on the blue “удалить свой аккаунт” link at the bottom. Type your deletion reason and press the red “Удалить” button, then the red “Подтвердить” button.

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Dunkindonuts URL


Click Personal Information, Click Delete My Account, Confirm ‘Yes, I want to proceed’, Reason for deleting your account, Choose ‘Other’, Type: I want to delete all of my private information. Then check both boxes if you agree. First box asks: Check here if you would like Dunkin’ Donuts to delete all of the personal information we have collected from you (subject to permitted exceptions). Second box: I understand that by deleting my information, I will no longer be able to use my DD Perks Account and will forfeit any accrued Perks Rewards. Then click Next, Then confirm by clicking ‘Delete My Account’. Then you will get a confirmation page that says: Thank you for your request, this confirms that your account has been deleted! You then get an email that says it can take 48 hours to update.

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Delete all applications, users and other administrators in the Admin Panel according to the support article, then contact support via email.

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Duolicious URL


Log into your account. Go to the “Profile” tab. Scroll down and press “Delete My Account”. Type “delete” then press “Done”.

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Duolingo URL


Scroll down and click “ERASE PERSONAL DATA”. You will receive an e-mail in which you have to click the link after “Delete my data link:”. This confirms the erasure of your personal data and account.

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Duotrope URL


You must submit a support ticket to request account deletion.

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Dwell URL


Hesabı silmek mümkün değildir, fakat iletişim bilgilerinizi silebilir veya sahte bilgilerle değiştirebilirsiniz.

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Dwolla URL


Dwolla hesapları silinemez, sadece devre dışı bırakılabilir. Hesabınızın devre dışı bırakılmasını talep etmek için, e-posta ile desteğe başvurun.

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DWService URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Dynadot URL


Deletion can only be done via email. First, you must make sure the account has no active services from Dynadot (domains, VPS or Email Hosting, SSL certificates, Website Builders, etc.). Active domains must be deleted (this takes up to 30 days), or moved to another account/registrar. Once all services have been removed, send an email to accounts@dynadot.com from your email in which the account is registered under.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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e621 URL


Even though there is a delete option, the site states it will only change your account to a generic name and lock it. Your contributions (submissions, comments, etc) will remain.

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EA Games / Origin / Electronic Arts URL


Silme talebi için müşteri hizmetleriyle iletişime geçin.

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İlk olarak easyeda.com sitesine giriş yapın, verilen bağlantıya tıklayın. Çıkan kutuya ‘DELETE’ yazın ve “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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easyfundraising URL


Click on ‘account’ on the top right, then click ‘Manage your data’. Click ‘Learn more’ under ‘Delete your account and information’ section. You will be prompted to enter your password.

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easyJet URL


Kimlik bilgilerinizi sağlayarak web sitelerindeki Veri Koruma talep formunu doldurmanız gerekir.

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EatStreet URL


Hesabınızı “Hesabım” sayfası altından iptal edebileceğiniz gibi, hesabınızı kalıcı olarak silmek için desteğe başvurup hesabınızı silmek istediğinizi söylemeniz gerekir.

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Müşteri desteği, EBANX hesaplarının silinemeyeceğini söylüyor, çünkü kullanıcı işlemleri (örneğin: ödemeler) ileride onlara göre ‘yasal yükümlülükler ve meşru menfaatler’ için gerekli olabilir.

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eBay URL


Hesap silme işleminden önce birkaç anket sorusu sorulacaktır.

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eBonus URL


Bir iletişim formu gönderdikten sonra, e-posta kullanarak onay isteyeceklerdir. Onaylandıktan sonra hesap silme işlemi 30 gün sürer.

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Economist URL


There are two ways to contact this website, such as calling a phone number that is based on where you reside, or use the live chat.

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Ecwid URL


Click ‘Close Account’ in profile settings and then click ‘Yes’.

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Edabit URL


On the website, click on your avatar, click on Settings, click Account, and hit the ‘Delete Account’ button

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Edizioni Simone URL


Contact support via email and request your account to be deleted.

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Edpuzzle URL


Scroll the bottom of the linked page and click ‘Delete account’. Student accounts can only be deleted by request of a school teacher or administrator, or after 18 months of account inactivity. See their support article for more information: https://support.edpuzzle.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407364156557-How-Do-I-Delete-My-Account-

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Edraw Software URL


You need to contact Edraw Software support through their support center.

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eDreams URL


“Hesabımı silmek istiyorum” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Educaplay URL


You must go to your profile, click on Account Settings and then on Delete Account

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Eduonix URL


Select the “Delete My Account” button. The profile will be deleted effectively within 2-3 days.

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Edvisors/ScholarshipPoints URL


Go to the URL and fill out the form with the information associated with your account. Edvisors will respond with a confirmation email. Click the enclosed link and fill out the next form. Between a few hours and 45 days later, Edvisors should send a confirmation email that your account has been deleted.

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Go to the account deletion page and select Delete Account. If you have logged in through a social media account, you’ll first have to unlink them, reset your password then delete the account.

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Electroneum URL


Contact the customer support using the form or via email and request the deletion of your account.

E-posta gönder »
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Element URL


“Tüm Ayarlar” kısmına girin ve aşağı doğru kaydırın, ardından “Hesabı Devre Dışı bırak” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Elevate URL


Silme talebinde bulunmak için bir e-posta göndermelisiniz. Ardından, destek ekibinden geri bildirim isteyen ve silme işlemini onaylayan bir yanıt alacaksınız. Destek biriminden alacağınız bir sonraki e-posta, hesabınızın silindiğini size bildirecektir.

E-posta gönder »
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Elfster URL


Go to ‘Account Settings’ and scroll to the very bottom to see an option to delete your account.

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Ello URL


Ello’dan alıntı: Ayarlar sayfanıza gidin ve “Hesabı Sil” bağlantısını tıklayın. Hesabınızı sildiğinizde ne siz ne de biz onu kurtaramayız. Ayrıca, kullanıcı adınızın başka bir kişinin kullanması için uygun hale gelebileceğini unutmayın.

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elmah.io URL


Click the Delete Account button to remove your user account.

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Elpais URL


Formu doldurun, size kimlik belgesiyle yanıt vermeniz gereken bir e-posta gönderecekler.

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(Desktop version) Click the “Delete my account” button and follow the simple instructions.

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Elsevier URL


Fill out the form with your Account name, Email and a reason for deletion request.

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Emby URL


To delete your account, you must log into the community (not the app).

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Empik URL


Send an e-mail asking for the deletion.

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Engadget URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Enhancv URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click “Delete account”.

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enjin URL


Scroll down and click on ‘Delete Account’.

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enjoei URL


Scroll down on the configurations of your profile and click on ‘Delete Account’. An e-mail will be sent for you to confirm the deletion by clicking a link.

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Enphase URL


Scroll down on your account page and click on ‘Delete Account’.

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Envato URL


İletişim formunu kullanarak kendilerine hesap silme talebi göndermeniz gerekir.

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Epic Games URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın. “Genel Bilgi” sayfasından, aşağı kaydırın ve “Delete Account” kısmından hesabınızın silinmesini talep edin ve gösterilen adımları uygulayın.

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Epidemic Sound URL


Follow the link to the contact form by follwing the link in “If you still want to delete your account please contact us by clicking here.”. In the contact form choose “My account” from the dropdown.

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Epik URL


Log in to your account. Start a new chat with customer support and request the deletion of your account and personal data. Make sure you have your customer support PIN on hand.

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Epoch Times URL


Send a request to customer support demanding for the deletion of your account.

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eProject.me URL


Silmeyi talep etmek için e-posta gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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eRepublik URL


Hesap kaldırma talebinde bulunmak için yeni Oyun Desteği talebi oluşturun.

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“Hesap Ayarları” sayfasının altında “Hesabı Kaldır” tuşu bulunuyor

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EteSync URL


It will send a Deletion verification email, follow the link there to delete your account.

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eToro URL


Sayfanın altında, “Hesabını Kapat” düğmesini tıklayın, silme nedeninizi seçin ve devam ederek onaylayın.

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ETS Global URL


You need to send a data deletion request to delete your account. You will receive an email to confirm your email address.

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Etsy URL


“Verilerinizin silinmesini talep edin” tuşuna ve ardından “Evet, eminim” seçeneğine tıklayın. İşlemi bitirmek için bağlantı içeren bir e-posta alacaksınız.

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Even URL


Head to the account information page (Profile ⮕ App settings ⮕ Account info) and click on “Delete your Even account & data”.

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Eventbrite URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Eventim URL


Hesap sayfasına girin, “Hesabımı nasıl silebilirim” sorusunu seçin ve ardından “Bu cevap yardımcı olmadı” seçeneğini tıklayın. Bir destek talebi açılacaktır.

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Everand URL


Follow the instructions from this link.

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Everhelper URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Evernote URL


Hesap ayarlarınıza girin, “Hesap Durumu” tuşuna ve ardından “Evernote Hesabınızı Kapatın” tuşuna tıklayın, dikkatli okuyun ve kabul edin.

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Submit form to request deletion, open confirmation link from e-mail.

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Evite URL


Go to the URL, select ‘Delete My Info’ as the request type, and fill out the form with your account information. Open the email they send you and confirm. Wait a few days while they review your request. You should eventually receive email confirmation that your account was deleted, after which your login credentials will no longer work.

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Exclusive Car Registry URL


Click Profile icon ⮕ Show Menu ⮕ Security ⮕ Delete Profile ⮕ Type CONFIRM ⮕ Click Delete account button ⮕ Email Sent ⮕ Click DELETE ACCOUNT button.

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Exercism URL


Giriş yapın ve “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Ve bir sonraki sayfada tekrar tıklayarak silmeyi onaylayın.

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Exophase URL


They delete your account in 72 hours and it also includes the forum account attached, but the posts are kept and not anonymized. You must keep your connected services attached during this time so they can be fully removed by an admin. Your connected services (Playstation, Xbox etc) also cannot be added to a future account without contacting a staff member.

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Expedia URL


Go to Account, Security and Settings, then Delete Account.

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Experian URL


You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.

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Experian UK URL


Head to ‘Your Subscriptions’ and click the ‘Close your Experian Account’ button. This will cancel any subscriptions and closes your account.

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Expo URL


On the settings page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and follow the steps under ‘Delete your account’.

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ExpressVPN URL


You must either go through live support on the support page and specifically request the deletion of your account or write an e-mail from the registered address. Either way you will probably be asked to confirm again by mail.

E-posta gönder »
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EZsniper URL


You have to fill in the contact form with the appropriate details, then in the body request for the deletion of your account and all data attached.

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F95Zone URL


Go to the linked page, confirm your password and click “Delete account”.

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Facebook URL


Hesabınızı kolayca silebilirsiniz, ancak mesajlar dahil bazı veriler, web sitesinin gizlilik politikasında belirtildiği gibi sonsuza kadar kalacaktır.

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Facebook Messenger URL


If you logged in with your Facebook account, you can just delete that account. If you registered using your phone number, go to your account settings and tap on Delete Your Account and Information.

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Faceit URL


Aşağıdaki makaleye göz atın.

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Facile.it URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Fairphone URL


Need to email privacy@fairphone.com and ask for your account to be deleted. Takes around 14 working days for the account to be deleted.

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FamilySearch URL


Go into your account settings and then click “Delete Account” at the bottom of the page.

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Fanatical URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Fandom Wikia URL


“Hesabımı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın. Hesabı devre dışı bırakır ancak kullanıcı verisini tamamen silmez. Kullanıcı katkılarını korur ve kullanıcı adı serbest bırakılmaz.

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FanFiction URL


On the linked page, copy the provided code and send it to support@fanfiction.com using the email you registered with. Staff will respond and delete your account within 24 hours.

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FastWeb URL


Go to the URL and log in with your credentials. Go to ‘My Account’ ⮕ ‘Account’ and select ‘Delete My Account’. Answer ‘Yes’ to the prompt. FastWeb will immediately log you out, and your credentials will no longer work.

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FaucetPay URL


Accounts cannot be deleted by the users, they can only be suspended by writing at Customer Support

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Fauna URL


In the Fauna dashboard, create a new database named ‘delete-request-{today’s date in DDMMYYY}’. Then open a support ticket to request deletion.

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Send an email to them.

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Featurebase URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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You will be asked to upload photo ID after the initial form submission. Alternatively, you can call customer service to have your user ID deleted.

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Fedora URL


Create a new issue and ask for your account to be deleted.

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FeedBin URL


At the bottom of the linked page, click ‘Cancel Account’.

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Feedly URL


Giriş yapın ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Ferox Hosting URL


Hesap silme ile ilgili bir destek talebi oluşturmanız gerekir ve hesabın sahipliğini kanıtlamanız istenir.

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Fever URL


On the app, tap ‘profile’ at the bottom right, then the gear icon at the upper right, scroll to the end and click ‘Delete Account’. State the reason why and confirm. Deletion is immediate

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Fidélité TCL URL


On your profile page, go to “Confidentialité”, then “Supprimer mon compte”.

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Figma URL


Log in, click on your profile picture in the top right of the header, click on ‘Settings’, scroll down to the accout section, click on ‘Delete account’, re-enter your account password, type ‘delete my account’ into the dialog box, and click on ‘Delete account’.

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Filen.io URL


The deletion option is at the bottom of the second tab of the user settings page when logged in.

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Fin.do URL


Request account deletion via the contact form.

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Finanzblick URL


Kullanıcı adınıza tıklayın (sol üst) ve ardından “Profil Ayarları” “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Tüm veriler tamamen silinecektir.

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FinnishPod101.com URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Finviz URL


One must contact customer support via email or contact form to request account deletion.

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Firefox URL


Sayfanın altındaki “Hesabınızı İptal Edin” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Fitbit URL


Kontrol paneli web sitesinde, “Ayarlar” tuşuna tıklayın, ardından aşağı kaydırın ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Asıl silme işlemi için bağlantı içeren bir e-posta alacaksınız.

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FitnessSyncer URL


Login, click profile link, scroll down to delete and confirm.

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Fitocracy URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Fiverr URL


Log-in, go to the link and make the request to deactivate account

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Fixer.io URL


Go to your account page, click ‘delete account’ at the bottom.

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FixMyCar URL


You must contact support.

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Flat URL


Log-in, go to the link and click the Delete my account button

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Flathub URL


Log in to your account, go to the linked page, click “Delete account” and confirm the deletion.

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Flaticon URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the linked page and click ‘Close my account’.

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Flattr URL


Şifrenizi girin ve işleminizi onaylamak için “Kalıcı Olarak Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Fleek URL


Although the delete button exists, you cannot delete your Fleek account because “that feature isn’t live yet”

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Flickr URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Flightradar24 URL


According to their Terms and Conditions, you must email them to delete your account.

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Flip URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Flipboard URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Flixster URL


Hesabınızın silinmesini talep etmek için onlara e-posta gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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Flo Health URL


Contact support using the linked form or by email and request account deletion.

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Floatplane URL


Click the ‘Delete Account’ button and type your password. Your account will be deleted in 2 weeks.

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Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Floor Plan Creator URL


Click the ‘Delete Account’ button and confirm your selection.

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Flowkey URL


You need to send an email requesting to delete your account.

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Fluid UI URL


The easiest way is to log into your account, start the support chat in the bottom right corner and ask for account deletion. You can also contact the support by email.

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Fly.io URL


Go to Account ⮕ Settings ⮕ Delete Account. Some steps need to be completed before deleting the account, e.g. delete apps and remove certificates. Then, just click ‘Delete’.

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On the linked page under Profile select ‘To delete your account, click here’.

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Fnac URL


Send a GDPR rights request to support.

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Foap URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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FogBugz URL


The account retention period depends on the type of account you have.

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Follett URL


Scroll to the bottom and click the correct form or send an email.

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Followlike URL


On “Delete Sites or Account” section, click the red ‘Delete account’.

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Font Awesome URL


Near the bottom of the linked page, click the red ‘Delete Account’ link. Confirm your password, then click ‘Delete Account’ again. If you have Font Awesome Pro, canceling your subscription will also start the process of deleting your account.

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FontStruct URL


On the linked page choose the ‘Delete Everything’ option, confirm your password and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Foodmaxx URL


Contact customer service using the linked form and request account deletion, or call 1-800-692-5710.

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Fooducate URL


Log into your profile, fill out reason (optional), click Delete

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ForeverMissed URL


Use the contact form to ask customer service to delete your account.

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Form.taxi URL


If you are logged in, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the ‘Delete account’ button.

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Formula 1 URL


Request deletion using the e-mail. There will be some back and forth on whether you want just the deletion or right to be forgotten, but it is all completed very quickly

E-posta gönder »
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Forvo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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forward2me URL


You need to contact support to delete your account and personal information.

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Fotka URL


Hesabınızı silmek için en az 3 gün boyunca bir şey paylaşmamak zorundasınız.

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Foursquare URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Foxford (Фоксфорд) URL


You have to email support to delete your account. You must have no active paid courses in order for your account to be deleted.

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Framer URL


You have to email the support to delete the account. They take a few hours to respond.

E-posta gönder »
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France Identité URL


Enter your document number then a deletion code received by e-mail to delete your account.

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Franz URL


Navigate to the bottom of the profile page where you have the option to delete your account.

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Create a ticket to the Billing department and request your account to be deleted.

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FreeBitco.In URL


Bu web sitesi, kullanıcının hesabını silmesine izin veren seçenekler sunmamaktadır.

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FreeCodeCamp URL


“Hesap Ayarları” sayfasına ulaşmanız gerekir; “Tehlikeli Bölge” kısmının altında bulunuyor

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Freecycle URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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It is impossible to delete your FreeDNS account. However, your account automatically gets tagged as “dormant” if you are using the free plan and haven’t logged in for 6 months. When your account is dormant, all of your domains get temporarily suspended until you log back in and activate them again.

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Freejam URL


Visit the Account page, click “Delete account”, type your username and confirm.

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Freelancer URL


Verilen bağlantıdaki “Hesap Ayarları” sayfasından “Hesabımı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın. Kısa bir anket tamamlayın ve “Hesabımı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Freeletics URL


Hesabınızı kapatmayı seçtikten sonra, onaylama bağlantısını içeren bir onaylama e-postası alacaksınız.

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Freenom URL


Bu web sitesi, kullanıcının hesabını silmesine izin veren seçenekler sunmamaktadır.

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Freesound URL


Eğer hesabınızda yüklenmiş sesler varsa hesabı kendi başınıza silemezsiniz. Sitenin kendi söyleriyle: ‘Freesound’da kendi sesleriniz olduğundan olayı, hesabınızı silmek önemsiz bir iş değildir. Bu nedenle, lütfen iletişime geçmenizi rica ederiz. Hesabınızı silmenize yardım edecekler…’. Alternatif olarak, yüklediğiniz tüm sesleri bulup teker teker silebilirsiniz, ardından hesabı silebilirsiniz.

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Freshdesk URL


Yukarıdaki sekmede, “Yönetici” tuşuna ardından “Hesap” ve son olarak sayfanın sağ altında “Hesabımı İptal Et” tuşunu bulun. Hesap aslında silinmeyecek, sadece kapatılacak.

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Freshping URL


Go to https://DOMAIN.freshping.io/settings/account (replace DOMAIN with your Freshping domain), scroll to the bottom of the page and press the “Delete account” button, then “Yes, Proceed” on the pop-up.

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Frontend Mentor URL


Click the ‘Delete Account’ button and type your username.

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Fruux URL


Hesap ayarlarına girip, hesabı sil tuşuna basın

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Function of Beauty URL


You will need to request account deletion throught chat or email.

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Funimation URL


In the Submit a Request form, under “How can we help you?,” choose “Subscription”, then “Cancel or Delete Account”, and enter a brief description of your request in the “Description” field.

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Fur Affinity URL


Click the “Send Account Deletion Confirmation Email” button, which will trigger a mail with a deletion link

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Furbase URL


At the bottom of the account management page, check the “Delete User Account” box and submit

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FutureLearn URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete my account’.

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FXhome URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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You will find a delete account button under ‘My Account’ ⮕ ‘Account details’ click it and accept, you will then receive an email requiring you to confirm the account deletion. Confirm it, then your account will be deleted if you do not login in the next 14 days.

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Gab Social URL


Under “Account Settings” there is an option to delete your account. Enter your password and press “Delete Account”

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Gadu-Gadu URL


Giriş yaptıktan sonra “Profil” “Hesabım” sekmesinden hesabı silme seçeneğini bulacaksınız. Kaldırılan GG hesap numarası, yeni kullanıcılar için mevcut numaralara geri döner.

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Gaijin Entertainment URL


If you want to suspend your account on the Gaijin website, please press the “Delete account” link in your account’s settings, or proceed directly through the “Confirm account deletion” link. After following the instructions from the letter, your account will be suspended.

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Open the App on your phone, navigate to your settings and select “Delete account” at the very bottom of the page.

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galaxy URL


Navigate to the “delete your account” section of the “danger zone” in your account settings and follow the instructions. If you have published any games, you must delete them before you can proceed with account deletion. Games can be deleted within their edit page.

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Galaxy Play URL


Check the “confirm” checkbox and click “Delete account”. Enter PIN code sent to your phone number. Your account will now be locked, logged out on all devices and will be permanently deleted after 14 days

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Game Tracker URL


Scroll down in the account manager and click on close account button. The account will be deleted 30 days after closing it.

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To delete your account, first close it with the provided link, after that you will be able to delete it on the same page.

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Gameforge URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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GameFront URL


Although the site claims to allow account deletion, it was not functional at the time of writing, instead returning a 500 status code (Internal Server Error). They claim that they will refuse to delete accounts through any other means.

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Gamefroot URL


Account deletion requires contacting the developer. The privacy policy references a non-existent deletion link.

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GameGleam URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Gamehag URL


Going to the bottom of the page and clicking on ‘Delete Account’ will only hide it, after deleting an account you can log back in and click recover even after years. E-mail does not work.

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GameJolt URL


They only accept requests from the email address on your account.

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Gamemaker URL


There is no option to delete your gamemaker account without deleting your Opera account.

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GamersGate URL


The account deletion form asks for a lot of information, some of which is already available in the account dashboard.

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Gamesplanet URL


It is recommended to redeem/download any remaining purchases.

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Gamespot URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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GameStop URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Gamma URL


Click the profile icon in the top-right corner, go to Account Settings, select “Delete my account”, check the confirmation box, and click “Yes, delete my account”.

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Garena URL


Hesaplar, destek ekibine bir talep gönderilerek silinebilir.

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Garmin URL


Select the DELETE YOUR DATA option under the DATA MANAGEMENT section. Deletion process will be started and an email is sent upon finishing.

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GasBuddy URL


GasBuddy is unresponsive to account deletion requests, but you can try submitting a support ticket anyway using the linked form. If you’re a California resident, you can submit a request to have your personal information deleted. You may be asked to submit more personal information to verify your identity.

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Gauges URL


Desteğe başvurun ve hesabınızı silmeyi isteyin.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Gdeposylka URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Gearbest URL


Bir destek talebi açmanız gerekecek. İlk alanda, “Hesap Yönetimi” “Gelişmiş Hesap Bilgisi” seçeneğini seçin ve ardından hesabın silinmesini belirtin. 48 saat içinde müşteri desteği, hesabın silinmesini onaylayıp onaylamadığınızı soran mesajınızı geri verecektir. Onlarla e-posta yoluyla da iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

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GeekHunter URL


In the right top menu, click on your profile then on ‘Configurações’. Then click ‘Excluir minha conta’.

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GeeksforGeeks URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Gemini URL


To properly delete an account, go to the linked page, select “Account Management & Verification” in the left panel, and “Data Privacy” under the “I need help with” listbox. When the “What type of data privacy request?” listbox appears, select the appropriate option: CCPA, GDPR, or deletion request (for everyone else). This will send a ticket to their Support team.

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Genesis Cloud URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Geni URL


Siteden kaldırılmasını istediğiniz tüm bilgileri silin. Ardından, “Hesap Ayarları” ve “Hesabı Kapat” seçeneği seçin

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Genius URL


Visit the linked page to submit a ticket. Select ‘Account Deletion/Data Erasure Request’ from the drop down and fill out the form. You will be sent an email that asks you to reply with ‘Confirm Account Deletion’ to process your request. You also won’t be notified when your account is deleted.

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Gentoo Forums URL


Send an email to forum-mods@gentoo.org requesting account deletion. However, all your forum posts and comments will still be shown, and your account will only be anonymized as detailed here.

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Genymotion Cloud (SaaS) URL


First, log in to your account and go to the Administration Panel, cancel your plan and remove all credit cards. After doing that, you can submit a support ticket requesting the account deletion.

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Genymotion Desktop URL


Log in, and on the “Account Info” tab, scroll to the bottom and click “Delete account”. There should then be a confirmation box, where you can delete your account.

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Geocaching URL


Click “Delete your account” at the bottom of the page, then click “Yes, delete my account”.

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GeoGebra URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the linked page and click the button to delete your account.

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GeoGuessr URL


Just click delete account at the bottom of the page and confirm account deletion.

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Geotastic URL


Click “delete account” on the linked page.

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GermanTechJobs URL


Click on the ‘Log in’ button. Then, go to ‘Account’ and ‘Delete Account’. You will be redirected to write to the support email. Account gets deleted within 48 hours.

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get.tech URL


Contact the following email from the registered email to remove your account.

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GetContact URL


You need to login on the website via WhatsApp, Telegram or SMS and then proceed to deletion.

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GetCreditScore URL


Tercihler sayfasında “Hesabımı Sil” seçeneğini seçin ve “Gönder” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Gettr URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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You need to email them for them to erase your account.

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Onlarla iletişim kurmadan hesabınızı silemezsiniz. E-posta gönderirken e-posta konusunu “Hesabı Sil” olarak ayarlayın

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Giant Bomb URL


Müşteri desteğine iletişime geçerek hesabınızı silebilirsiniz.

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Giphy URL


Click the “Delete Your Account” button at the bottom of the page.

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GitBook URL


Scroll to the bottom of your account settings and click “Delete Account”

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GitHub URL


Sayfanın altındaki “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve yönergeleri takip edin. Bazı kullanıcı içerikleri web sitesinde anonim olarak bulunmaya devam edecek.

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GitKraken URL


Gerektiği şekilde “Hesabımı Sil” doğrulama mesajını yazın ve silme işlemini onaylayın.

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GitLab URL


Sayfanın altındaki “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Bazı kullanıcı içerikleri web sitesinde anonim olarak bulunmaya devam edecek.

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GitPod URL


Click on ‘Delete account’ near the bottom of the page.

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Gizmodo URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Glassdoor URL


Fill out the form on the linked page. Under the field “What is your personal data request?”, select “Delete my personal data”. You will be asked to verify your email and then your account will be deleted within 30 days.

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Glide (UK) URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Glitch URL


İlk olarak giriş yapın, bağlantıya girip aşağı kaydırın ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Glorious Forums URL


Select your account in the top right, select the bottom-most yellow button (contact icon), and select “Delete My Account”. Confirm your selection, and it is done.

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Glovo URL


It is also possible to file an account deletion request via the “Contact Us” section at the bottom of the page.

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Glyph / Trion Worlds / Gamigo URL


Hesabınızı silmek için oturum açmanız, “Security and Privacy” menüsüne gitmeniz ve “Delete my account” butonuna basmanız ve size e-posta ile gönderilen bir kodu girmeniz gerekir.

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Gmail URL


Gmail’in yanındaki çöp kutusunu tıklayın, yeni e-posta adresinizi girin ve doğrulama e-postasını onaylayın

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Verilen bağlantıdaki adımları uygulayarak hesabınızı silebilirsiniz.

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Open a live chat ⮕ Ask for agent ⮕ Request account deletion. Put a random phone number if you need to. It will take 7-10 days for it to be processed.

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In the section Account removal, you need to accept the option delete your account, and input your password.

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Gocatch URL


Either submit a request via the Gocatch support site or send an email to them and ask for your account to be permanently deleted (specify that you do not want it to be able to be reactivated at a later date). Although the information on the support page only mentions account ‘deactivation’, the company appears to honour requests for deletion.

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GoDaddy URL


Hesap seçeneklerine ilerleyin, “Hesabı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın ve onaylayın.

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GoFundMe URL


İlk olarak giriş yapın, bağlantıya girip aşağı kaydırın ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Log in first, go to the url, press DELETE ACCOUNT and an e-mail will be sent. After confirming your account will be permanently deleted after 14 days.

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Goggles4u URL


Email steve@goggles4u.com and ask to have your account deleted.

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Gogo URL


Select “Delete My Data” on the form for the request type.

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Silmeyi talep etmek için müşteri hizmetlerine e-posta gönderin.

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GoldenLine URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Golf GameBook Scorecard & GPS URL


You can delete profile from account settings in the app.

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Good Food URL


It is impossible to close your account. You can contact the customer service just for them to suspend your account (and payments).

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Good Noows URL


Üst çubukta, “Adınız” öğesini ve ardından pencerenin altındaki “Hesabı Sil” düğmesini tıklayın.

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Goodlord URL


You must send an e-mail to the privacy team.

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Goodreads URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Google URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Google One URL


Click the trash can next to Google One and confirm the verification email. You can request a copy of your data, before you delete it. If you want to delete your entire google account, use the instructions for Google.

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Google Pay URL


Click the trash can next to Google Pay and confirm the verification email. You can request a copy of your data, before you delete it. If you want to delete your entire google account, use the instructions for Google.

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GoPetition URL


Kapatmak için bir neden ve şifrenizi girin ve sil tuşuna tıklayın, ancak bu daha çok bir devre dışı bırakma gibidir çünkü silmeyi geri almak için onlarla iletişime geçebilirsiniz

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Gorila URL


Login, go to your account configuration and click delete account

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GoSquared URL


Kapatmak için bir neden seçin ve sadece 2 tıklama sürecek.

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Gov.br URL


According to the help page, you can delete your account by contacting gov.br’s help desk.

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gPodder URL


Hesaba gidin, sayfanın altındaki “Hesabı Sil” öğesini seçin ve “Hesabı Sil” etiketli kırmızı düğmeyi tıklayın.

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Grab URL


Ekranın kenarından soldan sağa kaydırın, profil resmine dokunun, hesabı sil tuşunu görene kadar aşağı kaydırın.

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Gradcracker URL


Visit the linked page, scroll to the bottom of the page, click “Delete my account” and confirm.

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Gradescope URL


Send an account deletion request to the provided email. The process will take several days since they need to contact the school/organization linked to your account to request deletion.

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Graduate-Jobs.com URL


Click your name on the top right, click “Settings”, scroll down and then click “Delete Account”. You will be prompted to enter your password.

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Grailed URL


Silmeyi talep etmek için e-posta gönderin.

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Grammarly URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Gravatar URL


WordPress hesabınızın tamamını silmeden Gravatar hesabınızı silemezsiniz.

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GreasyFork URL


Use the link provided to request account deletion. An e-mail will be sent to confirm it and then you’re done.

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Green Man Gaming URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Greip URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Grindr URL


Web formları aracılığıyla, istenen tüm hesap ayrıntılarını içeren bir hesap silme isteği gönderin.

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GroupMe URL


GroupMe profil sayfasına gidin, ve ardından “GroupMe Hesabını Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Eğer herhangi bir grubun sahibi iseniz, ilk önce onları başka birisine transfer etmeniz gerekir.

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Groupon (USA) URL


Select “Delete all my data” and verify your identity.

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Groupon (Worldwide) URL


Select “Delete all my data” and verify your identity.

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GrubHub URL


Click the link to submit a request under “Delete your personal information”

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Gryphline URL


Verify email and then wait for 14 days.

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GTmetrix URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın ve “Hesap Silmeyi Talep Et” tuşuna tıklayın ya da verilen bağlantıya girin, soruları cevapladıktan sonra “Devam Et” tuşuna tıklayın, şifrenizi yazıp “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basarak onaylayın.

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The Guardian URL


Scroll to the bottom of the linked page, enter your password and confirm by clicking the “Delete your account” button. Deleting your account does not cancel subscriptions, see further information in the linked page.

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Guild Wars URL


Bir destek talebi oluşturmanız ve onlardan hesabınızı silmelerini istemeniz gerekir. Hesabınız silinmeden önce, neden silinmesini istediğinizi yanıtlamanız gerekir.

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Guilded URL


In account settings under Overview select ‘Edit account’, then ‘Delete account’, confirm your password and choose a deletion reason.

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Guildtag URL


Navigate to your profile editor and click ‘Delete Account’. If you want your posts deleted, you must remove them invidivially beforehand.

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Gule Sider (Norwegian Yellow Pages) URL


In order to change your information on Gule Sider you’ll have to find your profile by searching it in the search box from the link above, and sign in using BankID. You will be able to edit your information. You can’t fully remove yourself (remove your name), but you can remove your address and phone number. Some people don’t have BankID, for example minors. If you are a minor without BankID, try asking your parents for help. If you’re an adult/teen without BankID you’re probably screwed. Their help page about changing your details seems to be out of date.

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Gumroad URL


Hesabınızı silmek için “Ayarlar” sayfasının altında bir bağlantı vardır.

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Gumtree URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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gutefrage URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Gyazo URL


Sayfanın altına doğru kaydırın ve kırmızı “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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Habbo URL


İlgili sitede oturum açın ve hesabınızı silmek için bir istek gönderin.

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Habitica URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, sağ üst köşedeki “Kullanıcı Simgesi” öğesine tıklayın, açılır menüden “Ayarlar” tuşuna tıklayın ve sayfanın altındaki kırmızı “Hesabı Sil” düğmesini tıklayın.

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Hack The Box URL


On the page, click ‘Delete Account’.

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Hack This Site URL



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Hackaday.io URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, “Hesabımı Düzenle” kısmına girin. “Hesabınızı Silin” tuşuna tıklayın. Şifrenizi girdikten sonra “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Hacker News URL


You can remove your account’s data, including your email, but removal of your posts should be negotiated with the staff, as it may harm the project.

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Hacker One URL


Deleting your account requires you to first create an account on their support platform, you can then request account deletion by creating a ticket.

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Hackerearth URL


Scrolling all the way down to select the option “Delete my account”, under “Account Settings”, a pop-up window appears, indicating the real procedure: Click on the question mark (?) icon at the bottom right corner of the page, then click on “Raise a ticket” in the chat window that appears. When the chatbot asks for the account e-Mail address, reply with it, and finally, when the chatbot asks for details, reply with: “I would like to have my account deleted.”. Their support team will reach out via e-Mail in at most 48 hours.

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Hackerrank URL


Siteye göre profil ayarları bağlantısına gitmelisiniz ve hesabı silmeye yarayan “Hesabı Sil” adlı bir düğme olacaktır.

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Happy Scribe URL


“Ayarlar” “Hesabı Sil” “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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Hark Audio URL


Email hello@harkaudio.com and ask to have your account deleted

E-posta gönder »
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Harney & Sons Fine Teas URL


Contact them through email or phone and ask for account to be deleted

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Harvard Business Publishing Education URL


Login to your account and navigate to “General Data Protection Regulation” on the Privacy Policy page. A form will appear to submit a request to delete your data.

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It is also possible to file an account deletion request in the iOS app (account settings ⮕ subscription)

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hCaptcha URL


You must send an email to delete your account.

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HeadHunter URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Headliner URL


E-posta göndermelisiniz.

E-posta gönder »
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HeadshotGenerator URL


You have to send an email.

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Headspace URL


“Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve gelen talimatları takip edin.

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HelloFax URL


“Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve gelen talimatları takip edin.

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HelloFresh URL


You need to fill out the form, then confirm your email. Once done, a request will be made. Don’t get distracted by the confetti.

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HelloWallet URL


Giriş yapın, ayarlara girin ve “Üyeliğimi İptal Et” tuşuna tıklayın ve onaylayın.

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HelpScout URL


Giriş yapın, “Hesap” yerine girin ve “Hesabı İptal Et” tuşuna tıklayın

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Hemingway Editor URL


Since there is no button, you must contact them through E-Mail. Thankfully, the wait time for their response is brief; however, this may differ from one to another.

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Hepsiburada URL


Hesabınızı kapatmak için destek talebi oluşturmanız gerekiyor.

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Heroes and Generals URL


You need to fill the form and submit it. There is a 30 days period in which you can reverse your decision. After that your account will be deleted.

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Heroku URL


Sayfanın altındaki “Hesabını Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Account deletion button can be found at the bottom of the profile edit page.

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Hetzner URL


Enter Hetzner account managment, find user deletion seciton and click Delete User Account.

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Hi-Rez Studios URL


Go to the link provided, make sure the email address is verified and on the Security Tab click “CLICK HERE TO REQUEST AN ACCOUNT DELETION OR MAKE AN ACCOUNT DATA REQUEST” and follow the steps on the screen.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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hide.me URL


Click “Account settings” and then the red button “Delete my account” at the bottom of the page.

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HigherMe URL


Select “Delete Account,” confirm your email, then select “Yes, delete account.” You have 30 days to recover the account.

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HiNative URL


Click “Settings”, then “My Account”, then “Delete my account”, and finally click the red “Delete my account” button.

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Histats URL


Click the red ‘Delete Account’.

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İletişim formunu kullanarak müşteri desteği ile iletişime geçin ve hesabınızın silinmesini talep edin. Destek ekibinden bir yanıt aldıktan sonra, bu e-postayı yanıtlayarak silme işlemini onaylayın. Not: Bu işlemi yapmadan önce bakiyeniz boş olmalıdır.

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HitFilm URL


Must email them in order to get personal data deleted.

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Email their support with the associated E-mail address to delete your account.

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Hive Social URL


Email their support with username and associated Email address to delete your account.

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HOL Virtual Hogwarts URL


Bilgileri kaldırabilir ve HOL’den manuel olarak çıkabilirsiniz, ancak hesabınız sonsuza kadar kalır.

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Holiday Pirates URL


“Delete” button at the bottom of the page.

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Holopin URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Honey URL


Visit the linked and page, click “DeleteAccount” and confirm. For more details see this help article.

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Honeypot.io URL


Go to the profile page, click the cog icon, click ‘delete your account’ and then ‘yes delete’

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Hooked (Deals) URL


Hooked’s privacy policy contains no provisions for deleting personal information once that information has been given, unless that information is inaccurate or the user is less than eighteen years of age. Falsely representing your age to get an account deleted is not recommended. The best that you can do is to forget your login credentials. If you re-used your account password elsewhere, be sure to change your password on those sites. (Changing your Hooked account password is also impossible.)

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Hoop URL


Navigate to ‘Account’ ⮕ ‘gear icon’ ⮕ ‘delete account’ ⮕ ‘delete’. This will remove some of your account data, but not all. There is no way to remove all data, despite their privacy policy claiming it is.

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Hostelsclub URL


Her bilgiyi hesabınızdan kaldırabilir veya bir sosyal ağ kullanarak kaydolduysanız bağlantısını kesebilirsiniz.

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Hostinger URL


Click on ‘Delete account’ at the bottom of the page, click on continue and then confirm you’d like to delete your account.

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Hot or Not URL


Hesabınızda oturum açın, ayarlarınızdaki “Hesap” seçeneklerine ve “Profilinizi silin” seçeneğine gidin. Ayrıca aşağıdaki makaleye bakın.

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Hotels.com URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Hotspot Shield URL


If you’re a paid user, you can contact support. If you’re a free user, it’s only possible if you have regulations that require deletion.

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Hotstar URL


Select account related, then delete my account and write your issue.

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Houzz URL


Your Houzz ⮕ Edit Profile and Settings ⮕ Advanced Settings ⮕ Deactivate Houzz Account (at the bottom of the page)

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Hover URL


First Cancel your service with Hover.com. Then proceeed to contact Customer support to submit a request for account deletion.

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HowLongToBeat URL


Go to ‘My Account’ ⮕ ‘Options’, click ‘Delete Profile & Data’ and confirm.

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HoYoverse URL


Log in to your HoYoverse account, navigate to the ‘Requesting Account Deletion’ button at the bottom of the page, then follow the steps given. Afterwards, your account will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

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Dil seçin ⮕ Gönderimi doldurun ⮕ Gönderin

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Delete Account ⮕ proceed ⮕ confirm ⮕ enter password and click ok.

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Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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On mobile, go to Settings ⮕ HUAWEI ID ⮕ Account Security ⮕ More ⮕ Security Center ⮕ Delete account. On the desktop, id.cloud.huawei.com ⮕ Account Security ⮕ Security Center ⮕ Delete account.

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Huddle URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Huggingface URL


Log in to your account, visit your account settings, scroll to the bottom and click “Delete my account”, and confirm.

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Hulu URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Human Benchmark URL


Click “Confirm delete account”.

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Humata URL


Go to your account settings, scroll down to the end and click the ‘Delete account’ button.

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Humble Bundle URL


The easiest method is to submit a Data Subject Access Request at their DSAR Privacy Portal to request account deletion. Alternatively, you can also submit a support request for account deletion. In the linked page under “What can we help you with?” select “Humble Bundle Account” ⮕ “Delete Account”, fill in your email, enter “Account deletion” as subject, add your honest reason for account deletion in the message, and submit. Someone from support should contact you and guide you further.

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Hunter URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Hype URL


First of all, you must meet the requirements written in the linked page. From the app, click on the profile icon, then go to settings, click on the button to close the account and follow the instructions.

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Hype Machine URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Hypixel Forums URL


Complete the form on the linked page. They require some PII such as name, address, and a government-issued ID.

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IBM Watson Media URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Contact your relevant help desk, and an email should be sent back with confirmation of deletion. You need to contact ibmidsupportuk@ibm.com, if you live in one if the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland or UK. Else you should contact ibmidsupport@ibm.com.

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Ibotta URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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On the account settings, click ‘delete my data’.

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iCasei URL


Open a support ticket requesting deletion. It will take a few days and they might only disable your account, try logging in and if it recognizes your mail, reply asking for full deletion.

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Icedrive URL


Visit the linked page. Select the ‘Privacy’ tab, scroll down, click “Delete Account, Files, and Data” then confirm your password.

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Iceland URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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iClicker URL


Send an email to the provided address and request deletion of your iClicker account. You may need to request deletion through the school/organization that is linked to your account in order for them to begin processing the deletion request.

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Icontem URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Ideone URL


The only way to delete the account is by emailing the Operator, as per section 3.12 of their TOS.

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iFixit URL


Visit the linked page and complete the form. In addition to a confirmation email, you may be required to submit further proof of identity.

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Visit the linked page and follow the instructions. For good measure you might want to disconnect your services.

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Just go to your privacy settings and press Delete Account.

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iHeart URL


You must use the mobile app to delete your account without contacting support.

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Visit the linked page (or go to the Login & Security section in ‘Manage Account’) and click ‘Delete Account’, then enter your password.

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illa / ILLA Cloud URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Fill out the form, selecting the topic “Privacy”, in which request the deletion of your account.

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Fill out the form, selecting the topic “Privacy”, in which request the deletion of your account.

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ImageShack URL


Visit the linked page and click the ‘Delete Account’ button.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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There is no visible option to delete an account in the user’s settings, but if you use the linked page, you just need to provide your password, and your account will be deleted.

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Imgur URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Immersive Translate URL


Click the ‘Delete Account’ link and follow the instructions sent to your email, wait 15 days after that

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ImmiAccount (Australian Home Affairs) URL


Click the ‘Delete my ImmiAccount’ link and follow the instructions sent to your email.

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Immomio URL


Login, go to your account settings and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Immowelt URL


Login, go to your account settings and click on ‘Delete Account’ at the bottom.

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imo.im URL


Giriş yapmalı, “Hesap Ayarları” kısmına gitmeli ve ardından sol alttaki “Hesabı Sil” bağlantısını tıklamalısınız.

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impots.gouv.fr URL


Your account depends on your fiscal number, you cannot delete it.

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Incogni URL


Must email Customer Support to delete account. No official help documentation exists for account deletion.

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Indeed URL


Giriş yapın, “Hesap Ayarları” yerine girin ve “Hesabımı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayın.

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IndieGala URL


Log into their Discord server and go to the “customer-support” channel. Type a message requesting account deletion. After a while a new ticket channel will be created (only you and the administrators can see it). You will be asked for your email and once you provide it they will delete your account

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Indiegogo URL


“Ayarlarım” kısmına girin ve aşağı doğru kaydırın, ardından “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Infinite Story URL


Click “Delete Infinite Story Account” at the bottom of the page.

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Infinity Free URL


Visit the URL. Click on ‘Edit Profile’. Scroll down to ‘Delete Profile’ section, enter current password then click ‘Delete Profile’. Note that it can take up to 30 days for all data to be fully removed.

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InfoCasas URL


Müşteri desteği ile e-posta yoluyla iletişime geçin ve hesabınızın silinmesini isteyin. Hesabınızı tanımlamaları için, hesabınızı oluştururken kullandığınız e-posta adresiyle istekte bulunun.

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InfoJobs URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Ingress URL


“İletişim” tuşuna tıklayarak, destek makalesinde bağlantısı verilen formu doldurmanız gerekir. E-posta adresinizi, temsilci adınızı, oynadığınız cihazı yazın ve formu gönderin.

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Inkbunny URL


There is a checkbox to be ticked and you need to enter your current password for confirmation. Deletion has a grace period of 2 days.

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InnoGames URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Inoreader URL


Tercihler sayfasında “Sıfırla ya da İptal Et” seçeneğini seçin ve “Hesabı İptal Et” tuşuna tıklayın.

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insights URL


Delete all of your teams, click on Delete Account and type ‘DELETE’

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Instacart URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Instagram URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Instapaper URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Instructables URL


Click your profile icon in the top right, click settings, and click ‘Delete’ under ‘Delete Your Account’. You will be prompted for your password again before deleting.

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Intel URL


Navigate to your profile settings, click the pencil icon on the top right corner and then “Request personal data deletion”. The account will be immediately deleted and you’ll get a e-mai confirming the action.

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Intelius People Finder URL


While Intellius will not delete your account login, you can request to have your records removed. Send an email to Intelius support to request deletion. A support representative will eventually respond with instructions on how to delete your account. Follow these directions CAREFULLY, as they describe a process that is VERY similar to a Public Records Opt Out, which does not necessarily involve data deletion. Note: The request process may include selecting your public records from a list. If your records do not appear, scroll to the bottom of the list and click the link to “continue with your CCPA request”. Click the link in the resulting email confirmation. Within 24 hours, your records should no longer appear on Intelius, barring extenuating circumstances. To permanently close your account, the best option is to change and forget your login credentials.

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Intelligence X URL


Click “Delete Account” button and check the “I want to permanently delete my Intelligence X account.” box

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Interactive Brokers URL


In order to delete your account, you have to fill out the PDF linked and send it to the email linked below.

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Intercity URL


After signing in go to “My data”, scroll down, click “To remove account click here”, and provide password. If you bought any ticket on this account, it will be deleted 15 months after the last purchase (account will be locked, and you won’t have any option to buy tickets), otherwise it will be deleted immediately.

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Internet Archive / Open Library URL


Click on your screen name in the top right-hand corner. Click on Account setting, enter your password to unlock modifying settings, click “Delete Account”. Your library pages will remain unless you remove them manually before deleting your account. Alternatively, you can send them an email to remove pages from their side.

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Internetometer URL


Site, kullanıcı hesabı yönetimi arayüzü veya hesap silme seçenekleri sağlamıyor. Gönderilen e-posta hiçbir zaman yanıtlanmadı.

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Interrail URL


Send an email to the email linked below and ask to delete your Interrail account. You will get an automatic reply as a confirmation that they’re processing your request to remove your personal data. If there are legal grounds preventing them from (immediately) processing your request they will send you an email.

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Intigriti URL


You must send an email requesting account deletion and confirm it in a second email.

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Into Real Pages URL


There is no delete button nor do they ever reply by e-mail.

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Invajo URL


Create a ticket on the website, email them, or call them at: +46 (0) 46-270 60 60.

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The Inventory URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Inventory Shield URL


Log in, open the menu, click “Account Settings”, scroll to the “Delete Your Account” form, enter your password and click “Confirm Deletion”.

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Investopedia URL


You must send an email requesting the account deletion.

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InVideo URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Invidious URL


Login through your instance, go to your preferences and click ‘Delete account’ at the bottom of the page.

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Invision URL


Kaydolduğunuz e-posta adresini belirterek destek formu aracılığıyla talep etmeniz gerekir. Silinen tüm dosyalar geri kurtarılamaz.

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IO Interactive URL


Go to the deletion URL, ‘login’ ⮕ ‘account settings’ ⮕ ‘delete account’.

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Sends a verification email with a confirmation button before submitting the deletion request.

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ipinfo.io URL


Send them an email asking to delete your account.

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IranTalent URL


Send an email to their support address to request account deletion. it might take a few days.

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On the linked page, click ‘Delete your account’.

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Issuu URL


Hesabınızı kapatmak, profilinizi ve tüm yayınlarınızı siler. Geri dönüş yok, bu yüzden sizi uyarmadığımızı söyleme.

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iStudiez URL


Destek ekibine başvurup, hesabınızı silmek istediğinizi söyleyin.

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itch.io URL


Go to the linked page and confirm account deletion.

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Use the delete account option at the bottom of the page.

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iubenda URL


“Hesap & Faturalandırma” bilgilerini ve ardından “Genel” bilgi altında “Hesabınızı Silin” öğesini tıklayın.

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iversity URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Go to account settings and click on “Delete Account”

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Jalopnik URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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JavaRush URL


Log in. Press the url. Scroll down and see button ‘You can delete your account and your personal data’

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Submit a request to their support asking for account deletion. Select ‘My JB Account’ as your request type and ‘Account Issues’ as your account enquiry type.

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JDate.com URL


“Üyelik Yönetimi” altında “Profilimi Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Anketi doldurun ve göndererek profilinizi silin.

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Edit ⮕ Cancel account, then click the link sent to your email.

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JetBrains URL


License keys will not be deleted.

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JetBrains Academy (Hyperskill) URL


Visit the link to delete your account and enter your password. Note that it won’t automatically cancel your subscription.

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JetBrains Space URL


Submit a request to delete your Space instance. Provide your email and the domain name to delete (should be your username). Then choose anything in “Request Type” and the “Cloud” option in “Installation Type”. An update email will be sent (in a few hours) that confirms the termination.

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Jezebel URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Jimdo URL


Ücretsiz hesabınızı anında silebilirsiniz. Ücretli sürüm, önce aboneliğinizi iptal etmenizi gerektirir.

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Jobindex.dk URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Jobscan URL


Contact customer support to request account deletion. They should respond and delete your account within 30 days, after which your login credentials will no longer work.

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Jobstreet URL


Log in. Go to your account setting on top bar. Select ‘Delete my Account’ on secondary bar. You need to pull out all of your applications before continuing.

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Joinrs URL


Click on your name at the top right, then “Settings”, “Delete account” and confirm.

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Jolla Account URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Joom URL


Login to your account, scroll down to the bottom of the privacy policy and click “delete account”. Confirm the deletion dialog. OPTIONAL: Enter an email address to be notified of when deletion completes.

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Jottacloud URL


Giriş yapın. Şifrenizi girin. “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Journal du geek URL


Log in. Go to your profile, scroll down and click ‘Supprimer mon profil’

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Journey URL


“Profil Ayarları” seçeneğine girerseniz, hesabı “Devre dışı bırak” seçeneği vardır, ancak “Google Drive” verilerini silseniz bile her zaman yeniden etkinleştirmek için bir seçenek bulunuyor

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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JSFiddle URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘Remove account’.

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Jstris URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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juejin URL


Must download the app or contact customer support to delete account

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Just Giving URL


Must contact customer support to delete account

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Kaggle URL


Go to the page linked, verify you are a human, then click on the ‘Delete account’ button.

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Kahoot URL


Follow the link, select reason for deleting, and click ‘Delete Account’. Kahoots set to public won’t be deleted along with your account. If you’d like to delete them, you’ll need to do it manually.

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Kakao URL


Click the ‘Settings’ button on the KakaoTalk app, enter ‘General Settings’, ‘Privacy’, and ‘Manage My Personal Info’ in the drop-down menu, and click the ‘Unregister Form KakaoTalk’ menu to delete account. Note: If you don’t use other Kakao linked services, you will immediately switch to delete your Kakao account. If you were using some services, delete all of them, and then click the provided link to delete your Kakao account.

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Kaleido (remove.bg, unscreen, designify) URL


Go to your profile, at the bottom there will be a ‘click here’ to delete account. Retype your password and after 14 days the account gets deleted.

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KanbanFlow URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Kanji Koohii URL


Go to “Account Settings”, then “Edit Account”, and click “Yes, I want to delete my account ( step 1 of 2 )”. Then fill out the form in which you have to give your email, type ‘delete my account’, confirm your password, and finally click “Delete this account”

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Kaspersky URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın. Kullanıcı adınızın (veya e-postanızın) gösterildiği açılır menüden “Hesap Ayarları” tuşuna tıklayın, ardından “Hesabı Sil” seçeneğini kullanın ve şifrenizi girin.

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Kattis URL


You need to contact the support to delete your account. Make sure to include your username and email in the support ticket.

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Use the linked contact form to request account deletion.

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You can go to the account page, scroll to the bottom and click the account deletion request button. It can take some time for the account to be deleted.

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KDE Bugtracking System URL


You’ll have to send an e-mail to them

E-posta gönder »
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Keepa URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, “Ayarlar” kısmına girin. “Hesap” menüsünden “Evet, hesabımı sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Şifrenizi girdikten sonra “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Keeper URL


You may deactivate your Keeper Security account and delete your personally identifiable information at any time by contacting their support at support@keepersecurity.com clearly indicating that you wish to delete your account.

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Kendall County History URL


You can also use the google form in contact us page and ask them to remove your profile.

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Keybase.io URL


Hesap anında silinir, ancak kullanıcı adı hizmetin düzgün çalışmasını sağlamak ve kimliğe bürünmekten kaçınmak için saklanabilir.

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Khan Academy URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Kick Streaming URL


To permanently deactivate your account, you need to send an email to Kick support.

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Kickstarter URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Kijiji URL


Must contact customer service using the online form. Once completed, wait for e-mail from them. You will need you to reply to this e-mail confirming that the account you e-mailed from should be closed.

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To permanently deactivate your account, go to the link provided, enter your information and you will receive a link to permanently deactivate your account.

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Killstar URL


Visit the url and choose from the drop down menu: 1) What can we help you with? (Choose ‘Something else’), 2) How can we help? (Choose ‘Website error’), 3) Choose your region (Choose which region), 4) Fill out your name, 5) Fill out your email address and confirm it, 6) What should our team know so they can help? (‘Please delete my account and all associated information’), 6) Submit. Then you will receive an email and have to confirm the following information: 1) Name on the account, 2) Shipping address on the account, 3) Email address on the account, 4) Phone number on the account, 5) Which store? US, UK, or EU. Then, you will be emailed again stating that in 15 days the data will be removed from their system.

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Kinguin URL


Have to contact them, they first will try to convince you not to delete your account, but if you keep trying, they can delete your account

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Kinja URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Kino.dk URL


Requires sending an email.

E-posta gönder »
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Kistania URL


Filling out the form requesting account deletion does not work.

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Kit.co URL


Herhangi bir nedenle bizimle iletişime geçmeniz gerekirse, bunu bize e-posta göndererek yapabilirsiniz.

E-posta gönder »
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Kitsu URL


Click the ‘Delete Account’ button and then click ‘Confirm’.

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Kixeye URL


Send an email, specifying your username, requesting to delete your account.

E-posta gönder »
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Klarna URL


Tüm siparişlerinizi ödeyin (varsa), ondan sonra 10 gün bekleyin, ödeme bilgilerinizi uygulamadan kaldırın, müşteri hizmetleri ile sohbet edin ve onlara pazarlama gönderilerinizin durdurulmasını ve kişisel verilerinizin silinmesini istediğinizi söyleyin.

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Kleinanzeigen URL


Visit the linked page and follow the instructions.

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Knetbooks URL


Send an account deletion request to the provided email.

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Ko-fi URL


Cancel all of your monthly coffees and click the link sent to your email.

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Kogan URL


Contact Kogan directly via their ‘Contact Us’ page and request account deletion.

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Koingo Software URL


Hesap silme formunda e-posta adresinizi girin ve size gönderilen e-postada silme işlemini onaylayın.

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Kongregate URL


Visit the linked page and follow the instructions to delete your account.

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Kotaku URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Koyeb URL


While logged in, first deactivate and delete/leave your organization. Once you do this everytime you visit its going to tell you to create an organization, but in the top right you click your profile icon, then settings and then delete.

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Krafton URL


Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete your KRAFTON ID”. Then request deletion.

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Kraken URL


Hesabınızı kapatmak için, işlenmesi 24 saat kadar sürebilen bir destek talebinde bulunmanız gerekir.

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Kucoin URL


Follow the instructions presented in the linked page. Any pending transactions will be canceled. It is recommended to withdraw any assets and delete wallet information before deletion. Once a deletion request is processed, data is kept for up to two years, due to legal requirements. If the data is not requested for review after two years, it is all deleted permanently.

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Kununu URL


Hesabınızı silmek için bir bağlantı içeren bir e-posta gönderilecektir.

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Kwai URL


Click in the gear on left upper corner ⮕ Account security ⮕ “Delete my account” at the bottom ⮕ Select the reason and press the “Delete my account” button. The deleting process will occur in 72 hours. Your account may be removed if you haven’t used it for 6 months.

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Kyun! URL


In the ‘Disaster Zone’ field, click on the ‘Nuke account’ button.

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L'identité Numérique La Poste URL


On your customer page, click on the “My Profile” icon in the top right corner, then at the bottom on “Suppression de votre Identité Numérique”. You will need to enter the 4 last digits of the ID card you used when registering.

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La Poste URL


Send a request on the GDPR form. Delete all other services linked to it (Digiposte, Identité Numérique, etc) before sending the request.

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Lampyre URL


Go to Account settings and click Delete account.

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Langfuse URL


Contact them via e-mail and ask for your account to be deleted.

E-posta gönder »
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LanguageTool URL


At the bottom of the linked page, click ‘Delete my account’.

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LaptopKeyReplacements URL


Account deletion request hasn’t been fulfilled several months after contacting support.

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Last.fm URL


Sayfanın altına gidin ve “Kullanıcı Hesabını Sil” seçeneğini tıklayın. Sonraki sayfada şifrenizi girin. Hesabınız daha sonra 14 gün sonra silinecektir.

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LastPass URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Lattice Semiconductor URL


For website, logging in and account issues, or any web-related feedback, contact Webmaster.

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Launchpad URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Lazada URL


No way to delete your account on this website, even if you ask on their customer support, they only give you instructions on how to uninstall the application.

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LBRY / Odysee URL


Ask for deletion on your settings pags. All your content will instantly be deleted, the account deletion will be handled manually by the support.

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League of Legends URL


Go to the linked page, scroll down, click on “LOG IN” and confirm your deletion.

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League of Legends: Wild Rift URL


Go to the linked page, scroll down, click on “LOG IN” and confirm your deletion.

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LeetCode URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Legends of Runeterra URL


Go to the linked page, scroll down, click on “LOG IN” and confirm your deletion.

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Lego URL


Login, go to the linked page and confirm deletion of the account.

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Lemehost URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Lenovo Forums URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Lenovo ID URL


Click Yes at the bottom when asked if you want to delete your Lenovo account.

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Lensbest URL


Click on the provided link, login to your account, retype your account password to confirm and your account will be deleted immediately.

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Lenstore URL


Have to contact them, using the contact us form. They require date of birth and phone number linked to account.

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Letgo URL


Hesabınızı silmek için formda “Hesabım hakkında sorum var”⮕”Sil” ve dilekçenizi yazmanız gerekiyor. Biraz zaman geçtikten sonra cevap alacaksınız.

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Letterboxd URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Letudiant URL


Click ‘Paramètres du compte’, scroll drown and click the little link in black ‘Supprimer définitivement mon compt’ then validate and confirm the link sent to you by mail

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LetyShops URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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LG Account URL


Log in, open the account administration tab, and press ‘Delete Account’. Note that you might need to repeat this process a couple times depending on the services you’ve got connected to LG Account. Once there’s no more to delete, you should be logged out automatically (for good measure, verify you cannot login again). If you live in a country other than the US, you may also need to change the link URL to that of your country (e.g. Canadians should use ca.lgaccount.com instead).

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Liberland URL


Hesabı yalnızca devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz, ancak asla silemezsiniz.

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Liberty Lines URL


Go to the customer area and delete your account. Your tickets will be anonymized.

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LibraryThing URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Libre.fm URL


“Profil”, ardından “Düzenle”, ardından “Gelişmiş Ayarları Göster” öğesini tıklayın ve son olarak “Hesabımı Sil” onay kutusunu işaretleyin.

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Lichess URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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lidraughts URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Lieferando URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Life360 URL


Go into Settings, Tap Account, Tap Delete Account, Select Delete My Account

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Lifehacker URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Lifesum URL


On you account page, go to the ‘Close Account & Delete Data’ tab.

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Lil'bots URL


You must contact support and request the account deletion per the privacy policy.

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Lime URL


Silme talebinde bulunmak için Lime iletişim formu aracılığıyla destek ile iletişime geçmelisiniz.

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Lingualeo URL


Go to the linked page, scroll to the bottom and click “Delete account”. You’ll have to confirm the deletion by clicking the link from the confirmation email.

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Lingvano URL


Make sure you canceled your subscription! You can delete your account via the web or mobile app.

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Lingvist URL


You can delete your account via the web or mobile app.

E-posta gönder »
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LinkedIn URL


LinkedIn’in kapalı hesabı olan kişilere e-posta göndermeye devam ettiğine dair raporlar var. Hesabı kapatmak yerine silmek için müşteri hizmetlerine başvurmanız gerekebilir.

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Linktree URL


Go to your account details, scroll down to the ‘Danger Zone’ and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Linkvertise URL


You must specify in the email whether you want to delete a premium or a publisher account.

E-posta gönder »
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Linode URL


At the bottom of the linked page select ‘Close Account’ and confirm your username.

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Linsensuppe URL


Şifre bile değiştirilemez

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Linus Tech Tips Store URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Listia URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Litmus URL

kısıtlı imkan

They offer a “simple deletion” where your account will be dissociated with your email address, and a “full data deletion” for complete data deletion.

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Live Nation URL


Select “Delete My Information” and enter the email address used on your account.

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LiveJournal URL


Günlüğünüzü sildikten sonra, fikrinizi değiştirirseniz diye geri almak için 30 gününüz vardır. 30 gün sonra, günlük kalıcı olarak silinecek ve onu kurtarmanın hiçbir yolu olmayacaktır.

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Livelo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Lnk.Bio URL


Log in and request deletion via the chat service using the button on the lower right corner.

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Lobsters URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Visit the linked page and click ‘Delete LOBSTR account’ under the ‘Profile’ tab. You will be sent an email with a link to delete your account.

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Login.gov URL


Sometimes the login page won’t redirect properly, click the “Delete Account” link on the side if this happens.

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Logitech URL


Open a ticket on their customer service requesting the deletion of the account and provide a country, reason and your name

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LogMeIn / Hamachi URL


Submit a request on the linked form. It can take up to 15 days for them to comply.

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Logo Maker URL


According to their privacy policy, you need to directly contact them.

E-posta gönder »
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LogRocket URL


According to their security documentation, contact customer support via email and request the deletion of your account.

E-posta gönder »
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Lolja URL


Müşteri desteği ile e-posta yoluyla iletişime geçin ve hesabınızın silinmesini isteyin. Hesabınızı tanımlamaları için, Lolja hesabınızı oluştururken kullandığınız e-posta adresiyle istekte bulunun.

E-posta gönder »
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Lookout URL


Sağ ortada, hesabınıza giriş yapın.

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LoseIt URL


Hesabınızın “Ayarlar” sayfasına gidin, ardından hesap bilgileri ve “Hesabı Kapat” öğesini tıklayın.

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Love My Credit Union Rewards URL


Scroll all the way down on the website and find a little button with a picture of an envelope to contact customer support to have your account deleted.

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Lucidchart URL


Sağ üst köşedeki kullanıcı adınıza tıklayın, “Hesap Ayarları” kısmından “Hesabı Kapat” sekmesine girin

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Lucky Patcher Forum URL


Bu web sitesi hesabınızın silinmesi için herhangi bir seçenek sunmuyor.

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Ludum Dare URL


You can’t even change your username, email, or delete your posts.

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Lufthansa URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Go to profile settings and under Account click ‘Delete My Account’ button

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Lumosity URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Luno URL


Fill the form on the site to request data deletion. The support team will confirm the request by email.

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Lush URL


Conctact customer service and request account deletion

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Lutris URL


Log in to Lutris, then click on the linked page and scroll down to the ‘Delete my account.’ button.

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Lyconet URL


Send an email requesting account deletion.

E-posta gönder »
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Lyft URL


Web sitesinde Lyft hesabınıza giriş yapın ve silme talebinde bulunun. Uygulama üzerinden yapılamaz.

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M Covoit Lignes+ URL


You need to send an email to the support.

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M Mobilités / Appli M URL


From your profile page, click on “Clôturer mon compte M”

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M Réso URL


From your profile page, go to “Your information” and click on “Delete my personal space “

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Macrumors URL


There is no account deletion process offered. Remove your account’s Personal Details (Location, About You, etc.), your forum signature, and any social media names in the Contact Details section and leave the account dormant.

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MacTrade URL


Kullanıcı hesabınızda “Hesabı Sil” kısmına girin ve “Hesabınızı Şimdi Silin” tuşuna tıklayarak silmeyi onaylayın.

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MacUpdate URL


Hesap tercihlerinizde sol alttaki “Tüm kişisel verilerimi sil” öğesini seçin. Talebinizden 14 gün sonra tüm verileriniz silinecektir. 14 gün boyunca silme talebi iptal edilebilir.

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Magasin URL


Go to your profile, press ‘Rediger’ and then ‘Slet profil’.

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Magicflow URL


On your account page, click in ‘Delete Account’ then confirm.

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Since there is no button, you must contact them through E-Mail. Subsequently, after inclusion in their ticket system, they will resolve the matter soon; however, this may differ from one to another.

E-posta gönder »
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Magoosh URL


Bir e-posta gönderin. Sonunda silme işleminin tamamlanması için başka bir e-posta daha göndermeniz gerekebilir.

E-posta gönder »
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Mail.com URL


While logged in, go to “Account”, then choose “Delete account” on the left-hand side panel. Once the section loads, click on the “Delete account” button, provide your password when prompted, and click “Delete account” to confirm. Detailed instructions are provided in the linked page.

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Mail.ru URL


Login into your account. Go to the deletion form. Enter the mailbox name and password. Specify the reason for the deletion, your account’s password and the captcha code. Click the “Delete” button.

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mailbox.org URL


“Hesap Ayarları” “Hesabı Sil”.

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MailChimp URL


“Hesap Ayarları” “Hesap Ayarları” “Hesabımı Kapat” kısmına gidin. ‘DELETE’ yazın ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Mailfence URL


“Ayarlar” “Genel” “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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Mailspring URL


Giriş yapın, “Mailspring Kimliğinizi Silin” “Onayla” tuşuna tıklayın

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Major League Hacking (MLH) URL


Go to the linked page, scroll to the bottom, click “Cancel Account” and confirm.

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MakeMyTrip URL


App ⮕ Menu ⮕ Account ⮕ Settings ⮕ Delete.

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MakerBot URL


Click ‘DELETE ACCOUNT’ at the bottom of the ‘Account Settings’ page, then click ‘DELETE’. This will also delete your Thingiverse account.

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Mangadex URL


Sign in ⮕ Click the ‘Delete’ button ⮕ You will receive an email with a confirm button ⮕ Enter ‘CONFIRM’ in the text box.

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Mangools URL


On ‘Delete account’ section, click the red ‘Understand, delete my account’

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Mapbox URL


Şifrenizi girin, alta kaydırın ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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MapMyFitness URL


This will also delete the profiles for MapMyRun, MapMyWalk, and/or MapMyFitness that are associated with the same email

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MapMyRun URL


This will also delete the profiles for MapMyRun, MapMyWalk, and/or MapMyFitness that are associated with the same email

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MapMyWalk URL


This will also delete the profiles for MapMyRun, MapMyWalk, and/or MapMyFitness that are associated with the same email

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Mapstr URL


Log in to your account in the app, then got to the “Profile” tab and open settings. After that, find the “Data Management” section and click “Delete my account”.

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Markdown Converter URL


Go to the linked page and click close button

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Marktplaats URL


Log in to Marktplaats. Go to the linked URL or in Marktplaats click on your name at the top right, choose ‘Mijn Profiel’ and go to your contact information. On this page, click ‘Account verwijderen’ at the bottom. Indicate why you want to delete your account and click ‘Bevestigen’. Your account will be deleted and you will receive a confirmation email.

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Marq URL


Account can be deleted from the account settings. If you have an active subscription, then this needs to be cancelled first.

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Marvel URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, ve sayfanın altındaki “Hesabım” “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Mashable URL


Contact customer support using the link here to fill out a request for account deletion

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MasterClass URL


It’s not possible to delete your account, but you can send a request to delete your personal data by making a Privacy Request.

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Mastodon.social URL


Giriş yapın, “Hesap Ayarları” “Güvenlik” “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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Match URL


Only possible within the mobile app, otherwise can only be done via contacting support.

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Mathpix URL


Use the link to navigate to your account settings page. Log in with your email and password then click ‘Delete your account’. You will be asked to confirm with your email and a simple captcha. Your email will be blacklisted from creating new accounts.

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Mathway URL


“Hesap Ayarları” sayfanıza gitmek için bağlantıyı kullanın. “Hesap” seçeneğine tıklayın, şifrenizi yazın ve “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Mathworks URL


Follow the link and use the form to request the deletion of your personal data. Subsequent identity verification may be required. The deletion process should complete within 30 days.

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Maxdome URL


Canlı sohbet yoluyla desteğe başvurun ve hesabınızın silinmesini isteyin. Bu, daha uzun sürebilmesine rağmen iletişim formu aracılığıyla da mümkündür.

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MaxMind URL


You must stop all services and cease downloading any databases before contacting support. State that you wish to delete your account and use your registered email on the contact form.

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Mbed URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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McAfee URL


You must call McAfee customer support and unsubscribe, which cancels your account. Be sure to have your state ID or driver’s license available, as you will be asked questions to verify your identity.

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McDonald's URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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“Profili Düzenle” tuşuna tıklayın, “Profilinizi silmek istiyor musunuz?” kısmına doğru aşağı kaydırın, şifrenizi yazın, “Sil” tuşuna tıklayıp ardından “Evet, sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Mealpal URL


You can only delete your account by emailing them.

E-posta gönder »
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Medal URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the linked page and click on ‘Delete Account’.

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MediaFire URL


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete my Account’, make sure you’re logged in and follow the steps.

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Mediapart URL


Hesabın nasıl silineceği açıkça belirtilmemiştir. Hesabınızla ilgili her bilginin silinmesini açıkça istemek için bir e-posta göndermelisiniz, aksi takdirde yalnızca devre dışı bırakırlar.

E-posta gönder »
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Medium URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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MeetFrank URL


Silmek istediğiniz hesabın ekibini/şirketi/e-postasını gönderin. Hesabı oluştururken kullandığınız aynı e-posta adresinden gönderip doğrulamanız bile gerekmiyor.

E-posta gönder »
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Meetup URL


Permenant deletion may be requested via a web form.

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In the bottom right corner of the linked page, click ‘Delete account’. Click the confirmation link sent to your email, then select a reason why you want to leave MEGA.

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Megaknihy URL


You must call their phone (as of writing +420 222 703 143) and request deletion. They ignored my e-mail.

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Megaxus URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Melodics URL


İletişim formu aracılığıyla hesabınızı silmeniz mümkün olabilir, ancak destek ekibinin yanıt vermediği biliniyor.

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Memrise URL


“Hesap Ayarları” sayfasının altında “Hesabımı Sil” tuşu bulunuyor.

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Mendeley URL


Mendeley’e gidin ve “Gizlilik Ayarları” adresinden hesabın kapatılmasını talep edin. Ardından, oradan da silinmesini istemek için Elsevier desteğiyle iletişime geçin.

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Mercado Libre Argentina URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases. Mercado Libre and Mercado Pago are services associated with the same type of account. If you choose to delete your Mercado Libre account, your Mercado Pago account will be deleted too.

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Mercado Libre Bolivia URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre Chile URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases. Mercado Libre and Mercado Pago are services associated with the same type of account. If you choose to delete your Mercado Libre account, your Mercado Pago account will be deleted too.

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Mercado Libre Colombia URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases. Mercado Libre and Mercado Pago are services associated with the same type of account. If you choose to delete your Mercado Libre account, your Mercado Pago account will be deleted too.

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Mercado Libre Costa Rica URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre Ecuador URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre El Salvador URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre Guatemala URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre Honduras URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre México URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases. Mercado Libre and Mercado Pago are services associated with the same type of account. If you choose to delete your Mercado Libre account, your Mercado Pago account will be deleted too.

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Mercado Libre Nicaragua URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre Panamá URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre Paraguay URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre Perú URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases. Mercado Libre and Mercado Pago are services associated with the same type of account. If you choose to delete your Mercado Libre account, your Mercado Pago account will be deleted too.

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Mercado Libre República Dominicana URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases.

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Mercado Libre Uruguay URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases. Mercado Libre and Mercado Pago are services associated with the same type of account. If you choose to delete your Mercado Libre account, your Mercado Pago account will be deleted too.

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Mercado Libre Venezuela URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estoy de acuerdo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceptar”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases. Mercado Libre and Mercado Pago are services associated with the same type of account. If you choose to delete your Mercado Libre account, your Mercado Pago account will be deleted too.

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Mercado Livre Brasil URL


To cancel/delete your account, access the account deletion link specified above and log in to your account. In the options, select a reason why you want to cancel your account, click in the checkbox “Estou de acordo”, and confirm your action by clinking “Aceito”.

Warning: You may cancel your account only if there is no limitation, partial and/or total blockage applied to it. You will also be unable to cancel your account if you have outstanding payments and/or purchases. Mercado Livre and Mercado Pago are services associated with the same type of account. If you choose to delete your Mercado Livre account, your Mercado Pago account will be deleted too.

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Mes Services Étudiant URL


You can request the deletion of your account via the assistance form.

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Metacritic URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

MetalPay URL


Contact customer support to delete your account.

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MetLife URL


They claim nothing can be deleted.

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Metropolis URL


Account Settings ⮕ Terms and Privacy ⮕ Delete Account

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To delete your account, send an e-Mail to their Data Protection team. Include in the e-Mail your MEXC user ID (UID; seen in the user pop-up at the top right of the page), the reason for deletion, and a photo of yourself holding your ID card and a handwritten piece of paper with the following information: *Today is . I request the deletion of my MEXC account with UID . I confirm and accept to waive all assets contained in this account. .*

E-posta gönder »
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Mi Account URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Mibbit URL


Sign in and use the ‘Account’ link at the top right. At the bottom of the page is a link to delete your account.

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Microsoft Account URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Midjourney URL


Go to your account page, scroll down to the ‘How can I delete my account?’ section in the FAQ and click on the ‘Click here’ button.

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Milanote URL


Enter your email, click on “Yes, delete my account”, then enter your password and click on “Continue”.

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Mimo URL


Click on ‘Delete my account’ then ‘Delete Account’ to delete your account.

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MindMeister URL


You have to cancel your plan first

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Minds URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Mine URL


Click ‘Delete your Mine Account’ at the bottom of the page, acknowledge that you wish to proceed and click ‘Delete my Account’

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Minecraft URL


On the linked page, chose the dropdown boxes that apply. Preferably use the email address that the account is associated with. You will be required to supply the transaction ID for the purchase of the account, or any other valid proof-of-purchase. If you have migrated to a Microsoft account, visit this page, sign in, and start a session with the virtual agent. Specify that your minecraft profile is linked to your microsoft account, and that you wish for it to be deleted. Alternatively, if you do not use your Microsoft account for anything else, you can close your account entirely.

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Minecraft Tools URL


The only way to contact them is by email, but no one responds.

E-posta gönder »
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Minehut URL


The only way to contact them is at the linked form or through here.

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Minha Band URL


Once logged in, use the link above or click on your user and then “Editar Perfil”. Scroll to the bottom to click “Excluir conta Band”, reenter your password and confirm.

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Miniclip URL


Log in, click on “Delete Account” tab and then click “Delete Account”.

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You need to “block” your MinID first by sending a form. You’ll need to submit another form if you want your information to be deleted from the contact registry.

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Mint URL


“Ayarlar” sayfasına girin ve ardından “Giriş & Güvenlik” kısmına girin. Aşağı kaydırın ve “Mint hesabınızı silin” tuşuna tıklayın. E-posta adresinizi ve şifrenizi girin, ardından “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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mintos.com URL


Before requesting account deletion, make sure you wait for the remaining payments to come through, and withdraw all available funds. The account balance must be 0. Then you can either use a request form or send an email to support directly.

E-posta gönder »
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Miro URL


Click “Delete my profile” in the profile settings page. An e-mail with a verification code is sent to you, with which you can deactivate the account.

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MisterWong URL


Destek ekibine bir e-posta göndermeniz gerekiyor ve talebinizin işlenmesi 48 saat kadar sürebilir.

E-posta gönder »
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Mistral AI URL


Click on the link, scroll down, and then click the ‘Delete Account’ button. If you have a paid subscription, you must cancel it first.

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MixCloud URL


“Sadece hesabımı sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Mixlr URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, “Ayarlar” sayfasının “Hesap” kısmına girin ve “Hesabı Sil” seçeneğine tıklayın.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Mobalytics URL


Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete my account”.

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Mobify URL


Hesabınızı kaldırmak için bir mesaj göndermelisiniz.

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Mobills URL


“Sil” düğmesini tıklamanız yeterlidir. Google veya Facebook aracılığıyla bir hesap açtıysanız, önce şifreyi değiştirmeniz gerekeceğini unutmayın.

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Mockflow URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, menüyü açın ve “Hesabım” “Profil Detayları” “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve ardından şifrenizi girerek hesabınızın silinmesini onaylayın.

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Modrinth URL


Go to the profile icon in the top right corner and select “Settings”, then “Account”, click “Delete account” at the bottom of the page, type your username and confirm. Your projects will not be deleted.

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Mojang URL


Bir Mojang hesabı kaydettiyseniz ve hesabınızı silmek istiyorsanız, lütfen “Hesap Ayarları” sayfanızı ziyaret edin. Lütfen hesabınız silinirse, artık Mojang hizmetlerine giriş yapamayacağınızı ve gelecekteki Mojang oyunlarını satın alamayacağınızı unutmayın.

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Molotov URL


Log in, go to your profile settings, finally find at the bottom of the page (Delete my account).

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Momox URL


You have to request account deletion through the contact form provided on their website.

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Momox Fashion URL


To get your account deleted, you have to contact their support via e-mail.

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Mon Compte Formation URL


On the “My Account” page, click on “Unregister”

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Mon Espace Santé URL


Login to your account, click on your profile, then on “Paramètres”. Then click on “Clôture du profil”

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Monarch Money URL


Click Delete Household in the Billing section of the Settings page.

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Money Dashboard URL


Hesabınızı ve ona ait verileri ve içinde tutulan banka hesaplarını silmek isterseniz, kullanıcı desteğine bir talep göndermeniz (veya bir e-posta göndermeniz) gerekir. Yalnızca banka hesaplarınızdan birinin silinmesini değil, hesabınızın tamamen silinmesini istediğinizi açıkça belirtin. Yalnızca bir banka hesabını silmek / kaldırmak, ancak Money Dashboard hesabınızı açık tutmak istiyorsanız, lütfen banka hesabını silme bağlantısını ziyaret edin.

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Money Lover URL


Go to the menu on the top left corner, click ‘My Account’ then ‘Delete Account’ on the bottom of the dialog and confirm.

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Money Saving Expert URL


Just login to your account, select ‘My Account’, scroll to the bottom, select ‘Settings’ and click ‘Close Account’

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MongoDB Atlas URL


To delete your MongoDB account you first need to delete all active clusters, projects and organizations linked with your account. Then click your name in the top right corner, click “Manage your MongoDB Account”, and click “Profile Info” in the left panel. Click “Delete Account” and proceed with the presented steps.

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Monkeytype URL


Scroll to the bottom of the linked page and click the ‘delete account’ button.

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Monoprice URL


Use the contact form to ask customer service to delete your account.

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Monster URL


On the linked page, complete the form and ask for your account to be deleted.

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Go to your account settings, select “My personal data” and click on “Confirm the deletion of my monTCL account”. You can also ask for deletion of all data related to you by clicking on “Request deletion of all my personal data”

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Moodle URL


After you place a request, you need to wait until the account is manually deleted by the administrator.

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Moonpig URL


Müşteri hizmetleriyle iletişime geçin, 24-48 saat içinde yanıt verirler. Kart bilgilerinizi kaldırma yöntemini gizlemeye çalıştıkları yollardan bahsetmiyorum bile. Kart bilgilerinizi de kaldırmak istiyorsanız, şunu yapın: Bunu yapmanın en kolay yolu, “Hesabım” sayfasına gidip “Moonpig ön ödeme kredisi ekle” “Satın Al” bağlantısına gitmek ve kayıtlı kart bilgilerine tıklamaktır. Daha sonrasında “Kartı Sil” seçeneğine tıklayın.

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Moovit URL


In the app, go to “Help & Support”, then “My Accounts and Personal Information”, “Deleting my Accounts and Personal Information”, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Give us feedback”, and fill out the form requesting cancellation of the account. For “Feedback Type” choose “Edit or delete personal information”, under “Privacy and Security”. If you also want to delete the Moovit Editor account you will have to explicitly ask for it.

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Morningstar URL


Geri bildirim formunu doldurarak hesabınızı silmelerini isteyin. Sadece e-posta aboneliğinizi iptal etmediğinizi değil, hesabınızın tamamen silinmesini istediğinizi de belirttiğinizden emin olun.

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Mote URL


Email them from the account you wish to delete.

E-posta gönder »
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Mouser URL


Visit the privacy policy page and scroll down to section Right to erasure (Right to have your data deleted). Enter your email address into the form. A link to the account deletion form will then be sent to your registered email address. To delete your account you have to fill out the form with details such as your full name and address. Once completed you will receive a confirmation email informing you that your account will be deleted within 30 days. Alternatively you can contact the data protection officer using the email address provided in the privacy policy.

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Moviepilot.de URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) URL


Bugzilla’da oturum açın ve hesabınızın silinmesini istemek için bir hata raporu oluşturun, aşağıdaki örneklere bakın. MDN Web Belgelerine katkıda bulunduysanız, hesabınızı sildikten sonra bunlara ne olmasını istediğinizi de belirtmeniz gerekecektir.

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On your account page, in Account section, go to Login Management, and in DELETE ACCOUNT click Delete.

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Muambator URL


On your account page, scroll to the bottom and click on the red button to delete it.

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Mullvad URL


Contact support via email to request deletion of your account.

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MultCloud URL


Login to your account, click in the account icon ⮕ Settings ⮕ Delete Account and write the password and a note (optionally).

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Multiplayer Game Hacking MPGH URL


Accounts can not be deleted, but admins offer an ‘account purge’ per request. It is wise to manually strip your account from any personal data.

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MuniMobile (San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency) URL


If you mail them asking for deletion, you will get that “MuniMobile accounts cannot be deleted as we are required to retain the transaction information for financial audit purposes”. They say they do deactivate the account, though.

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Munzee URL


Bir e-posta gönderin. Bu e-posta adınızı, soyadınızı, e-posta adresinizi ve (varsa) bu hizmetlere eriştiğiniz sosyal ağ için sosyal ağ kimliğinizi içermelidir. (örneğin, Facebook kullanıcı kimliğiniz)

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Musescore URL


Sayfanın solundaki “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Musicboard URL


Navigate to Settings ⮕ preferences ⮕ Delete account (at the bottom of the page).

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MusicBrainz URL


Click on the ‘Delete account’ tab, then confirm with the ‘Delete my account’ button

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Musixmatch URL


Click the “Delete account” button. Your contributions will remain visible on our platform, but your name will no longer be displayed. It will take 7 days to process your account deletion request.

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Mutant Mail URL


Re-verify intent with your password at the bottom of the settings page and click ‘Delete Account’.

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My Calendar URL


Contact support using the linked form or by email and request account deletion.

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My Fitness Pal URL


Giriş yapın ve hesabınızı silmek için “Hesap Ayarları” kısmına girin.

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My Invisalign URL


Login and select ‘Delete Account’ in the sidebar in your account settings

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My Lands URL


Contact the customer support via email and ask to delete your account. You should use the email of the country where you are registered: it’s in the contacts, at the bottom of the website.

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MyAnimeList URL


E-posta adresinizi “Kayıtlı e-posta adresinizi girin” alanına girin ve hesabınızın silinmesini istemek için “Onay” tuşuna tıklayın. Bundan sonra, size e-posta ile gönderilecek olan onay bağlantısına tıklayarak talebinizi onaylayın.

Hesabınız herhangi bir nedenle yasaklandıysa veya MAL Destekçisiyseniz, hesabınızın silinmesini şu adresten talep edin: Yukarıda açıklanan yöntemi kullanmak yerine bu iletişim formunu kullanın.

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At the bottom of the account page there is a Delete account button

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MyFigureCollection URL


At the bottom of the account settings page, click on “Delete my account”

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MyFonts URL


At the bottom of the linked page select ‘Delete your MyFonts account’ and confirm your password.

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Giriş yapın ve “Hesap Ayarları” kısmından kenar çubuğundaki “Hesabı Sil” seçeneğine tıklayın

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Myfxbook URL


Account deletion can be achieved from within the profile settings.

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MyJDownloader URL


“Hesap Ayarları” kısmına (sağ üst, e-posta adresinize tıklayın) girin ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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MyMaxon URL


Visit the linked page and submit a support ticket asking for your account to be deleted. Under “How can we help”, select the option “I need customer service”, then change “Request type” to “GDPR”.

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MyPlate URL


Send a request to the customer service team, including your account username or email address.

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MyScript URL


Verilen bağlantıya gittiğinizde, silme bağlantısı içeren bir onay e-postasını tetikler. Bu bağlantıya tıklayın ve hesabınız hemen silinecektir.

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MySpace URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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myWorld URL


Send an email requesting account deletion.

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Más Renfe URL


You need to send an email to delete your account.

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Méliuz URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Namecheap URL


Hesabınızı silmek için Müşteri Desteği ile iletişime geçmeniz ve hesabınızın kullanıcı adını, destek kodunuzu ve hesabınızı neden kapatmak istediğinizi belirtmeniz gerekir.

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All of your followers, favorite servers, and social media information will be removed from all of your linked Minecraft profiles if you delete your NameMC account.

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Nandos URL


Contact Customer support to delete your account, referencing GDPR in the subject or body. After 14 days, your account will be deleted permanently.

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“Hesap Ayarları” sayfasının altında bir “Hesabımı Sil” düğmesi bulunuyor. Hesabınız ‘devre dışı bırakılacak ve kalıcı olarak silinmek üzere planlanacaktır.’ 30 gün sonra, ‘geçmiş romanlarınız, yazar profiliniz ve benzersiz hesap bilgileriniz kalıcı olarak silinecek.’ Forum yayınlarının silinip silinmeyeceği belli değil.

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Napster URL


Bir sohbet başlatın ve hesabınızın silinmesini isteyin. Herhangi birinin hesabını böyle silebilirsiniz! Sadece şunu söyleyin: ‘Hesabımın silinmesini istiyorum.’ - ‘Hangi e-posta için?’ - ‘ornek@ornek.ornek’ - ‘Tamamdır, hesabı sildim.’

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National Express URL


No on-site way to delete an account, also does not reply to emails sent to email in the privacy policy for the data controller.

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NationStates URL


Stay logged out of your nation for 28 or 60 days, depending on your settings. However, your nation will be merely deactivated. The only way to have your nation truly deleted is to not have the nation long enough to reach a population of over 1 billion, and for someone else to create a nation with the same name at least 5 years after it was deactivated.

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Native URL


Fill out the contact form. They will email you to verify your request via email, and will then ask for two pieces of personal information from the account. They will then delete the account but retain information relevant to any orders made.

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Native Instruments URL


Destek talebi formunu doldurun ve yanıt vermelerini bekleyin.

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Natural Readers URL


Login first, then on the left menu click ‘account’ then ‘edit’ under your email address. A popup will appear where you can delete your account.

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Re-registration is not possible with a deleted ID, and posts written on the bulletin board are not automatically deleted. So, make delete or make them private before you terminate your account.

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Hesaplar 2 yıl hareketsiz kaldıktan sonra silinecek

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Nearpod URL


İletişim formunun doldurulması gerekir. Aynı zamanda e-posta aboneliğinizi iptal edene kadar promosyon e-postaları almaya devam edeceksiniz

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Click on ‘Delete account’ near the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.

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Neon Pagamentos URL


Neon hesapları silinemez, sadece iptal edilebilir.

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Neopets URL


Hesabınızı silmek istediğinizi belirten bir e-posta gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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Nerdwallet URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Netbela Hosting URL


Create a ticket to the Billing department and request your account to be deleted.

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NetBird URL


Go to the “Settings” tab, then click on “Danger Zone”. Review the message and click on the “Delete Account” button.

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Netdata URL


In your profile preferences, click ‘Delete account’ then confirm.

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Netflix URL


Üyeliğinizi iptal edin, ardından derhal silinmesini istiyorsanız destek ile iletişime geçin, aksi takdirde hesabınız 10 ay içinde otomatik olarak silinecektir.

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Netgate URL


You need to send an email. If you have placed any orders (even for $0) in the last 7 years, support will refuse to delete your account.

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Netlify URL


“Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve isminizi girerek onaylayın.

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Netology URL


Hesabınızı silmeniz mümkün değildir. Yapabileceğiniz en iyi şey, sitede bulunan kişisel verileri silmektir.

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NetSfere URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Netvibes URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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New Relic URL


New Relic menü çubuğundan, “Hesap” “Aboneliği Yükselt” “Hesabı İptal Et” tuşuna tıklayın. Ardından onaylayın.

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New York Times URL


Use the form to request deletion of all of your personal data, they will only do it if law mandates like GDPR (Europe), otherwise account will just be deactivated. You might be required to confirm the request by mail or another form of contact.

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Newegg URL

kısıtlı imkan

Deleting your account is only possible if an applicable government policy gives you the right to delete your account.

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Newgrounds URL


Go to your account settings and select “Request Account Deletion.” It can take up to 30 days for your account to be completely deleted.

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NewsBlur URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Newspipe URL


Bir “Hesabınızı Silin” düğmesi var, ancak çalışmıyordu. Fakat onlara e-posta göndermek işe yarıyor.

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Nexo URL


Login to your account, go to ‘Account ⮕ Security’ and enable 2FA. Go to the URL and then close your account.

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Nexon URL


Open a ticket to ask for account deletion

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“Hesap Ayarları” yerine girin ve hesabı sil tuşuna tıklayın.

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Nextdoor URL


Sadece müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçilerek hesap silinebilir.

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Nexus Mods URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Ngan Luong URL


Enter your current password and click “Continue”. Notification: After requesting to close the account, NganLuong will proceed to approve:

  • If the account is being disputed, Ngan Luong will ask you to resolve the dispute before closing the account.
  • If the account still has a balance, Ngan Luong will guide you to pay off the balance before closing. Accounts cannot be reopened once closed, you should consider before closing.
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ngrok URL


Enter your email and click “Delete”. You will get a popup, where you must click “Delete User”

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NiceHash URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Nicequest URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Niche URL


Deactivating your account in account settings does not fully remove your data. To delete your data, you need to file a deletion request at the linked page.

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Nike URL


Click on your name on the right top of the screen, then click in ‘Minha Conta’, on field ‘Meu Cadastro’ click in ‘Alterar dados pessoais’, select ‘Editar’, on the bottom of the page, click on ‘Excluir Conta’.

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Nike+ URL


Hesap formunun alt kısmında bir “Hesabı Devre Dışı bırak” düğmesi bulunuyor. Tıkladıktan sonra, hesabın devre dışı bırakılma sürecini açıklayan bir dizi bilgi olacaktır. Tüm hesap bilgileri silinecektir.

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Ninox URL


Çevrim içi iletişim formu aracılığıyla destek ile iletişime geçin ve hesabınızın silinmesini isteyin. Alternatif olarak, destek e-posta adresini kullanabilirsiniz.

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Nintendo URL


Aşağı kaydırın ve devre dışı bırak ve sil tuşuna basın, 30 gün boyunca devre dışı bırakılacak ve ardından kalıcı olarak silinecektir. Hesaba bir Nintendo Network Kimliği bağlanırsa, bu işlem süresince silinmeyecektir

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Nintendo Network ID URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Nitrous Networks URL


You need to login in order to request the removal.

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Njalla URL


Şifrenizi girin ve işleminizi onaylamak için “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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NodeChef URL


In the dashboard, go to the “Account” tab, scroll down to “Delete Account” section, follow the instructions and then click “Delete my account”.

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Onay kutusunu işaretleyerek onaylayın ve “Değiştir” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Nomad URL


You have to clear the account before requesting the account deletion on the app. And after 15 or 20 days of email confirmation, the account is finally deleted.

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NordPass URL


Hesabınızı veya verilerinizi silmek isterseniz, lütfen bizimle iletişime geçin.

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Fill the form on the site to request deletion. Alternatively, use the Live Chat service to request deletion, located at the bottom right of the form.

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Norton URL


You must cancel all active subscriptions before deleting your account. They will send a code to your email address to verify your identity.

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Notesnook URL


Log in to your account via the app or website, go to the settings, click on “Profile” and then “Delete account”.

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Notion URL


Go to “Settings & members”, then “My account”, and click “Delete my account”, type your email address and confirm.

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The Noun Project URL


Bize e-posta gönderin, hesabınızı devre dışı bırakalım.

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Novation Music URL


‘Kullanıcılar, belirli koşullar altında Verilerinin Sahibinden silinmesini sağlama hakkına sahiptir.’

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Log into your account, and press your account icon in the top left corner of the screen. Under the User Settings column, select ‘Account’. Next to ‘Delete Account’, click the ‘Request’ button. Submit your email address, then check your inbox for an account deletion confirmation. Follow the included link, then click ‘Delete Account’. Your data will be deleted within 24 hours.

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NovoEd URL


Create a new request titled “Please delete my account” using your e-mail address and the topic “Course Not Listed/Not Course Related”.

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Öncelikle “Hesabım” “Geçişlerim” sayfası altından tüm aktif abonelikleri iptal etmelisiniz. Bundan sonra, canlı sohbete başvurabilir ve ödeme bilgilerinizin kaldırılmasını isteyebilirsiniz. Geri kalan veriler ise ‘toplu veri saklama ve silme politikalarımıza uygun olması için’ kaldırılmadan önce hesabınız belirsiz bir süre boyunca pasif kalmalıdır.

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npm URL


Go to your account settings and press ‘Delete your account’.

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NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) URL


Login to your NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) account and click on the linked URL. On this page you can click “Delete NS-account” in order to delete your account.

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E-posta desteği ve hesap silme talebinde bulunun. İsteğinizi işleme alacaklar ve silindiğinde size e-posta gönderecekler.

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nTask URL


nTask hesabınızı silmek için, şu basit prosedürü izleyin: nTask için kayıtlı e-postanızı kullanarak bir destek talebi gönderin. Talep alındıktan sonra talebinizin işlenmesi 24 saat sürecektir

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Nubank URL


Nubank hesapları silinemez, sadece iptal edilebilir.

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Nube URL


According to the privacy policy, accounts cannot be deleted, only deactivated (and reactivated later).

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Nulled URL


They DO NOT delete accounts, just log out.

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Numista URL


The text box can be left blank. Simply click “Definitely unsubscribe” - this will permanently remove all your data.

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Nutaku URL


Click the Delete Account Button

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NutraCheck URL


Have to email customer care to ask for account to be deleted

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Nvidia URL


Bağlantıyı açın, giriş yapın ve “Verilerimi Sil” tuşuna tıklayın, ardından e-posta adresinize gelecek olan onaylama bağlantısına tıklayın. ‘DELETE’ yazın ve “Tamam” tuşuna tıklayın.

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O'Reilly URL


The only way to delete an account is to send an e-mail to privacy mail as instructed on their privacy policy section 6.2 (https://www.oreilly.com/privacy.html).

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To delete your account, simply log in to your Obi.de account, click on the provided link, and delete your account with the button on the bottom of the page.

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OceanHero URL


You need to open a support ticket.

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Octopus URL


Sağ üstteki kullanıcı simgeli düğmeye basın. “Ayarlar” sekmesine gidin ve “Hesabımı sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Oculus VR URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Odeon URL


You must submit a request to support. Live chat also works. The process takes 30 days to complete.

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The Odin Project URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

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Odnoklassniki URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, Lisans Sözleşmesini aşağı kaydırın, “Profili Sil” seçeneğini tıklayın, istediğiniz kutuları işaretleyin, şifreyi girin ve “Sil” düğmesine basın.

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OfferUp URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, “Hesabı Sil” öğesini tıklayın, silme nedenini belirtin, “Onayla” tuşuna tıklayın ve tamamlayın. Oldukça basit.

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OfficeDepot URL


Note that while their privacy policy states that California residents may have their information deleted permanently, it does not specify whether they delete other accounts also. Go to the URL and fill out the form with the information pertaining to your account. Open the ‘Delete My Information’ section and check the box next to ‘Delete my consumer data’. Submit the form and wait for an email to arrive. Click the link in the email. If after 24 hours your account is not deleted, you might have to reach out to their customer support and present their Privacy Policy to have them act.

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Need to write a ticket for the app. Once the account is deleted, it is impossible to create a new account with the same login information.

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Visit the linked page and click the “Delete profile” button at the bottom of the page.

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OkCupid URL


Ayarlar sayfanıza girin ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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Click the link in the email sent to you

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Click in the profile link, privacy and security and at the very bottom of the page, click in the Delete Account link and enter the password.

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Olympics URL


In the bottom of the page, click ‘Stop using Posti’s electronic services’.

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OM Personal English URL


Go to the bottom of the linked page, and under “Delete account”, click on the red button with the same name.

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OmaPosti URL


In the bottom of the page, click ‘Stop using Posti’s electronic services’.

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omegaUp URL


Go to the linked page and click on the “Delete” button, then confirm in the pop-up window by clicking on “Delete” again. All personal information is immediately deleted. If the account does not get deleted, write an e-Mail to support asking for help. You might need to manually log out once the deletion occurs.

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Omnipilot URL


On your account page, click on ‘Delete Account’ then confirm.

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One Month URL


Email support@honeybadger.io asking to close your account.

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OneCompiler URL


Click your profile image in the top right corner of the page and open ‘My account’. Select the ‘Settings’ tab, then click ‘Account’, and press the ‘Delete My Account’ button. Submit the code sent your email.

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OneFootball URL


You need to contact OneFootball support by e-mail.

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OneSky URL


Destek ekibiyle iletişime geçin.

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Onet URL


“Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın, hesap şifrenizi girin ve onay kutusunu işaretleyin

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The Onion URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Online Judge (formerly UVa Online Judge) URL


There is no option to delete an existing account. You may try requesting the deletion at the linked page, by filling out their contact form, but keep in mind they might never reach out.

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Online.net URL


Fransız yasaları, faturalarınızla bağlantılı olduğu için hesabınızı tutmaya zorluyor.

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OnlineTVRecorder.com URL


Verilen bağlantı ile hesabınızı devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz. Ancak veriler silinmez. Desteğe başvursanız bile verilerinizi silmezler.

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OnlyFans URL


On settings tab, select the option ‘Delete Account’ and enter the captcha. After that, you’ll receive an e-mail with the confirmation.

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Open Collective URL


Navigate from the Dashboard to ‘Settings’ ⮕ ‘Advanced’ ⮕ ‘Delete this account’.

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OpenAI / ChatGPT URL


Follow the link and under “Delete account” click “Delete”.

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OpenCores URL


They recommend e-mailing to request for deletion, but the e-mail is never answered.

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Opendesktop URL


Hesabınızın silinmesini talep etmek için destek ekibine e-posta gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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Hesabı silme sayfasını ziyaret ederek hesabı silebilirsiniz.

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OpenFoodFacts URL


In order to delete your OpenFoodFacts account, you need to fill out the form and send an email. Though there is a form to delete your OpenFoodFacts account, it seems no one is tending to it.

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OpenGuessr URL


Log in, click on your username at the top of the page, select ‘Delete Acccount’ under ‘Account Management’.

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OpenInvest URL


Hesabınızı silmek istediğinizi onlara e-posta ile bildirin. “Yasal yükümlülüklerimize uymak, anlaşmazlıkları çözmek ve sözleşmelerimizi uygulamak” için (Hizmet Şartları ve Gizlilik Politikalarından) gerekli olan bazı bilgileri saklayacaklar, ancak çoğu veri 30 gün içinde silinecek.

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OpenPhone URL


You need to contact OpenPhone support.

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OpenSea URL

kısıtlı imkan

Deleting your account is only possible if an applicable government policy gives you the right to delete your account.

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OpenStreetMap URL


Log In, go to the linked page and confirm the deletion

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OpenSubtitles.com URL


Click ‘Delete Account’ and enter your password.

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OpenTable URL


If you are using the iOS app, you can delete your account via Account Settings ⮕ Your details ⮕ Delete my account. Otherwise, you will need to contact OpenTable on their help page or via email

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OpenWeather URL


Main website may still show you logged in after deletion (compared to the account management site). In that case, cookies need to cleared.

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Opera URL


On the linked page select ‘Delete my account’.

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Optum URL


On the linked page select “Deactivate Account” and provide the code sent to the account’s email address.

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Oracle URL


You have to send a privacy inquiry to get your data deleted. (It can take a few days)

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Visit the linked page and click “Deactivate you ORCID account”. Deactivation deletes identifiable information associated with the ID and cryptographically hashes your email address to ensure reactivation of the ID only being possible from your email.

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Silme talebinde bulunmak için hesabınızın kayıtlı e-posta adresi aracılığıyla destek ile iletişime geçmelisiniz.

E-posta gönder »
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Osu! URL


You can only request account deletion by sending an email.

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otter.ai URL


Account deletion can be achieved from within the account settings. Simply go to ‘Account settings’ and press ‘Delete account’. Then confirm by entering your password.

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Otto.de URL


On your profile page, scroll down to ‘Konto verwalten’ and select ‘Meine persönlichen Daten und Kundenkonto löschen.’ Once you confirm the deletion in the dialog box, your request will undergo a manual review, which may take several days. After the review process is complete, your account will be successfully deleted.

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Out of Milk URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Outdooractive URL


Follow the instructions provided to navigate to your profile and find the delete account button.

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OV-chipkaart URL


You have the right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’) with ov-chipkaart.nl, only you have to send an email and exercise your right to erasure to do so. Send an email to the email address provided requesting to delete your account and personal information.

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Overcast.fm URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Overleaf URL


“Hesap Ayarları” sayfasının altındaki “Hesabınızı Silin” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Overstock URL


Doğrudan destek ile iletişime geçmeli ve onlardan hesabınızı geçersiz kılmalarını istemelisiniz. Ancak işlem verileriniz kayıtlardan silinemez.

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Overwolf URL


Follow the instructions on the linked page to delete your account within the Overwolf app. Alternatively, you may email support and request account deletion.

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This is for UK account holders only. Ensure that you have terminated all products and services before filling the form and deleting your account. You need to provide proof of identity.

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Oxford Dictionaries API URL


Contact the customer support using the contact form and request the deletion of your account.

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Oùra - Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes URL


You have to send a request via the contact page with your account information. You will recieve an email a few days after asking for your birth date to prove it’s your account. Give them and they will delete your account a few days later.

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Packagist URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘Delete Account Permanently’.

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Packt URL


Send an email to them requesting deletion. If you have a subscription plan or free trial be sure to cancel it.

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According to privacy policy (item 8), you have to send an e-mail to them requesting the account removal.

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Panda-Plush URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Pandora URL


Aşağı kaydırarak “Hesabımı Sil” seçeneğine gidin ve tıklayın, sonrasında hesabı sil seçeneğine tıklayıp şifrenizi yazın ve son olarak “Gönder” tuşuna basın. Pandora Plus veya Premium’a sahipseniz, aboneliğinizi iptal edin, süresinin dolmasını bekleyin, ardından silin.

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Pantheon URL


Bir hesabı silmek için önce tüm aktif siteleri silmeniz veya sahipliği aktarmanız gerekir.

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Papara URL


Hesabınızı kapatmak için müşteri hizmetleriyle telefon ile iletişime geçin.

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PaperKarma URL


Silme talebinde bulunmak için bir e-posta gönderin. App Store veya Google Play üzerinden bir aboneliğiniz varsa, uygun mağazadan aboneliğinizi iptal ettiğinizden emin olun.

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Paperless Post URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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PaperNodes URL


Hover over ‘More Pages’ then click on ‘login’ ⮕’account settings’ and scroll down to see ‘Delete my account’ and press it. After confirming your password, all the data asociated to your account will be deleted in 48 hours.

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Paperspace URL


Click on the “DEACTIVATE” button, under “Deactivate Account” in the linked page. A pop-up dialog appears, asking for a reason for deactivation. Select a reason from the listbox, and optionally leave a comment in the textbox below it. Finally, click on “DEACTIVATE” in the pop-up dialog.

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Paradox Plaza URL


Destek formunda “GDPR - Request for Account Deletion” seçeneğine basıp bilgilerinizi doldurmanız gerekiyor.

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Parallels URL


Need to login, click the delete button, confirm in the email, and confirm on the site again.

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Paramount Plus URL


You may also use the contact us link, but it doesn’t work on every country.

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Parcello URL


Ayarlara gidin, “Çeşitli” altındaki “Hesabı Sil” öğesini tıklayın. Ardından işlemi onaylayın. Uygulama içinde de çalışır.

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Parkmobile URL


Hesabınızı iptal etmek için, Parkmobile Yardım Masasına bir e-posta mesajı isteği gönderin ve adınızı, cep telefonu numaranızı, plaka numaranızı ve/veya kartın son 4 hanesini ekleyin. Yardım Masası hesabınızı iptal ettikten sonra, bir onay e-posta mesajı alacaksınız.

E-posta gönder »
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Parsec URL


At the bottom of the linked page select ‘Delete Account’ and confirm your username.

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pass Culture URL


Go to your profile, then “Informations personelles”, and click on “Supprimer mon compte”.

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PassDock URL


Hesap bilgileri sayfanızın altındaki “Hesabı Sil” öğesini seçin.

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Passpack URL


Sign into your Passpack account. Click on your ’Account’ tab then click the ’delete your account’ link in the lower left hand corner of the page. You will then be asked to insert your Packing Key to confirm that you are sure. Click ‘Delete’ to permanently delete your account.

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Pastebin URL


Silmek için şifre gereklidir. Oluşturulan içerik kaldırılacak ve kullanıcı adı tekrar kullanılamayacak. Silme sonrası kurtarma yoktur.

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Patreon URL


Giriş yapın ve bağlantıyı açın. “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve düğmelere basmaya devam edin. Silme işlemi 14 gün ertelenir. Silme ile ilgili veriler Transcend Inc. ile paylaşılır.

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Patrick Krempf Reminder URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Payback URL


According to their help page, you need to contact their Service-Center

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PayByPhone URL


You can only delete your PayByPhone account from the mobile app. To delete your account open the app and go to “Options” ⮕ “Account Settings” ⮕ “Delete Account”.

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Payoneer URL


According to their Support Center, you need to contact them via email, live chat, or phone.

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PayPal URL


You must resolve any account limitations and outstanding payments or balance before closing.

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PaySafeCard URL


You can only delete an account on the computer. Go to account settings, then click “Delete account”.

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PaySera URL


Destek ekibinden alıntı: Paysera hesabınızı tamamen silmek istiyorsanız, lütfen bize bir istek içeren bir e-posta yazın ve hesabınızı neden silmek istediğinizi belirtin. Bu e-posta, Paysera hesabınıza giriş yapmak için kullandığınız e-posta adresinden gönderilmelidir. Hesabınızı silerseniz, gelecekte yeni bir hesap oluşturamayacağınızı lütfen unutmayın. Paysera hesabı ücretsizdir ve onu silmemenizi tavsiye ederiz, ancak hesabı kapatırsanız, ileride Paysera hesabınıza giriş yaparak aktif hale getirebilirsiniz.

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You need to contact support through built-in chat or you can comment on the linked thread

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PCem Forum URL


There is no option to delete an account from the Control Panel. You might try PMing either the administrator (SarahWalker) or the global moderator (MichaelJManley), but response is not guaranteed.

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pCloud URL


Go to Settings ⮕ Account ⮕ Delete Your Account and confirm the e-mail. The data will be deleted within three months.

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PCPartPicker URL


“Hesap Ayarları” sayfanızdaki “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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PCS Mastercard URL


Send an email to delete your account.

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pdfFiller URL


Log in to your account, then go to ‘Settings’ tab and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Peacock URL


If you live in the U.S., fill out the form, select Peacock under applicable brands, and your account will be automatically deleted after some time. You may still receive a human response later however. Users outside of the U.S. should send an email to the privacy contact listed at the top of the form.

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Peak URL


Silme talebinde bulunmak için bir e-posta göndermelisiniz. Ardından, destek ekibinden geri bildirim isteyen ve silme işlemini onaylayan bir yanıt alacaksınız. Destek biriminden alacağınız bir sonraki e-posta, hesabınızın silindiğini size bildirecektir.

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Pearson URL

kısıtlı imkan

For general questions and requests you can email. Information for how to make a CCPA request is located here

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Peloton URL


To permanently delete your Peloton Account, please fill out the Privacy Request Form. Once the form is completed, the Peloton Privacy Team will begin processing your request.

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Pennsylvania Turnpike (Toll By Plate) URL


NOT FOR EZPASS ACCOUNTS. Fill out the form using the same information that is associated to your account. Alternatively, the account can be closed by calling 877-736-6727.

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Penpot URL


Go to your profile settings and click on “Want to remove your account?”

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Penzu URL


“Penzu Hesabını Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. E-posta adresinize gönderilen bağlantı ile silme işlemini onaylayın.

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peopleperhour URL


“Profil” “Ayarlar” “Hesap” “Düzenle” “Sebep seçin” “Devre dışı bırak”

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The Perfect Shave URL


“Hesabı Sil” ve ardından “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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Perplexity URL


In the “System” field, select “Delete Account” and confirm the action. All data will be permanently deleted 30 days after the account is deleted.

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Personal Capital URL


Ayarlar sayfasının altındaki “Kullanıcı Hesabını Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Personello Germany URL


Örneğin, “Hesabım” “Gönder” aracılığıyla destekle iletişim kurmak gerekir.

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Pexels URL


Hesabınızı silmek için yardım makalesindeki talimatları izleyin.

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Philips Hue URL


Hesap sayfanızda “Hesabı Sil” öğesini tıklayın.

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Phind URL


Сlick on your email at the top of the page, then in the “Danger zone” field select delete acccount

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PhishTank URL


Select “Phishtank” under “Account(s) or Service(s) of interest” and specify in request details that you wish to delete your account.

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Pholder URL


It is not possible to delete your account. The email address from the TOS (abuse@pholder.com) does not respond to any emails.

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Photobucket URL


First cancel any subscriptions. Then after logging in, click here and click through the multiple confirmations to start the account deletion process. Deletion can take up to 30 days, but there isn’t any type of notification confirming a successful deletion. Second method is to open a support ticket and provide account username, email address, full name, the postal code and country from where you registered for verification. This method allows immediate deletion upon request.

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Photomath URL


Open the menu and sign in ⮕ ‘Security and Privacy’ ⮕ ‘Edit profile’ ⮕ ‘Delete profile’

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phpBB Forum URL


Accounts are not generally deleted by moderators. Maybe if you try to reach one of the members of the “Moderator” team, you might convince someone of deleting your account, but this is discretional.

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phplist URL


Write an email requesting all data to be deleted.

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Piazza URL


E-mail them and ask to close your account. They will reply asking you to confirm, after which point you can acknowledge and it will be removed.

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Click “Delete Account”, then type your password to confirm. Your PII will be deleted, and “platform-specific data will be anonymized”.

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PicPay URL


PicPay accounts can be reactivated within 25 days of the request.

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Pillpack URL


Will need to contact customer support and confirm your name and information before they’ll delete.

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Pinboard URL


Visit your account page and click the “close account” link under your username. Your account will be suspended for 30 days, and then permanently deleted.

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Pingdom URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Pinterest URL


“Hesap Ayarları” sayfasında “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın, nedeni belirtin ve “Sonraki” “E-posta Gönder” tuşuna tıklayın. E-posta kutunuzu kontrol etmeniz ve silme işlemini onaylamanız gerekir.

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Pionex URL


Inside your account (at the top), within the user space go to the ‘Security’ option, scroll to the bottom where you will find the ‘Account Management’ option. Under it, there is a ‘Delete Account’ button.

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Pivot Interactives URL


You must send an email to remove your account. This service “may still retain certain information associated with your account” for any of the reasons outlined in section 7 of their privacy policy.

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PivotalTracker URL


Hesabınızı, web sitesini kullanarak silebilirsiniz, ancak yalnızca e-postayla iletişime geçtikten sonra tamamen silinir

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Pour supprimer votre compte Pix, faites-en la demande en complétant le formulaire de contact du support Pix, en renseignant le motif adéquat.

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Pixabay URL


Hesap ayarınızda “Hesabı Sil” öğesini seçin.

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Pixel Starships URL


According to Privacy Policy, “To request the correction or deletion of any personally identifiable information that you have provided to us, send an email to mail@savysoda.com with “ACCESS AND CORRECT INFORMATION” in the subject line.”

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Pixilart URL


Fairly simple process, just follow the link.

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pixiv URL


It takes 2 weeks to delete an account. You will be unable to re-use the same e-mail during that period. They won’t delete “pixiv ID”. If you have other accounts created from your Pixiv account, you have to delete them before you can delete your Pixiv account

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Pixlr URL


Click on ‘Delete account’ under your profile settings, state why you want it to be delete and enter your password.

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Pixum URL


Hesabınızın silinmesini talep etmek için onlara e-posta gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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Pizza Hut URL


Download the Pizza Hut app. Sign-in with account information, click on the ‘account’ tab and tap on profile. On the close my account section, tap on the close my account. Fill in your information (name, address, phone, email,) and click submit.

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Placeit URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the linked page and click on the ‘Delete my account’ button.

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PlanetMinecraft URL


Sends a verification email with a confirmation button before submitting the deletion request.

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PlantSnap URL


Hesabınızı silmek için mobil cihazınızda uygulamayı açın ve “Daha Fazla” düğmesine tıklayın. Ardından profil adınızı tıklayın, oradan hesabınızı silebilirsiniz. Ek yardıma ihtiyacınız varsa, web sitelerinde verilen iletişim formunu kullanın.

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Player FM URL


Sağ üstte, ayarlar düğmesini tıklayın ve “Yardım/SSS” seçeneğini seçin. “Hesabımı nasıl silerim ve Player FM’den ayrılırım?” seçeneğini seçin - bağlantı aşağıda olacaktır. Kutuya “Sil” yazın ve sonlandırmak için düğmeyi tıklayın.

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Playit.gg URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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PlayPosit URL


Sağ üstteki kullanıcı adınızı tıklayın ve “Profil” “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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PlayStation Network URL


You have to contact customer support or send them an email, and supply the email address associated with the account, along with the online ID, and one of the following information: the first four and last four digits of the bank card associated with the account, or the details of a recent transaction made using the account, or the serial number of the original console associated with the account. Alternatively, if you don’t have this information, you can supply a proof of identity (identity document) and a proof of address. If your account is linked to another account of the Sony group, you will have to delete it first. After closure, your online ID will not be reusable.

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Plenty of Fish URL


Silme formunu doldurun

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Plex.tv URL


“Tehlikeli Bölge” “Hesabınızı Silin” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Plexus URL


In the app, go into the menu, then under “My account”, click on “Delete account”.

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Plugin Boutique URL


Fill out the ticket form to request deletion, using the same email of the account.

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Pluralsight URL


Makalede verilen talimatları izleyin. İsterseniz, e-posta yoluyla da hesabınızın silinmesini talep edebilirsiniz. NOT: Ödenmemiş ödemeleriniz veya ihtilaflarınız varsa veya silme işlemini onaylamak için kişisel verilerinizi paylaşmaktan memnun değilseniz, bu daha zor olabilir

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Plus500 URL


You have to fill the ‘Personal Data Requests’ form to delete your account: provide your e-mail address, and under ‘Request Type’ select ‘Right of erasure’.

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Plushiies URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Pocket URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Pocket Casts URL


On your phone: Open the Pocket Casts app, click on the “Profile” tab and then on your account, finally scroll down and click on “Delete Account” at the bottom of the screen. On your browser: Log in to the Pocket Casts web player, click on the profile icon in the top right-hand corner, click on your email address then scroll down and click on the “Delete Account” link. A confirmation pop-up will appear asking if you’re sure you want to delete your account. Click “Delete” to confirm

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Pocketbook URL


Click on ‘Remove Pocketbook Account’ under account settings. Select an option from dropdown and type random feedback. Click Submit button. Type CONFIRM into text box and proceed to delete account.

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Pocoyo Club URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Podio URL


Hesabınızda oturum açın, “Sil” düğmesine basın ve sorulan ifadeyi yazın.

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Points.com URL


İletişim formu veya çevrim içi sohbet yoluyla destek ile iletişime geçmelisiniz.

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On their Support page, log in and create a new ticket with Ticket Type ‘Support Requests’ and Sub Type ‘Account Deletion’ to request account deletion.

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Pokémon GO URL


Sign in to the app with the game account you want to delete, then navigate to the Pokémon GO app ‘Settings’ ⮕ ‘Advanced Settings’ ⮕ ‘Delete Account’ and confirm.

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Pokémon Trainer Club URL


Go to https://club.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-trainer-club/edit-profile/ scroll down to the bottom and click ‘Request Data Deletion’, enter the required fields and you’ll then get a confirmation email.

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Polar URL


Select the account deletion option from the site.

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PolyBuzz URL


You must use the mobile app to delete the account. Furthermore, you must not have any active subscriptions, and your total coin balance must be less than 100, or the account won’t be deleted. To proceed, log in in mobile, then tap the user icon at the bottom right. Once into the settings, tap the tiny nut icon at the top right. When the settings appear, tap “Account”, then mark the confirmation checkbox and tap “Delete”.

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pon URL


Uygulamayı açın ve “Ayarlar” “Hesap Bilgisi” “Silmeyi Başlat” yolunu izleyin

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Porkbun URL


Hesabınızda oturum açın, bağlantıyı tıklayın, ardından “Hesabı Sil” düğmesini tıklayın ve talimatları izleyin.

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PornHub URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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postale.io URL


Sayfanın altındaki kırmızı “Hesabı Sil” düğmesini tıklayın. Ancak yalnızca yönetici hesapları bir hesabı silebilir.

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Postcrossing URL


Hesabınızda oturum açın, bağlantıya tıklayın (veriler tamamen silinir, bunu geri almak mümkün değildir).

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postimage URL


Log in, go to the linked website, enter your password and confirm

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Postman URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, ve profil sayfanızdaki “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Postmates URL


Hesap bilgilerini doldurun ve “Sorun Bildir” tuşuna tıklayın. Silme işlemini onaylamak için size gönderilen e-postayı yanıtlayın.

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Pottermore URL


Fill out form and submit. Non-USA form entries will receive an email to confirm the deletion request. If you are from the USA, use this form instead.

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The Powder Toy URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

PowToon URL


Click on the contact link of the linked page and fill out the form.

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Premera URL


Hesap silme talebinde bulunmak için Premera’nın destek ekibine e-posta gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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Premier League URL


Go to the Manage Profile page and click ‘Delete My Account’. Enter your password and click confirm.

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Premiumize.me URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, verilen bağlantıya tıklayın, “Onay kodu gönder” seçeneğine tıklayın ve ardından e-postanıza aldığınız kodu yapıştırarak “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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PrestaShop URL


Fill out the form.

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Previewed URL


Log into your account ⮕ Go to account settings ⮕ Scroll down to the bottom of the page ⮕ Click Delete Account.

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Prey URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, sayfanın altındaki “Hesabınızı kapatmanız mı gerekiyor?” seçeneğini tıklayın, ardından “Silmeyi Onayla” tuşuna tıklayın

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Prezi URL


Hesabınızda oturum açın, bağlantıyı tıklayın, şifrenizi girin ve “Hesabı Sil” seçeneğini tıklayın.

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Privacy URL


Click on the submit request button and click the request type to Close Account and fill out the form.

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ProductHunt URL


Hesap ayarına gidin, “Hesabımı Sil” altında “Devam Et” seçeneğini tıklayın ve oradan devam edin.

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Progate URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘Delete Account’

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Programiz PRO URL


Login to the website and tap on your profile icon. Click on ‘My Profile’ and navigate to the ‘Account’ section. Hit the ‘Delete My Account’ button.

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ProMods URL


Contact via Discord or forum asking to delete account.

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Proofwiki URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

PropertyListingsAI URL


Send an email. After receiving the email, your account will be deleted in the next 24 hours.

E-posta gönder »
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Prosper URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, verilen bağlantıyı tıklayın ve “Hesabımı şimdi kapat” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Proto.io URL


Hesabınızı geçici olarak kapatabilir veya kalıcı olarak silebilirsiniz. Hesabınıza giriş yapın, “Ayarlar” “Aboneliği Yönet” “Hesabınızı kapatmanız mı gerekiyor?” “Evet, hesabı kapat” yolunu izleyin

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Proton URL


Open your account settings, go to ‘Account’ ⮕ ‘Account and password’ ⮕ ‘Delete your account’. You need to select a reason for deleting your account and give some feedback.

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Prott URL


Hesabınızda oturum açın, “Ayarlar” “Genel” “Hesabınızı iptal etmek istiyorsanız buraya tıklayın” öğesini tıklayın, neden ayrıldığınızı seçin ve “Devam Et” “Evet, hesabımı iptal et” düğmesini tıklayın

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ProWritingAid URL


Visit the linked page and press ‘Delete Account’.

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Proxer URL


The account deletion page can be found by hovering the logo ⮕ Impressum ⮕ FAQ/Kontakt ⮕ Zur Accountlöschung. When logged in, the linked page should present a pop-up dialogue to confirm account deletion.

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Prusa URL


Prusa does not offer a way to delete your account.

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PTC (MathCad, Vuforia Chalk Community) URL


Log into your account to check the current state of the help page for any updates. If you cannot log in to your account anymore, use this link and fill out the form to request the deletion of a personal accounts data. A support agent should reach out to reconfirm your choice via email. This process may differ for education or business accounts.

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Public Lab URL


Şu anda Public Lab’de bir hesabı silmek mümkün değildir.

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Pulse.red URL


Hit the button with the user name in the top-right. Navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab and pick ‘Delete account’. Confirm by clicking ‘Yes, delete’.

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Pulseway URL


Sayfanın altında “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Aynı sayfada listelenen ‘İş E-postası’na gönderilen bir koda ihtiyacınız olacak (onay olmadan değiştirilebilir).

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Pushlink URL


Type your current password and click ‘Erase all data permanently’.

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Pushover URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Put.io URL


“Hesabımı tamamen yok et” öğesini ve ardından “Her şeyi sil” öğesini tıklayın.

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PxHere URL


You must email support to delete your account.

E-posta gönder »
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Python Morsels URL


Visit the linked page and enter your email and password

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Python Package Index (PyPI) URL


Go to “Delete account ⮕ Delete your PyPI account”. Projects that you are the sole of owner of will be needed to have their ownership transferred to another user or to be deleted before being able to proceed.

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PythonAnywhere URL


You must email support to delete your account.

E-posta gönder »
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If you want to delete the wallet, then log in to your QIWI Wallet and fill out the form below, which will be available after authorization.

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Qobuz URL


Requires email confirmation.

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From the app: Avatar ⮕ Settings ⮕ Account Security ⮕ Account Cancellation.

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Click ‘Close account’ ⮕ Enter your current password ⮕ Click ‘Deactivate’.

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Go to the linked page and scroll down to the bottom. From there, click on ‘Delete Account’.

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Quantic Foundry URL


Email their support team asking for account deletion.

E-posta gönder »
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QuillBot URL


Visit the linked page and use the form to request the deletion of your account.

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QuintoAndar URL


Send a message to them requesting deletion. They will reply asking for the reason and a few personal data and eventually delete. If you had rented something on their platform in the past, they won’t be able to delete your personal data to comply with regulations.

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Quip URL


Hesabınızın silinmesini talep etmek için onlara e-posta gönderin.

E-posta gönder »
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Quire URL


Settings ⮕ Options ⮕ Advanced ⮕ Delete account… Type in a reason and your password.

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Quizlet URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Quora URL


Giriş yapın, “Ayarlar” “Gizlilik” “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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RackNerd URL


Opening a support ticket will result in your account being closed by customer support. However, you can still log in with the same account credentials, but it will show that your account is in a closed status. You will not be able to re-register using the same email address.

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radio.fr URL


Giriş yapın, “Profil” sayfasına gidin, “Verim” sekmesinde “Hesabımı Sil” öğesini tıklayın.

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Radiooooo URL


Hesabın kaldırılması doğrudan e-posta ile talep edilmelidir.

E-posta gönder »
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Rail Europe URL


Go to account settings and click the ‘Delete my account’ button at the top right corner. This will open a ticket for them to delete your account and it will eventually be processed.

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Raindrop.io URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Rainforest QA URL


Giriş yapın, ayarlara girin ve “Hesabımı silmek istiyorum” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Rakuten URL

kısıtlı imkan

If you’re on a region where privacy rights are covered by law, it’s as easy as clicking a button, otherwise you have to send an e-mail.

E-posta gönder »
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Account can be deleted by clicking “delete” under “Delete Current User”.

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RateYourMusic URL


Hesabı sildikten sonra, kalıcı olarak silinmeden önce 30 gün boyunca devre dışı bırakılacaktır. Mesajlar, forum gönderileri ve katkılar, hesabınız silindikten sonra bile sitede kalır.

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RayWenderlich URL


Send an email to support@razeware.com with your account username and email address. Within a few business days, you should receive confirmation that your account was deleted.

E-posta gönder »
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Razer URL


Web sitesinin garanti ve ürün kayıt bölümüne erişmek için bir hesap gereklidir. Farklı bir alt alan adında olmasına rağmen, bu normal Razerzone.com web sitesini ve çeşitli mağazayı da etkiler.

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RD Saúde (Droga Raia and Drogasil) URL


Fill out the form and make your data deletion request.

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Read the Docs URL


On the linked page confirm your username and select ‘Delete Account’.

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Readernaut URL


Profil sayfanıza gidin ve “Hesabınızı Silin” düğmesine tıklayın.

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RealDebrid URL


Önce, “Real-Debrid hesabımı silmek istiyorum” kısmına erişmek için arama çubuğunda “hesabı sil” araması yapın. Premium durumdaki kullanıcıların talimatlari için üzerine tıklayın. Hesabınız artık premium değilse, hesabınızı silmenizi isteyen bir destek bileti oluşturmak için “Bize ulaşın” düğmesine gidin.

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RealPython URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Rebelsmarket URL


Click on URL and then choose Cancel Account. Once prompted confirm that you want to cancel your account and then you will receive a verification email. Note, you can also download your personal data on this page.

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rebuy URL


At the bottom of your Account/personal-data page should be a button to delete your account

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RecargaPay URL


Hesabınızı tamamen silemezsiniz. Hesap kapatma sayfasında, hesabınızı kapattıktan sonra verilerinizin büyük bir kısmının sistemden silineceği, ancak hangi verilerin ve neden saklanacağı belirtilmemiştir. Kapatılan hesaplar da herhangi bir zamanda kullanıcı tarafından yeniden etkinleştirilebilir.

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Recreation.gov URL


Login and go to the link to click the button to delete account. Confirm your password and you’ll receive an e-mail with the deletion completion.

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Red Hat URL


Select “I have a redhat.com login ID and I want Red Hat to delete it.”

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Red Robin URL


Select “Delete my data” as the request type.

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Redacteur.com URL


Login to your account. Click on “My Account” then “My connection information”. Finally click “Delete my account”

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Redbooth URL


By deleting your account you will lose access to all your organizations and workspaces. This action is irreversible.

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Redbubble URL


Hesabınızı silmek için düğmeye tıklayın.

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Reddit URL


If you are opted in to the redesign, scroll to the bottom and click on the Delete Account button. Your content will not be deleted (only disassociated).

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Redfin URL


After logging in, click the “Delete Your Account” link at the bottom of the Account Settings page.

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Rediff URL


To delete the account, according to the linked page, an e-Mail must be sent to their Support team. If the linked e-Mail doesn’t work, try this one: shopsupport@rediff.co.in

E-posta gönder »
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Redirect.ing URL


On the settings page, click the “Delete my account & data” button at the bottom of the page.

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redirect.pizza URL


In the bottom right corner of the linked page, click ‘Delete my account’.

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RedPen.io URL


Hesabınızın kaldırılması için geri bildirimi tıklayarak ekibe e-posta göndermeniz gerekir.

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RedShelf URL


Brytewave users should submit a DSAR request to Follett.

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Reg.ru URL


To deactivate an account in Reg.ru, send a request to the support service with the account’s login.

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Remember The Milk URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Remind URL


Sayfanın altına gidin ve ‘Hesabı Sil’ tuşuna tıklayın

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Remitly URL


In your profile settings, scroll down and select “Close my profile”. You account will remain recoverable anytime but you con contact the support to delete your data.

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Render URL


Go to your profile page, scroll to the bottom and click Delete Render Account.

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Renderforest URL


Click ‘Delete account’ in the middle of the page, then enter your password.

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Replay Poker URL


Lütfen hesabınızı devre dışı bırakmak için bir neden girin ve bitirdikten sonra “Devre dışı bırak” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Replit URL


On the linked page under Account select ‘Request account deletion’ and then click the ‘Yes, Delete my Account’ button.

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Report URI URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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RescueTime URL


Sağ alt köşedeki “Hesabınızı Silin” bağlantısını kullanın.

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Reservio URL


Go to the Business tab ⮕ Settings. You will find the option for the deletion of your account at the bottom of this page.

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ResumeBoostAI URL


Send an email. After receiving the email, your account will be deleted in the next 24 hours.

E-posta gönder »
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ResumeGenius URL


Simply login to your resumegenius account, go to the form, click delete and you should be good to go!

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Resy URL


While self-deletion is possible through their app, it is iOS only. Everyone else must send an email.

E-posta gönder »
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RetroAchievements URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Retroroms URL


Log in, then go to the linked page, and click in the blue button labeled “DELETE ACCOUNT”. The deletion is performed immediately.

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Retrospring URL


Sayfanın altındaki “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Visit the linked page and click ‘Close Account’. Type ‘CLOSE’ in the text box, then click ‘Close Account Forever’.

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RevenueHits URL


In the support center it says that you can’t delete your account, but if you contact them by e-mail, you should be able to get it deleted.

E-posta gönder »
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Reverso URL


On your own, you can only disable your account in your profile settings. If you want to request its removal, you must contact support using the linked form, but they may ask you to confirm your identity.

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Revolt URL


Go to your account options and click on ‘Mark Account for Deletion’.

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Revolut URL


Open the Revolut app on your phone, go to the profile icon, then press on “Account”, “Close account”, and follow the instructions. In order to close your account you must meet the requirements written in the linked page.

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Rideindego URL


Yalnızca otomatik yenileme özelliğini iptal edebilirsiniz. Onları aradım ve hesabımı iptal etmelerini ve posta listelerinden çıkarılmalarını istedim ve bana hesabımın yenilenmediğini ve yapabilecekleri başka bir şey olmadığını söylediler.

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Riffle URL


Profil sayfanızda “Profili Düzenle” tuşuna tıklayın ve “Hesabı İptal Et” düğmesini kullanın.

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Ring URL


Go to the URL, sign into your account, and select “Delete Data” near the bottom. Reenter your password, select “Confirm Deletion,” and then wait for up to 30 days for your request to be processed. When your information has been deleted, your account credentials will no longer work.

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Riot Games URL


Hesabınızı silmek için her hangi bir oyunun destek sayfasından destek isteği açmanız gerekiyor. Hesabınız algoritma tarafından onaylandıysa, kendiniz de silebilirsiniz.

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Bilgi Mevcut Değil

RiseUp URL


Go to account.riseup.net ⮕ ‘Login’ ⮕ Press ‘purge data’ then press ‘close account’. Finally, follow any instructions on screen.

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Rituals.com URL


verilerinizi silme hakkı için bir GDPR davası talep etmeniz gerekir.

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Robinhood URL


Support will not disable / delete your login. Individual brokerage or crypto accounts can be deleted, as well as marketing information through self-service option.

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Roblox URL


A form of photo ID is required. Despite what the initial email claims, they will delete your account regardless of your location.

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RoboForm URL


Click “Delete my RoboForm account” then confirm.

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Rockstar Games Social Club URL


Click on the delete account and information button on the support page to submit a ticket. They will then email you asking you to confirm a few details of your account which you have to reply to, after that the account will be deleted.

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Roku URL


Factory reset your roku devices before deleting account.

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Roland URL


Hesabınızın silinmesi için müşteri hizmetleri ile iletişime geçmeniz gerekir.

E-posta gönder »
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Roll20 URL


Hesap sayfasında, aşağı kaydırarak “Tehlikeli Bölge” bölümüne gidin ve “Hesabımı Sil” düğmesini tıklayın. Bundan sonra, açılır kutuya ‘DELETE’ yazmanız gerekecektir.

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The Root URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Rosetta Stone URL


Kayıtlı e-postanızı kullanarak destek sitesi formu aracılığıyla kişisel veri silme talebi gönderin. Verileriniz, herhangi bir e-posta onayı olmadan bir süre sonra silinecektir. Not: Kaliforniya’da ikamet edenler başka bir form kullanmalıdır!

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Rotten Tomatoes URL


If you want to delete an account you’ve created on Rotten Tomatoes, please contact an agent on live chat or fill out the email contact form.

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Rue du Commerce URL


No online request possible.

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Rumble URL


Click on the big red button at the bottom of the page.

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Runescape URL


İstek türünüz olarak ‘Kişisel verilerinizi kaldırın ve hesabınızı kalıcı olarak devre dışı bırakın’ seçeneğini seçin ve formun geri kalanını doldurun.

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RunKeeper URL


Şifrenizi girin, bir silme nedeni seçin, captcha’yı tamamlayın, “Sil” düğmesine basın ve ardından onay kutusunda “Onayla” seçeneğini seçin.

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Runtastic URL


Hesabınızı silmek için Runtastic.com’a gidin ve oturum açın, kullanıcı adınızın sağ tarafındaki oka tıklayın, “Ayarlar” seçeneğine tıklayın, sol taraftaki “Giriş Verisi” seçeneğine tıklayın ve son olarak “Hesabımı Sil” seçeneğine tıklayın

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Ryanair URL


Hesap silme işlemini başlatmak için gizlilik politikalarında bulunan bağlantıyı kullanın.

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Rytr URL


In order to delete your acoount, you have to send an e-mail to them.

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SadlyUnfriended URL


Alternatively, remove the Sadly Unfriended application from Facebook and follow the email instructions.

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Sahibinden URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Salad URL


You need to create a ticket.

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SamMobile URL


Type in your password and click “Submit”. Click the confirmation link sent to your email address.

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Samsung Account URL


“Yukarıdaki koşulları onaylıyorum” onay kutusunu tıklayın, “Sil” tuşuna basarak şifrenizi yazın ve “Onayla” tuşuna tıklayarak işleminizi onaylayın.

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SamyGO Forum URL


The only way is to send a request but no one responds.

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Sapinet URL


Send a support request, they will delete your “account” you will still be able to login and your ability to send support request will be removed. The website will tell you “no account found, to make a mew one you have to make a new order.”. Your name and email address will not be deleted.

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Satispay URL


Follow the steps in the form. You will need the mobile open with your account logged in to provide some details like the UID

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Scaleway URL


Go to the organization view and click the red ‘deactivate organisation’.

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Scammer.info URL


Go into your account preferences and click “Delete My Account”.

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Scavify URL


Click the ‘Delete Account’ button, type in the confirmation and delete the account!

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Scene+ URL


You must call support to delete your account, they will not do it over email.

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Scentbird URL


Müşteri hizmetleriyle sohbet/destek formunu kullanarak bir destek talebi açın ve hesabınızı silmelerini isteyin.

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Scholly URL


Log in, go to the URL, open ‘Account Details’ ⮕ ‘Delete Account’, and press ‘Yes’ to confirm. Scholly will immediately log you out and your credentials will no longer work.

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School of Chaos Online MMORPG URL


E-mailing customer service does not delete the account, only put it in spawn and reset mission progress. All items, currency and usernames are intact. The e-mail is not even publicly available.

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SchoolCashOnline URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Deactivate Account’.

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SchoolFinder URL


Email customer service to request account deletion.

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Schoology URL


Click on the “I Agree” button.

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scite_ URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Score URL


Email to ensure your account is deleted.

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Scratch URL


Click on ‘Yes, next step’, and follow the prompt

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Scribd URL


Follow the instructions from this link.

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Sdc.com URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Seagate URL


Log in, go to the URL, press ‘Delete Account and Product Registrations’, and press ‘Delete’. You should receive an email asking you to confirm account deletion.

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Second Life URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Sedo URL


You can only request account deletion by sending an email. “Upon your request, we will deactivate and delete your account, contact information, billing information, shipping information, and financial information from our active databases. To make this request, email contact@sedo.com. Your account will be deactivated and deleted as soon as reasonably possible after we receive your request but no later than 30 days.”

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Seedbox URL


There are two ways of cancelling your pack, depending on how you ordered your services: Without automatic payment: Simply ignore the reminders and the pack will be automatically deleted from our servers. With automatic payment: It is imperative to cancel the automatic payment before the renewal of your service, no refund will be made. Log in to your PayPal account, click on Preferences at the top of the page, click on “My money”, then on “Update” next to “My pre-approved payments”. Select the payment, then click Cancel, now all you have to do is ignore the renewal calls issued by the system and your pack will be deleted automatically when it expires.

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seedr.cc URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and click on “Contact Us”. Fill in the message as “Please delete my seedr.cc account”, include your registered email in the contact email field, submit the form and wait for their confirmation email. Note that the chances of them actually replying is very very low.

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Sega URL


Send an email to dataprivacy@sega.com / dpo@sega.co.uk / dataprivacy@segaamerica.com that says “I want to delete all my data from Sega.”.

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SelfWealth URL


Contact them through e-mail to delete your account.

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Sellfy URL


Önce giriş yapın, verilen bağlantıya gidin ve “Hesabı Kapat” tuşuna basın, tüm ürünler ve siparişler kaybedilecek, nedenini eklemeniz gerekecek ve seçeneğe bağlı olarak daha fazla açıklamanız gerekecek

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SendGrid URL


You must send an email from your account’s registered address. Some account data may be retained in anonymized form for up to a year.

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Sendspace URL


Login to your account, then open the URL. You should see the option ‘Close my account’. They will ask for confirmation, and after you confirm your account will be deleted.

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SensCritique URL


Log in, go to the url. Fill your password and click on “Valider”. Click on the blue text button “Je souhaite supprimer mon compte et ma collection”. Your account will be deleted in 7 days.

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Sentry URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Server.pro URL


Contact support with email provided here.

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Serverless URL


To delete your account, click your avatar and go to “Profile” page, click on “delete account” and then confirm the deletion by entering your username.

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Service-Public.fr URL


Open your profile settings and click on “Supprimer mon Compte”.

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Session URL


Go into settings, press ‘Clear Data’, then ‘Delete’ and finally ‘Entire Account’.

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SetApp URL


Log in, go to the URL, press ‘Delete account’, and enter your password to confirm. Your account becomes unavailable and all the data in it is deleted.

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Seznam.cz URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Sfimg URL


Go to ‘Account Options’ on the menu of the icon of your profile, click ‘Cancel SFI Account’, and ‘Opt Out Of SFI COMPLETELY’, then send the form with the reason of the deletion and confirm the e-mail.

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Shadow URL


Click the “Delete my shadow account” at the bottom of the security page. Confirm by clicking yes and enter your password.

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Sharesome URL


On Privacy tab, click in the ‘Delete Account’ button. After that, insert a reason (this step is optional) and your account password.

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Shazam URL


Visit the linked page and sign in to your account. Your account will be deleted within 30 days. According to their privacy page “Shazam may retain data that has been deidentified and is no longer associated with you.”

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Shein URL


Click on the link, then click on “Contact Agent”, select “Unsubscribe and delete”. Finally fill in the various fields and then press “Submit”. ⚠️ It is imperative to give a reason for deleting an account for it to work.

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Shikimori URL


The site does not provide for the possibility of account deletion. However, you can remove all contact information from your profile and replace your email with a non-existent one. After performing these actions, there will be virtually nothing left of your account.

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Shinden URL


Go to “Moje konto”, “Edytuj”, “Konto” and “Usuń konto”.

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Shipito URL


Bir müşteri destek talebi oluşturarak silme talebinde bulunun.

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Shodan URL


Send an email to Shodan support to delete your account.

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Shop URL


On the shop app: Open the ‘Account’ tab and tap the settings icon on the top right corner. Tap ‘App settings’, then ‘Delete account’, and then ‘Delete account’. On the ‘Are you sure you want to delete your account?’ dialog, tap ‘Delete account’ to complete your account deletion. Deleting your account on a web browser is possible, but hardest: If you can’t log in to the Shop app, submit your email address at https://shop.app/opt-out, and then check your email to complete deleting your account.

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Shop Your Way URL

kısıtlı imkan

Only California and Virginia residents may file a deletion request. Complete the linked form or call 1-888-527-6415.

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Shopee URL


“Ben” “Hesabım” “Hesap Silmeyi Gönder” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Shopify URL


Go to the linked URL and follow the steps to send a data deletion request. You may be asked to provide additional details at some point.

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Shorte.st URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, verilen hesap silme bağlantısına gidin, e-posta ile alınan onay bağlantısına tıklayın ve “Hesabı Kaldır” seçeneğini seçin. Not: Oluşturduğunuz bağlantılar çalışmaya devam edecek ve aynı e-postayı yeni bir hesap oluşturmak için kullanamayacaksınız. Bu nedenle, önce oluşturduğunuz tüm bağlantıları manuel olarak silmeyi unutmayın.

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Shotgun.live URL


You need to download the mobile app to delete your account. See the link for instructions on how to do it.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Shpock URL


Hesabı silmek için e-posta göndermelisiniz.

E-posta gönder »
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Shutterfly URL


Visit the linked page and request account deletion. You will receive an email when your request is completed.

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Shutterstock URL


Go to your account details and press Delete my account and confirm.

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SigFig URL


Silmeyi talep etmek için müşteri hizmetlerine e-posta gönderin.

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Signal URL


In Signal, tap your ‘profile’ ⮕ ‘Account’ ⮕ ‘Delete account’. And Enter your Signal number, Tap ‘Delete account’.

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Similarweb URL


In your Similarweb account settings, Within the user profile, click Delete Account, then click the ‘Delete Account’ button.

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Simple Machines URL


Hesabınızın bir yönetici veya moderatör tarafından silinmek üzere işaretlenmesi için şifrenizi girin. Forum yöneticisi izin veriyorsa, bunu diğer Simple Machines forumları için yapabilirsiniz.

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SimpleLogin URL


“Hesabı Sil” “Evet, hesabımı sil” tuşuna basın.

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Simplenote URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, “Hesap Ayarları” sayfasına gidin ve “Hesabı Sil” düğmesini tıklayın. Kutuyu işaretleyerek, şifrenizi girerek ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayarak onaylayın.

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SimplePlanes URL


Login to your account, open your profile page and follow these steps: click ‘Manage Account’ ⮕ click ‘Close Account’ ⮕ click ‘OK’ ⮕ type ‘CLOSE’ ⮕ click ‘CLOSE’ ⮕ click ‘OK’. Using the link from here also skips every step before “type ‘CLOSE’”.

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Simplified URL


Click the ‘Danger Zone’ and then click ‘Delete Account’.

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Simply Plural URL


On your settings page, go to “Account” ⮕ “Account Settings”, Scroll down to “Danger zone” and click on “Delete Account”

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The Sims Resource URL


Since there is no button, you must contact them through a support ticket. Subsequently, after inclusion in their ticket system, they will resolve the matter soon; however, this may differ from one to another.

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SitePoint URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Sketchfab URL


“Hesabınızı Silin” düğmesini tıklamanız, “Tüm içeriği silme izni” ve “Onayla” seçeneğini seçmeniz gerekir.

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SketchUp URL


Fill in the details requested by the linked form (First and Last name, e-Mail address, and “Please delete my SketchUp account” as comment), then click “Submit”.

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Skiddle URL


Follow the link above, or alternatively check the bottom of the notification settings page.

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Skillshare URL


Fill out the Privacy Request Form and select Delete under Type of Request.

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Skinbaron URL


Create a ticket on the website, or email them.

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Skoob URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Skool URL


Use the link to submit a request to delete your account permanently. You will receive a confirmation mail shortly. Note that this will not cancel payments processed outside of the platform. Best to contact the group admins for further assistance.

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Skype URL


You can’t delete your Skype profile without deleting your entire Microsoft account. If you have a legacy Skype account that isn’t yet linked to a Microsoft account, you must link it to a new Microsoft account for the purpose of closing. If you want to delete your entire Microsoft account, use the instructions for Microsoft Account.

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SkySilk URL

kısıtlı imkan

Once you deactivate your account you can request a GDPR delete by submitting the request in a support ticket. A GDPR delete will erase 100% of your personal information that you provided when you created an account with them.

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Slack URL


Slack ekibinin birincil sahibi sizseniz, hesabınızı silmeden önce ekibi silmeniz veya sahipliğini devretmeniz gerekecektir. Değilseniz, çalışma alanı yöneticisinden silme talebinde bulunmanız gerekir.

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Slashdot URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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SleeveYourGames URL


Write on the FAQ requesting for deletion, they will reply asking which e-mail you used to sign-up, then you provide and it gets deleted.

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Slideshare URL


Bu bağlantıdaki talimatları izleyin.

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The only way to delete your account is by emailing their customer support team.

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SmartRecruiters URL


Kullanıcı hesabınızı devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz, ancak silemezsiniz.

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Smartsheet URL


An account deletion request needs to be sent to customer services via a privacy request form found in their privacy policy.

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SmartyPig URL


You have to contact their customer support team.

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Smodin URL


Click the ‘Subscriptions’ tab at the top left of the page. Then scroll down and click the ‘Delete Account’ button at the very bottom of the page and select a checkbox. Your account will be deleted after 5 days

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Smoothcomp URL


Click on your name at the top right of the website, which opens a dropdown. Then, click Settings and click the Delete Account button at the bottom of the page.

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In order to delete your account you have to head over to the settings page and click on the ‘Delete Account’ button after filling in your password. Keep in mind that the site does not allow you to delete the account if a card transaction has been made within the last 14 days.

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Smule URL


Create a ticket, select ‘Remove Smule Profile’, fill in the necessary details and tick the boxes. Make sure to remove subscriptions from the required services too.

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Snapchat URL


Kullanıcı adınızı ve şifrenizi girip “Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Snapfish URL


You need to open a request with customer service to delete your account.

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Snappa URL


Click ‘Delete Account’ ⮕ Click ‘Delete’ to confirm.

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Once logged into your customer account, you can take the request by clicking “delete my account”, in the bottom of your homepage, then follow the instructions.

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Snov.io URL


Click “Delete Account” and follow the instructions

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Social Blade URL


You can delete your account by clicking the red ‘DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT’ button at the very bottom of the page.

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SoftCreatR Media URL


İşlemi önceden iptal etmezseniz kullanıcı hesabınız 7 gün sonra silinecektir. Forum gönderileri gibi oluşturulan içerik silinmeyecek, ancak kullanıcı adınız anonim hale getirilecek ve 363 gün boyunca yeniden kayıttan korunacaktır.

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solo.to URL


Scroll to the bottom of the Account page linked and click the ‘Delete Account’ button.

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SoloLearn URL


Go to Profile ⮕ Settings ⮕ Delete account

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Sonder URL


On the app, tap the ‘profile’ button, go into settings then ‘Request account deletion’. State the reason and agree everything will be deleted and that should be it. The option to delete your account does not appear on the website.

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Songkick URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Sonix URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Sonos URL


In order to delete your account you have to email them

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Sony URL


Go to your profile, then to “My Account Details”, scroll down and click “Delete Account”, at the bottom of the page.

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Soulseek URL


Your username is deleted automatically if you haven’t logged into your account for 30 days.

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SoundCloud URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Soundtrap URL


If you have a subscription, you must cancel it before deleting your account. The only way to delete your account is by contacting support, which you can do using the “Submit a request” button at the top of their support site.

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SourceForge URL


Kullanıcı tarafından oluşturulan gönderi ve destek talepleri gibi veriler, silinmiş olsa bile kalır ve hesaba atfedilir. Kullanıcı adı kullanılamayacak.

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Sourcegraph URL


Contact Sourcegraph support via email using your primary email (shown at accounts.sourcegraph.com when signed in).

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Sourcery.ai URL


Contact support by email and request account deletion.

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SpaceHey URL


On the linked page select ‘Delete this Account’.

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According to their privacy policy, emailing should be sufficient for data deletion, but they are unresponsive.

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Speaker Deck URL


Sayfanın altına doğru kaydırın ve “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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speedrun.com URL


On the linked page open the Delete tab, confirm your password, check ‘Delete all runs’ and ‘Delete all forum posts’, and select ‘Delete account’.

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Speedtest URL


The only way to delete your speedtest account is by emailing their support team.

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Sphere Online Judge (SPOJ) URL


The only way to delete the account is by emailing the Operator, as per section 3.19 of their TOS.

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Spieletipps URL


Confirm password and click the delete button.

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SpigotMC URL


Hesabınızı silemezsiniz, sadece hesabınızı devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz. Bunun için “Profil” gidin ve profilinizdeki “Raporlar” düğmesini tıklayın ve “Sil Beni” yazıp bekleyin.

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Splice URL


Select ‘Delete account’ at the bottom of the page.

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Splitser URL


Select ‘Close account’ and press ‘OK’ in the popup.

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Splitwise URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Sportsbet URL


On the bottom of the page, download and fill the Self Exclusion Form.

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Sportsbet.io URL


Send an e-mail to them, from the registered e-mail, requesting the account exclusion.

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Spotify URL


  1. Aboneliğinizi iptal linkinden iptal edin. 2. Herkese açık çalma listeleri anonimleştirilecek, istediğiniz tüm çalma listelerini silin. 3. Verilen bağlantıya girin ve “Hesap” “Hesabımı kapatmak istiyorum” kısmından talimatları takip edin. Hesap, talepten sonraki 7 gün içinde yine de geri yüklenebilir.
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Spreadshirt URL


Click ‘Delete account’ on the page, confirm with your password.

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SquadJobs URL


You need to e-mail them to request for account deletion.

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Square URL


You can deactivate your business, but not delete your account.

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Square Cash URL


Destek sayfasına giriş yapın ve müşteri desteğine e-posta ile hesabınızı silmenizi isteyin.

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Squarespace URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange Accounts URL


You can delete using the provided link, but then you have to submit an Erase my account request to have the profile fully deleted and the data removed or anonymized in the network.

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StackBlitz URL


In the linked settings page, select “Delete my account” at the very bottom, then click on “Permanently delete my account and X project(s).” (“X” is the number of projects in the account at the time of deletion.)

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Stackhero URL


Click the lower right position messenger to request for account deletion.

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Stake URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Stan URL


Use the Stan Help Centre to submit a request, choose ‘Account and Billing’ then ‘Cancelling my Stan account’ and fill out the remaining fields.

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Standard Notes URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Starbucks URL


US and Canadian users: Select the correct privacy form to submit your request. All others must send an email.

E-posta gönder »
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Stardock URL


Fill out the form or send an email (from the same email as your account).

E-posta gönder »
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Startnext URL


Profil ayarlarınıza gidin, aşağı kaydırın ve ‘Profili sil’ bağlantısını tıklayın. Bazı nedenlerden dolayı hesabınızın silinememesi mümkün olabilir, örneğin: başlangıç, finansman veya bitiş aşamasında bir projeniz var; aktif bir ortak sayfanız var; hala finansman aşamasında olan bir projeyi desteklediniz ve ödemenizi henüz almadık veya ödemeniz size iade edilmedi.

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statcounter URL


Bağlantıyı tıklayın, giriş bilgilerinizi girin ve onaylayın. Verileriniz temizlenene kadar 30 gün boyunca geri alınabilir.

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Statista URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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StatusCake URL


“Hesap” sayfasının altında aşağı kaydırın ve kırmızı “Hesabı Kaldır” tuşuna tıklayın

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StatusInvest URL


Go to your account configurations and click the button to permanently delete. You have 15 days to go back and ask for it to be restored, after that it is deleted.

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Steam URL


Önce hesabın sahipliğini doğrulamanız gerekir, ardından Steam Desteği kimliğinizi doğrulamak için yanıt verecektir. Onayladıktan sonra hesabınız kilitlenecek ve ardından 30 gün içinde silinecektir. 30 gün boyunca Steam Destek ile iletişime geçerek silme işlemini iptal edebilirsiniz. Hesap adınızı tekrar kullanamazsınız.

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SteelSeries URL


Login ⮕ Hover over your username ⮕ Overview ⮕ Profile ⮕ Delete Account ⮕ Delete

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StepMap URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

StickK URL


Açılır menüden “Hesabımı sonlandırmak istiyorum” seçeneğini seçin ve ardından formu doldurup gönderin.

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Stocard URL


From the app: Account ⮕ Manage Account ⮕ Delete account.

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Stock Informer URL


Sayfanın altındaki ‘Hesabı Devre Dışı Bırak’ tuşuna tıklayın.

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Storenvy URL


Giriş yapın, ardından “Hesap Ayarları” “Profil” sayfasına gidin. Alta doğru ilerleyin ve “Storenvy mağazamı & hesabımı kapat” seçeneğini tıklayın. Onaylamanız istendiğinde “Tamam” seçeneğini tıklayın.

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Storj URL


Before requesting account deletion, make sure you have deleted all Buckets, Objects and Access Grants. These can all be found on the main dashboard after logging in. You’ll have to create another account for their helpdesk ticket system, but after contacting support, they will delete both the main Storj account as well as the Helpdesk one.

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Strava URL


Hesap silme işlemi geri alınamaz: Hesabınız ve verileriniz kalıcı olarak silinecek ve tüm kulüplerden, ısı haritalarından, mücadelelerden ve liderlik tablolarından çıkarılacaksınız. Herkese açık bölümler veya rotalar gibi topluluk için oluşturduğunuz bazı veriler Strava’da kalabilir.

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Strawpoll URL


All of your polls will be eliminated

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Streamable URL


Hesabınızı silmek için destek ile iletişime geçmelisiniz.

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StreamLabs URL


Contact customer support via email, set subject line to “REQUEST TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT”. You will soon receive an email informing you about need to appeal on Logitech’s website in order to fully delete your account with a link provided. Here you will need to enter your name, email, choose “Data privacy request” for a topic and say that you want to delete your Streamlabs account in the textbox below

E-posta gönder »
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StreamYard URL


Click the delete account button, confirm and enter the 6-digit code sent to your e-mail to finalize

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Stripe URL


Yalnızca hesap sahipleri (ekip üyeleri değil) hesabı silebilir. Hesap kalıcı olarak kapatılmadan önce bakiyelerin ve bekleyen faturaların tamamının çözülmesi gerekir. Tersine çevrilemez.

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Stronghold Kingdoms URL


Giriş yapın, hesabımı görüntüle seçeneğini seçin, bir iletişim kutusu hesabımı sil düğmesini içerecek ve daha sonra e-posta ile onaylanacaktır. Onayladıktan sonra, GDPR talebinizin tamamlanması 2 hafta sürecektir. Bu silme talebini, bu 2 haftalık işlem süresi içinde, onay e-postasındaki aşağıdaki bağlantıyı tıklayarak istediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz.

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StudentBeans URL


Open account settings, click on ‘Delete Account’, provide a reason, and confirm you’d like to delete it.

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Studio URL


Click on ‘Delete My Account’ and confirm you’d like to delete it.

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Studios New York URL


Login and navigate to Your Profile by clicking on your name in the header. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Remove My Profile’.

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StudyMode URL


Hesabınızı silmek için destek ile iletişime geçmelisiniz.

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StumbleUpon URL


14 gün içinde yeniden etkinleştirebilirsiniz. Bundan sonra hesap silinir.

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Subaru Maps URL


Click the “Delete User” button in the bottom-right corner.

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SubMeNow URL


Click ‘Close Account’ then click ‘YES, close my Account’ to confirm.

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SulAmérica URL


They claim nothing can be deleted.

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Super Domínios URL


İletişim formunu kullanın. İsterseniz, e-posta yoluyla da hesabın silinmesini talep edebilirsiniz.

E-posta gönder »
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Super Tux Kart URL


Enter your passwords in the account deletion page.

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Supercell ID URL


Hesabınızı ‘sildikten’ sonra bile, Supercell kişisel bilgilerinizi, onlara göre ‘ticari çıkarlar’ için sunucularında saklayacaktır.

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SurfEasy URL


Send an email from the address associated with your account. It takes up to 30 days for the account to be removed and data deleted.

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Surfshark URL


You can only delete your account if you click on the link provided.

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SurveyMonkey URL


Sayfanın altına gidin ve “Kalıcı Olarak Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Bilgileri inceledikten sonra, tüm onay kutularını tıklayın ve şifrenizi girin. Onaylamak için “Evet, bu hesabı sil” tuşuna tıklayın. Hesap ve anket verileri 90 gün içinde kesin olarak hariç tutulacaktır.

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Surveytime URL


You have to mail them requesting deletion or tap the “Delete your account” button in the Mobile App Settings screen.

E-posta gönder »
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Svbtle URL


“Hesabı Sil” bağlantısını tıklayın. 30 gün sonra verilerin geri alınması geri alınamaz.

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Swagbucks URL


“Hesap Ayarları” sayfanızdaki “Hesabımı İptal Et” bağlantısını kullanın. E-posta onayı gerektirir.

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Swappa.com URL


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete Account’. Confirm the action by typing “I understand” in the text box.

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Swiggy URL


Despite their privacy policy stating that account deletion is possible, their response to such a request was that “there is no way to delete/erase your order history, and personal information.”

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You can delete your customer account on swisspass.ch under “My account”, “Login data”.

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Sync.com URL


Visit the linked page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete account’. Select a reason for deleting and type a brief description of why.

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Syncfusion URL


In “My Profile Page”, click on “Delete Account” link on the left side and then the “Delete Account” button.

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Synology URL


Login to your account, go to profile. Scroll to the bottom and click on the “Proceed” link. Type your password, check the checkbox and click on the next button. Finally, choose a reason and click on “Delete Account”. Your account will be deleted in 10 days.

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T-Mobile URL


You will need to provide proof of identity such as a passport or drivers license and verify the phone number associated with your T-Mobile ID. This will not delete active service plans if you have any.

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Tablondeanuncios.com URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, “Seçenekler” “Hesabı Sil” adresine gidin. “Hesabımı silmek istiyorum” tuşuna tıklayarak onaylayın. Ardından hesabınız ve sınıflandırılmış reklamlarınız silinecektir.

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Tabnine URL


The only way to delete your account is to send a deletion request to the support using the email which your account is registered to.

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Tagged URL


Hesabınıza giriş yaparak istediğiniz zaman yeniden etkinleştirebilirsiniz.

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Taiga URL


Kullanıcı hesabınıza giriş yapın, “Kullanıcı Ayarları” sayfasına gidin ve kaydet düğmesinin altındaki “Taiga hesabını sil” öğesini seçin. Onaylayın ve tamamlayın.

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Tailscale URL

kısıtlı imkan

Tailscale uses Single Sign-on with identity providers. As such, deleting the account can only be done through the identity provider itself. (apparently, accounts made with Passkeys cannot be deleted)

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The Takeout URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Tanga URL


Select “Account issues” option and fill the form requesting your account deletion.

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Tango URL


Makalede gösterilen talimatları takip edin. Eğer isterseniz, e-posta ile hesabınızın silinmesini de talep edebilirsiniz.

E-posta gönder »
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Tanki Online URL


You have to contact the support team by mail.

E-posta gönder »
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Tapas URL


Scroll to the bottom, click “Delete Account”, and click through the prompts. You’ll need to re-enter your password.

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TapTap URL


Visit the linked page and delete your account. The account will be locked for a week, after which it will be deleted.

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Target URL


Select “Delete your personal info and Target.com account”

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targetjobs URL


Go to ‘Account Settings’ and then click ‘Delete Account’.

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TargetProcess URL


Hesabınızı silinmesini talep etmek için destek talebi oluşturmalısınız.

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Tastebuds URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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TastyWorks URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil



Click ‘Continue’ ⮕ Click ‘Register to delete’ ⮕ Enter verification code sent to your email ⮕ Click ‘Proceed’ to confirm deletion.

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TCL à la demande URL


On your account settings, unroll the “Personal Data” Section, and click on “Delete my Account”.

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Teachable URL


You need to submit a deletion request by emailing them from the email address associated with your account.

E-posta gönder »
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Teachoo URL


Hesabınızı kaldırmak için Teachoo ile iletişime geçmelisiniz.

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TeamGantt URL


“Hesap Ayarları” “Abonelik” “İptal” “Aboneliğimi iptal et ve verilerimi sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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TeamSpeak URL


You need to contact the support using their contact form.

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TeamViewer URL


“Profili Düzenle” (sayfanın sağ üst köşesindeki menü öğesi) ardından “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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Tebex URL


Hesap silme talebinde bulunmak için müşteri desteği ile iletişime geçin

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Technic Platform & Technic Forums URL


Forum hesabınızı silmek için bağlantılı konuya “Technic forum hesabımın silinmesini istiyorum.” mesajıyla cevap verin. Platform hesabınızı silmek için, “Diğer Neden” gerekçesiyle kendinizi bildirin ve “Technic platform hesabımın silinmesini istiyorum.” mesajını girin.

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Hesap silme talepleri için TED destek ekibiyle iletişime geçin

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Teespring URL


Use the form listed above, which can be obtained by: Login ⮕ Chat with bot ⮕ Get form ⮕ Fill out form

E-posta gönder »
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Teladoc URL


You must contact your insurance to delete your Teladoc account.

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Telegram URL


Devre dışı bırakma sayfasını açın. Telefon numaranızı ve Telegram hesabınıza gönderilen tek seferlik şifreyi girin. Ardından hesabınızı silin.

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Telltale URL


After logging in, navigate to your account’s settings, scroll down to the “Delete Account” section. After pressing the “DELETE” button, enter your E-Mail and click the button again to confirm.

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No options to delete the account on website or app. Customer service asks for validation (phone number) but account is not actually deleted.

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Temu URL


Log into Temu and open your profile. Click on “Account security” and then select “Delete my account”.

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Ten Percent Happier URL


Cancel any subscriptions associated with yout account. Then you must send an email to Ten Percent support to have them delete your account. They will delete the account associated with the email address from which you send the request. Once their confirmation email arrives, your credentials will no longer work.

E-posta gönder »
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Tenor URL


Contact customer support and provide your Tenor username or email address to request for the account to be deleted.

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Termius URL


Go to account settings, click ‘Delete Account’, enter your password, then verify your email address.

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Terms of Service; Didn't Read URL


Log-in, then go to Menu ⮕ Settings, scroll down and click ‘Cancel my account’. Your contributions will stay and will be switched to an anonymous account.

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TerraCycle URL


You must contact customer support through email or by phone at +1(866)967-6766.

E-posta gönder »
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Terraform Cloud URL


You must contact customer support through email. The email must include the email address of the account as well as the account’s organization.

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Tesla URL


Open the Tesla app, tap the profile picture in the top-right corner ⮕ ‘Account’ ⮕ ‘Security and Privacy’ and finally ‘Delete Account’.

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Testbirds URL


Click on your Username ⮕ Settings and Press the ‘Delete account’ Button on the bottom left, then confirm.

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Teuxdeux URL


Check your email. There will be the url for permanently deleting your account.

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Text.ru URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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TextNow URL


Visit the linked page to delete your account.

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textPlus URL


Follow the instructions in the support article.

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Textures.com URL


If you want to permanently delete your Textures.com account, go to the Delete Account tab on your account fill out your password and press Delete My Account.

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TheHub URL


You need to send an email to support and request the deletion of your data.

E-posta gönder »
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Themeplaza URL

kısıtlı imkan

You need to send a support request through Discord.

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TheMovieDB URL


Press the button to delete the account within 30 seconds after the password confirmation, otherwise you have to reenter your password.

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Theta TV URL

kısıtlı imkan

In order to close your account, you must file a GDPR data deletion request to the website.

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Scroll to the bottom of the linked page, enter your email address and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Thingiverse URL


Click the profile dropdown in the top right corner, click ‘See Profile’, click ‘Edit profile’, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click the red ‘DELETE USER’ button. This will also delete your MakerBot account.

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Things URL


Things uygulamasında “Seçenekler” kısmına gidin. Ardından Things Cloud’a gidin ve “Hesabı Düzenle” seçeneğini seçin. Son olarak, “Hesabı Sil” öğesini seçin.

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Threads URL


In the app go to your profile, click on the right top corner and go to “Account ⮕ Deactivate or delete profile ⮕ Delete profile”

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Threema URL


Uygulamada kimliğinize gidin ve alttaki “Kimliği Sil” öğesini seçin. Alternatif olarak verilen bağlantıya gidin ve iptal etme şifrenizle kimliğinizi kaldırın. Telefon numaranız yoksa, yalnızca bu bağlantı altında telefon numaranız ve e-postanız arasındaki bağlantıyı kaldırabilirsiniz.

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Thrive Market URL


You may request termination of your account or deletion of certain information by e-mail.

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Ticketmaster URL


Form aracılığıyla hesabınızı kapatmak için bir istek göndermelisiniz.

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TicketWeb URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

TickTick URL


Follow the instructions from this link.

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Tidal URL


Kategori: Gizlilik ve Veri Talepleri. NOT: Gönder düğmesine bastıktan sonra talebin gönderildiğini belirtir. “Bu makale sorunuzu cevapladı mı?” “Hayır, yardıma ihtiyacım var!” tuşuna basın

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TikTok URL


“Hesap” “Menü” “Gizlilik Ayarları” “Gizlilik ve Güvenlik” “Hesabı Sil” “Sonraki” “Devam Et” “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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TikTok Developer URL


Select “Support” as the category and “Developer Portal” as the topic.

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Time and Date URL


Scroll to the bottom of the linked page, click ‘Delete Account’ and confirm.

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Timus Online Judge (TOJ) URL


There is no option to delete accounts. You may try requesting deletion by e-Mailing their Support Team, but keep in mind it seems they don’t ever reach out.

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Tinder URL


At the bottom of the profile page is a delete account buttom, after clicking on it, you can either hide it or delete your account entirely.

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TinyLetter URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Tisséo URL


You need to send a request to the support

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TKirch.dev URL


Önceden silme işlemini iptal etmezseniz hesabınız 7 gün sonra silinecektir. Oluşturulan içerik (forum gönderileri gibi) silinmez.

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TLauncher URL

kısıtlı imkan

They say they are working on it but planned to support it in March 2023. Sending an email leads to nothing. Contanting TLauncher administration regarding account deletion and possibly involving your country privacy laws through the Discord server is possible.

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Today's Wordle URL


Go to the linked page and click the delete button

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Todo Cloud URL


Send an email from the address associated with your account.

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Todoist URL


Sayfanın altında bir “Hesabı Sil” düğmesi vardır, tıkladıktan sonra şifrenizi yeniden girmeniz gerekecektir.

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Toggl Track URL


Scroll down the profile page and click ‘Close Account’

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Tois Bet URL


Send an e-mail to them requesting the account exclusion.

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Tokopedia URL


Must contact Customer Service. NOTE: Email and mobile number cannot be reused or in other accounts.

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Toluna URL


You need to fill the form and submit it. After that you need to wait for them to answer to get back to you.

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Fill in the form to automatically open a support ticket.

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Too Good To Go URL


Hesabınızı silin üzerine tıklayın, e-postanızı girin. Ardından e-postadaki onay bağlantısına tıklayın. Alternatif olarak, uygulama ayarlarından hesabınızı silebilirsiniz.

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ToolsForImage URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Top Universities URL


Click on ‘Close Your Account’ near the bottom of the page and follow the instructions.

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Topcoder URL


Hesabınızı silemezsiniz, ancak devre dışı bırakmak için onlarla e-posta yoluyla iletişime geçebilirsiniz.

E-posta gönder »
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Topface URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Tor Project URL


Yalnızca e-posta adresinizle bir hesap oluşturabilirsiniz. Ancak hesabınızı değiştiremez, kapatamaz veya silemezsiniz

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Torn URL


Login to your account first before deleting, you will lose all access to the account

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Toronto Star URL


According to their Privacy Policy, you must call customer service at 1-800-279-0181 to request the deletion of your account.

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Toyota.de URL


Login to your account, go to your Settings, choose Tab ‘Meine Einstellungen’ and click on ‘Konto löschen’

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TP-Link Cloud URL


Visit the linked form, select ‘Continue’, enter your account credentials, then select ‘Send Verification Email’. Follow the directions in the email that arrives to verify your email. Then return to the form and select ‘Verified & Continue’. Finish the confirmation form, select a reason for leaving, then select ‘Permanently Delete Account’. Wait for an email confirming the account was deleted.

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Trabalha Brasil URL


Send an e-mail to them requesting the account exclusion.

E-posta gönder »
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The Tracktor URL


Önce hesabınıza giriş yapın. “Hesabımı Kapat” onay kutusunu işaretleyerek ve “Hesabı Kapat” tuşuna tıklayarak onaylayın.

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TradeMe URL


Click on the link and ask the staff to delete your account

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Trading 212 URL


Go to Settings ⮕ My Account ⮕ Account Details then click ‘Close Account’

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TradingView URL


Login to your account. Click on “Learn more about Account Deletion”. Press “Yes, delete account”. Fill in your password

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Traduc.com URL


Login to your account. Click on “My Account” then “My connection information”. Finally click “Delete my account”

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Tragicbeautiful URL


Email customer service to delete the account associated to this email. Include your phone number and email address. There is no confirmation email. Later, you can verify that the acccount is deleted by trying to log in.

E-posta gönder »
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Trakt URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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TransferXL URL


Sayfanın altındaki “Hesabınızı Silin” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Transifex URL


Click on the link, scroll to the bottom and click ‘Delete my account’. Confirm you want to delete your account by clicking ‘Delete my account’ in the popup view.

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TrashMail URL


Üst gezinme çubuğunda, “Hesap” seçeneğini tıklayın ve ardından “Hesabı Sil” seçeneğini seçin.

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tree-nation URL


Log in to your account, go to the linked page, scroll to the “Account management” section, click “Delete account” and confirm. You will have 5 days to cancel the deletion.

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Trello URL


Hesabınızı silmek için “Hesabınızı Silin” seçeneğini seçin

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Trenitalia URL


You need to send a support request to delete your account

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Trenitalia France URL


You need to send an email or a mail to request account deletion.

E-posta gönder »
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Tresorit URL


Click the link, it redirects you to your Tresorit profile. Login, scroll to the end, and click ‘Delete my account’. The deletion of your account needs confirmation by email, open your email and click ‘confirm’.

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Trillian URL


Hesabınızı silme seçeneğini seçin ve kullanıcı adınızı, şifrenizi ve e-posta adresinize gönderilecek olan kodu girin.

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TripAdvisor URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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TripIt URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Triptipedia URL


“Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve ardından onaylayın

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Troll and Toad URL


“İletişim” formunu kullanarak müşteri desteği ile iletişime geçmeli ve hesabınızın e-posta adresini vermelisiniz. Hesap, bir destek personeli tarafından işlendiğinde silinecektir.

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TruckersMP URL


Solve the math problem and enter your password. You must wait 14 days to register again.

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Trustpilot URL


Click ‘Delete my profile’ at the bottom of the page, then enter your email address to delete.

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TruthFinder URL


Click ‘Right to Delete’ under ‘User Data Tools’. Then enter your email and click ‘Delete My User Data’.

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TryHackMe URL


Under the profile page navigate to the “other” tab, then select “Delete My Account”.

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TubeBuddy URL


Click on ‘YES, Delete My Account’ and then confirm to delete.

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Tubi URL


Click on’Delete Account’ at the bottom of the page, specify why you’d like to delete your account and enter your password.

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Tumblr URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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TuneMyMusic URL


Click the “Delete Account” button.

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TunnelBear URL


Visit the linked page and enter your password to deleted your account.

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TurboScribe URL


Visit “Account Settings” then click “Delete Account”.

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TurboSquid URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Turing URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Turismo Itaipu URL


Send an e-mail to them requesting deletion. They will ask for the ticket code to be able to delete the account.

E-posta gönder »
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Turo URL


Kendilerine e-posta gönderin ve kişisel bilgilerinizi silmelerini isteyin.

E-posta gönder »
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Turtl URL


You only need to confirm your email address; there’s no requirement to log in.

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Tutamail URL


“Hesabı Sil” kısmına gidin, şifrenizi yazın ve “Sil” düğmesini tıklayarak işleminizi onaylayın.

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Go to your account page and press ‘Slet konto’.

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TV Tropes URL


In your profile, there is a ‘Delete Account’ link. Clicking this will permanently delete all personal information from your user profile and deactivate your account. Your username cannot be used again by you or anyone else

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Tweek URL


Hesabınızı silmek için yardım makalesindeki talimatları izleyin.

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Twilio URL


Type something along the lines of ‘delete my account’ in the chatbox, then select ‘No, show me more’. Scroll down and select ‘Contact Support’. Select ‘Not Product Specific’ as the product.

E-posta gönder »
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Twitch URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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twoseven URL


The instructions are the the bottom of their FAQs

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Typeform URL


Bağlantıdaki adımları izleyin: Giriş yapın, ardından “Hesabım” “Tehlikeli Bölge” kısmına girip “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın ve onaylayın.

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TypePad URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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TypeRacer URL


Log in and go to the main page. Click on the gear button, next to the logout button to access your “Account Information”. Then expand “Account Settings” and click on “Delete Account”. You will be redirected to the account deletion page.

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Typing.com URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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TypingClub / EdClub URL


Go to the linked page and delete your account.

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Uber URL


You can select a reason and supposedly wait 30 days for the account to be deleted, but it never happens.

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Ubiquiti URL


Hesapla ilişkili e-posta adresini kullanarak destekle bir talep açın.

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Ubisoft URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Ubuntu One URL


Evet ve hayır, bu hangi tür hesaplara bağlı olduğuna göre değişir ve hesapları doğru sırayla silmeniz gerekir. Tüm hesaplar Ubuntu One’ın Tek Oturum Açmasına (login.ubuntu.com) bağlıdır, bu nedenle en son kapatmanız gereken hesap budur. Launchpad.net, bulut dosya depolama, AskUbuntu ve diğer hesaplar gibi diğer her şey mümkünse önce kapatılmalıdır. Bu, hesaplarınızı kapattıktan sonra hiçbir şey için faturalandırılmayacağınızdan emin olmak için, ekli ücretli hizmetleriniz varsa özellikle önemlidir. Son adım, Tek Oturum Açma (SSO) hesabınızı silmektir. SSO hesapları Ubuntu One personeli tarafından manuel olarak silinmelidir.

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Udacity URL


Follow the link to Udacity’s privacy centre. Select “Delete my personal data” from the modal. In the next screen enter the email address that you use for Udacity and submit. You will be sent an email with a login link. Follow the link and you will be taken back to the privacy centre where a confirmation modal will be shown. Finally, confirm the request to delete your account. Note that you are still being charged for any courses you are enrolled in!

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Udemy URL


Hesabınızı silmek için önce tüm kurslarınızın aboneliğinden çıkmanız gerekir.

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Login to My account/My profile and select “Supprimer mon compte”.

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Ultimate Guitar URL


Click the link or log in, go to ‘settings’, ‘Profile’ and click the small delete button at the bottom.

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umami URL


After logging in, proceed to the “Manage” section and select the red button labelled “Delete”. In the pop-up text box, type “DELETE” and confirm once more.

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Uncubed URL


Hesabınızı “Ayarlar” kısmından devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz, ancak hesabınızı sonlandırmak için onlarla e-posta yoluyla iletişime geçmelisiniz

E-posta gönder »
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Uncyclopedia URL


Like Wikipedia, the account cannot be removed, but there are some suggestions, like stop contributing, user rename or ask an admin or bureaucrat for a content vanishing.

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Unfuddle Ten URL


“Hesabımı Sil” konulu bir e-posta gönderin, tek yol budur.

E-posta gönder »
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Unidays URL


Şifrenizi girin ve “Hesabımı sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Uniqlo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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United Domains URL


Desteğe başvurun ve hesabınızı silmeyi isteyin.

E-posta gönder »
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Unity ID URL


Click ‘Request to Delete Your Account’ at the bottom of the account settings page.

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Unroll.me URL


Kullanıcı ayarları sayfasının altındaki “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Unsplash URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Uphold URL


To close your account, you must withdraw all funds. Next, click on the three dots in the left menu, then “Security”, “Close account”, “Continue with account closure”, and follow the procedure.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Uptime Observer URL


Send a message using the website chat feature (bottom right), asking them to delete your account.

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Uptime Robot URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın ve “Ayarlarım” bağlantısını tıklayın veya verilen bağlantıya girin. “Hesabı Sil” bölümünde “Hala hesabımı silmek istiyorum” “Hesap silme maili gönder” tuşuna tıklayın. E-postanızı kontrol edin ve gönderilen bağlantıyı açın. Son olarak, “Hesabı Sil” bağlantısını tıklayarak silme işlemini onaylayın.

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Urcdkey URL


Send a message using the website chat feature (bottom right), asking them to delete your account

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Usersnap URL


“Hesabımı Sil” konulu bir e-posta gönderin

E-posta gönder »
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Usmobile URL


Request account deletion through chat. They’ll send you a code to give back to them, takes about 15 minutes before deletion.

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Uswitch URL


“Hesap Ayarları” sayfasının altına gidin ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın

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Utry.me URL


Contact the customer support via email and request the deletion of your account.

E-posta gönder »
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Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Uxcel URL


In the account settings menu find and select the Account section. Then look for the option to Delete Account and click on it. Finally, confirm your decision in a popup.

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You must call them to close your account.

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V.PS Hosting URL


Go to the page and click the delete account button.

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Valorant URL


Go to the linked page, scroll down, click on “LOG IN” and confirm your deletion.

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Vans.com URL


Email customer service through the link and tell them you want your account deleted.

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VCRDB / Valorant Crosshair Database URL


Before deleting your account, make sure you have deleted all Crosshairs you have created, otherwise account deletion will fail with an unknown error.

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Veduca URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Velo Hero URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Venmo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Vercel URL


In the dashboard, click your profile picture on the top right, click “Settings”, scroll down and then click “Delete Personal Account”.

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Verkkokauppa.com URL


You need to contact the customer service via email and include certain identifying information to prove you own the account.

E-posta gönder »
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vgy.me URL


“Hesap Bilgileri” sayfasının altında “Hesabı Kapat” tuşu bulunuyor.

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ViaBox URL


Yukarıdaki bağlantı üzerinden ‘genel istek’ olarak hesabınızın silinmesini talep edin. Sistem, isteğiniz için bir destek hesabı oluşturabilir, bu nedenle onun da silinmesini istediğinizi belirtin.

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Viadeo URL


Sağda, menünün hemen altında bir düğme var.

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viainvest URL


Before requesting account deletion, make sure you wait for the remaining payments to come through, and withdraw all available funds. The account balance must be 0. Then you can send an email to support.

E-posta gönder »
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Viber URL


Visit the linked page and follow the instructions.

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VideosGeneratorAI URL


Send an email. After receiving the email, your account will be deleted in the next 24 hours.

E-posta gönder »
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Vidio URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil



You have to cancel your Subscription before writing the Support (Bot)

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Vidyard URL


“İstek gönder” öğesini tıklayın ve e-postanızı istek formuna girerek bir hesap silme talebinde bulunun.

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Vimeo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Vinted URL


Click on your profile icon, then “Settings”, “Account settings”, “Delete my account”, confirm that all transactions are completed, and click “Delete account”.

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Virmach URL


You can open a ticket and ask to have your account deleted, but they will only close it. Login credentials will continue to work and profile information is retained after closure.

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Virtualmaster URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın ve iletişim formunu kullanarak müşteri desteği ile iletişime geçin ve hesabınızın silinmesini talep edin.

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VirusTotal URL


Log in to your account, go to the page linked above, and press ‘Delete account’

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Visit Japan Web (Japanese Customs) URL


Accounts are deleted after 18 months of inactivity, although it is possible to request deletion earlier via email.

E-posta gönder »
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Visme URL


Click ‘Delete Account’ and then you will receive email for confirmation of deletion, click on the link in the email to confirm deletion, and then again click on ‘confirm’ on that page.

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Visualping URL


You can go to your profile and press ‘Close Account’, however, this will merely deactivate your account. To delete your account, you must contact them.

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Viva o Linux (VOL) URL


“Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın, şifrenizi yazın ve “Gönder” tuşuna tıklayarak işleminizi onaylayın.

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Vivaldi URL


Bilgi Mevcut Değil

Vive La Mode URL


Contact support using the linked form or by email and request account deletion.

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All data related to the account will be wiped in 180 days.

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VK/ВКонтакте URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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In the Voi, view your profile, and press ‘Delete Account’ at the bottom of the screen.

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Voicemod URL


Fill out the form, in the ‘lets talk’ field select ‘Account & Login’, in the second field select ‘Delete account’. If you have active licenses, you may have to confirm in a later reply.

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Volcano Hosting URL


You need to log into their billing panel and send a ticket regarding the account deletion.

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Volcengine URL


Verify your identity and then wait for 45 days.

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Volet URL


Follow the instructions on the linked page. Due to legal limitations, after closing an account, it will be blocked for 7 years. During this time, the account can be unblocked. After the 7 years, if the account hasn’t been unblocked, its data will be automatically deleted.

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VoucherCodes URL


Send an email to them to request account deletion.

E-posta gönder »
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Vox Media URL


Account can only be deleted by a contact form.

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Voxer URL


Hesap yalnızca Android veya iOS uygulamasından silinebilir, Voxer web sitesinden değil.

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Voxtelesys URL


You must either use their contact form linked, or go into the portal and make a ticket stating you want to delete your account.

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Vrbo URL


Click on the provided link, login to your account and delete your account as prompted. The account will be deleted immediately.

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There will be a 14-day waiting period. Once this period has been completed, the account will be deleted.

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Hesabınızı silmek üyeliğinizi silmeyecektir.

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Hesap yalnızca destek ekibine istek gönderilerek silinebilir

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You have to call their toll-free number at 1-800-521-2010 or submit a request at the contact form to delete your account.

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Vueling URL


Visit the linked page and enter your details to confirm the deletion of your account.

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Vuforia Chalk URL


To request that your Chalk account be deleted, open the Chalk app and navigate to Settings ⮕ My Account, and tap Delete Account. When a pop-up appears at the bottom of your screen, tap Request account deletion. This action will trigger a process in which a PTC Administrator will delete the specific personal or business user. If the user account being deleted belongs to a Primary Administrator, a new Primary Administrator must be designated before the user account can be deleted. Business Account users may need to contact their company administrator. You can contact your administrator by navigating to Settings ⮕ Help ⮕ Contact Company Admin in the Chalk app.
Alternatively you might still be able to reach the Vuforia team at PTC by email (vuforia-support@ptc.com) or get transferred by calling your regions phone number found here.

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Vuforia Developer Account URL


Use this form to request deletion of your Vuforia developer account and its associated data. A support agent will reach out to you to reconfirm account ownership and intent to delete.
WARNING: The form may not display properly if not logged in, using a privacy focused browser, using a cookie blocker or using Firefox or Safari. Using Chrome or Edge without extensions is recommended for this step.

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Vultr URL


Create a ticket with customer support to request the deletion of your data

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W3Schools URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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Wacom Cloud URL


Just click in ‘Privacy’ link, check the option ‘I hereby certify that I am the consumer whose personal information is the subject of this request.’ and click ‘Delete My Information’ button.

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Wahoo Fitness URL


Fill the form, selecting “Customer/Former Customer” and “Delete My Information” on the respective prompts. A link will be sent to your email to confirm.

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Waifudex URL


Click on your username (top right) ⮕ Delete account (bottom of window) ⮕ Confirm

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Wakanim URL


Fill the form with your account’s username and mail, select category “Account/Login” and subcategory “Account Deletion”. Shortly after you will receive a mail that your request is being reviewed. You’ll be notified via mail when the request is completed by support staff.

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wallabag URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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wallpiece URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Walmart URL


They only accept requests from California, which is validated only by the actual selection on the form.

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Walmart Canada URL


Follow the link or scroll to the bottom of the website and click “Delete my account.” You will be prompted to log in and confirm the deletion.

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WaniKani URL


Verilen bağlantıyı ziyaret edin ve “Silme onay e-postası gönder” bağlantısını tıklayın. Kayıtlı e-posta adresinize bir e-posta alacaksınız ve buradan hesap silme işlemini onaylayabilirsiniz.

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Wappalyzer URL


Click on your e-mail on the top right in the navigator. Find and click on Account. Scroll down to find the delete account button in red. Confirm deletion. Enter password to complete deletion.

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Wargaming.net URL


Follow the link, log in, and enter your email address to confirm account deletion. A confirmation email will be sent to you. Follow the ‘Confirm’ link in the email, login again, and finally confirm account deletion again. After 45 days your account will be deleted permanently.

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Warmshowers URL


Click the “Cancel account” button at the bottom of the page when editing your account.

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Warner Bros. Games URL


Click the “Delete my account” button and enter a confirmation code sent yo your email.

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Wasabi Hosting URL


Create a ticket to the Billing department and request your account to be deleted.

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The Washington Post URL


You have to submit a request regarding account deletion, and support will get back to you by sending you a account deletion confirmation email. After confirming, your account is deleted. For residents of EEA, UK, Switzerland, California, or Virginia who verify your address, they will delete additional information.

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Watch2Gether URL


Scroll down to the footer, click “Delete my account” and confirm.

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Wattpad URL


Closed accounts are deleted after six months.

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WayFi Wireless URL


Vazgeçmek için e-posta gönderin veya iletişim formunu doldurun.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Waze URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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The Weather Network URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the linked page and click on ‘Delete my account’. Then, an email will be sent to you asking you to confirm your account deletion.

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Weather.com URL


Site, bir hesabın tamamen silinmesini tanımlamak için ‘abonelikten çıkma’ terimini kullanıyor.

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Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Webex - Free Account URL


Hesabı sil düğmesini bulmak için ayarları takip edin ve tıklayın.

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Webhosting.dk URL


The service claims to be required by law to retain information for the last 5 financial years, and doesn’t allow you to delete it. Your account must be inactive for 5 full years before you can delete it.

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Weblate URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Webtickets URL


Fill in the form requesting the deletion of your account

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Check the “I understand and want to delete my account” option and click on “Delete my account”. Note that any comments you wrote will not be deleted automatically so you will need to go here and delete them yourself.

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Webull URL


Hesabı silmek için mobil uygulamayı kullanmalısınız.

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WeChat URL


From the app: Me ⮕ Settings ⮕ Account Security ⮕ WeChat Security Center ⮕ Account Cancellation.

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Weebly URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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WeHeartIt URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Weibo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Weights URL


Go to the bottom of the linked page. Under “Danger Zone”, first click on “Delete all content”, and click on “Delete” twice in the pop-up window that appears. This deletes everything tied to the account (covers, models, comments, images…), then logs you out. Log back in (if using mail login, you must go to the main page), return to “Danger Zone” in the linked page, now click on “Delete Account”, and in the pop-up window that appears, click “Delete” twice. This deletes the account proper. You won’t be able to use your mail to sign up again for 14 days after deleting the account.

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If you have currently active licenses, you may need to confirm account deletion in a later email.

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Western Union URL


Profilinizi silmek için, Müşteri Hizmetleri ile iletişime geçin veya kaydolduğunuz hesaptan adınızı, kayıtlı telefon numaranızı, WU numaramı (varsa) ve profilinizi silme nedeninizi içeren bir e-posta gönderin.

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Westfield URL


On your account page, go to “My personal information”, scroll down, click on “Delete my account”, then click “Yes” to confirm.

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WG-Gesucht.de URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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WhatPulse URL


Web sitesinde oturum açtığınızda, gezinme çubuğundan “WhatPulse’m” öğesini seçin ve ardından sayfanın alt kısmındaki “WhatPulse’den kaydımı sil” öğesini tıklayın. Bu, hesabı kalıcı olarak siler.

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WhatsApp URL


Uygulama içinden: “Ayarlar” “Hesap” “Hesabınızı Silin”.

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Where Am I? URL


Log in to the mobile app, click on your username at the bottom navigation, select ‘Delete Acccount’ under ‘Account Management’.

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Which? URL


Üyelik numaranızın e-postayla gönderilmesi gerekiyor. Bu hesap bağlantısından bulunabilir.

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Whimsical URL


You will need to enter your e-mail address and then confirm by re-authenticating.

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Whirlpool URL


Whirlpool refuses to permanently delete accounts and instead suggests that the best solution is ‘simply to exercise self control and not log in anymore’. In exceptional circumstances (e.g. death, legal threats, security risks) you may contact a moderator to request that your account be marked as inactive or placed in the penalty box. The site also refuses to delete a large amount of posts on your behalf, so the best solution may be to turn on 2FA, change your username/email address to something that’s not used elsewhere and not login anymore.

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Whizlabs URL


Sağlanan iletişim formunu kullanarak hesabınızı silmek için bir istek gönderin.

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WhoSay.com URL


Sadece “Devre dışı bırak” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Wifi Map URL


Follow the link, log in, choose a reason (optional), then click on Delete account.

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Go to the linked page and follow the instructions.

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Wikidot URL


“Hesabı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın. E-posta adresinize gönderilen bağlantı ile silme işlemini onaylayın.

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wikiHow URL


Requires emailing them to request for deletion.

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Wikimedia Commons URL


An account cannot be deleted as all contibutions to Wikimedia Commons are licensed under licenses that require attribution. However, you can place the template {{SD U1}} on your user and talk pages, and rename your account to something random here
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Wikipedia URL


‘Bir kullanıcı adı silinemez.’ Ancak, bazı önerileri var.

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Wilds.io URL


Go to ‘Settings and controls’, then scroll to ‘Delete my account’.

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Wilson epark URL


Send your request for account deletion to epark either via the form on the ‘Contact Us’ page, or by sending them an email.

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Wilson Parking URL


To delete your online prepaid account, download the Wilson Parking App, select ‘Account’, ‘Your Profile’ under the ‘About You’ header, then scroll to ‘Delete Account’.

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Windscribe URL


Visit the linked page, enter your password, give a cancellation reason and click “Delete Account” at the bottom.

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Windy URL


Go to the linked page, enter your email and password, click on ‘Delete Account’.

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Send an E-Mail to the webmaster. If that didn’t work, create a new forum thread on https://forum.winehq.org

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Wire URL


On Windows/MacOS : Go Settings ⮕ Account ⮕ Delete Account And on mobile devices Tap Profile ⮕ Settings ⮕ Account ⮕ Delete Account. You will receive a SMS to confirm the deletion.

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Wise URL


You can find the “Close Account” option at the bottom of the settings page, but you can log in any time after closing to reactivate it, so it is never deleted.

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WiseMapping URL


Click on the profile icon in the top right corner and select “Account”, then check the box next to “Delete Account” and click on “Accept”.

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Wish URL


Profildeki “Ülke” ayarını, GDRP kapsamındaki bir ülke olarak değiştirmeniz gerekir. (örneğin, Fransa). Aksi takdirde, “Hesabı Yönet” tuşuna tıkladığınızda “Hesabı kalıcı olarak sil” seçeneğini görmeyeceksiniz (yalnızca “Hesabı devre dışı bırak” seçeneğini göreceksiniz).

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WishSimply URL


Hesap şifrenizi girin ve “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın.

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Withings URL


You can delete your account after logging in, in one click from the user settings page. You can also choose to have your data sent to you first. The deletion process takes 7 days.

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Make sure you’re logged in and fill the form to delete the account.

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Wizarding World URL


Does not delete data from a previous Pottermore account. See Pottermore entry.

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Wizards of the Coast URL


Fill up the form requesting deletion. The customer support will reach back asking for tens of information to confirm deletion in each service they have. Provide what you can/remember and it eventually gets deleted.

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WolframAlpha.com URL


Yakın gelecekte WolframAlpha’ya bir mesaj gönderin ve Wolfram ID’niz manuel olarak silinecektir.

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Woltlab URL


Hesabınız 7 günlük bir ödemesiz dönemden sonra silinecektir. Forum gönderileri gibi oluşturulan içerik silinmeyecektir. Kullanıcı adınız anonim hale getirilecek ve yeniden kayda karşı bir yıl boyunca korunacaktır.

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Woolworths URL


Select the ‘Chat with us’ option and inform the chat bot you wish to delete your account until it gives you to option to talk to a human. Select that, tell them you want your account deleted, and they will action it for you.

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Woot URL


From the support page, choose ‘I want to look at my account!’ ⮕ ‘I want to deactivate my account.’ and you will then see a form where you can fill out your request.

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Wordfeud URL


Log in to your Wordfeud account in the Wordfeud app and go to settings. Click on ‘Wordfeud-account’ and click ‘Delete account’. A notice will appear telling you your account is planned for deletion in 7 days.

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WordPress.com URL


First cancel any active subscriptions in your account. Then go to Account Settings, click ‘Delete your account permanently’, click ‘Delete account’, click ‘Continue’, enter your username and click ‘Delete Account’. You will not be able to open a new account using this email for 30 days and your WooCommerce, Crowdsignal, IntenseDebate, and Gravatar accounts will also be deleted.

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WordPress.org URL


Use the linked form to request account deletion. This will prompt an automatic request for verification of email-address ownership. Once you verify ownership of the email-address, then the account is deleted. Forum activity will be anonymized rather than deleted.

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workupload URL


Web iletişim formunu kullanarak kısa bir e-posta yazın.

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World Market URL


According to their help page, you must send an e-mail to them to request the deletion. The deletion is completed within 2-4 weeks.

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WorldAnvil URL


Visit the linked page, scroll down to Account Deletion, enter your username, then click Delete Account

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WOT (Web Of Trust) URL


Log into your account ⮕ go to “My profile” page ⮕ click on pencil icon ⮕ click on “Delete account”.

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Visit the linked page, click Usuń konto, log in again, then click Usuń konto ze skrzynką.

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Writefull URL


One must contact customer support via email to request account deletion.

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WT.Social URL


Sadece devre dışı bırakma mümkündür

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Hesabınız silinmeden önce devre dışı bırakılır. 30 gün boyunca devre dışı bırakıldıktan sonra, silinecektir.

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XDA Developers URL


Bu ‘Veri Silme Talep Formu’nu ziyaret edin ve formu doldurun. Gönderilerinizin silinmesini isteyip istemediğinizi belirttiğinizden emin olun.

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XenForo Italia URL


Visit the linked page and delete your account. Your account will be deleted in 3 days.

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Xing URL


Select ‘Delete Profile’ at the bottom of the page.

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“Account deactivation requires you to contact the support email, and they will assist you with the deactivation process. Deactivation removes all your personal information, including your account details, profile, and data associated with your account. This information will be permanently removed, and the operation cannot be undone.”

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XSplit URL


At the bottom of the account settings there is a delete account button. You’ll just need to re-enter your password.

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XVideos URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Yahoo! URL


Account gets deactivated for a waiting period of 30-180 days depending on your country, then permanently deleted.

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Yammer URL


Verilen bağlantıda sağ üstteki “Yammer hesabınızı silin” bağlantısını tıklayın ve onaylayın.

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Yandex URL


Verilen bağlantıda, CAPTCHA kodunu girerek silme işlemini onaylayın. Yedek e-posta ve/veya telefon eklendiyse, bir onay kodu göndermeniz ve kodları girmeniz gerekecektir. “Hesabı Sil” tuşuna basın ve onay kutusunda silme işlemini onaylayın.

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Yannik URL


Contact the customer support and ask to delete your account.

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Yelp URL


Closing your account does not remove all data. To delete the data associated with your account, you must email them. Additional information can be found here: Yelp - Support Center - How do I close my account?.

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YNAB (You Need A Budget) URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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You.com URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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youlookfab URL


Login ⮕ Profile Dropdown ⮕ Profile ⮕ Account ⮕ Delete Your Account

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YouSee.dk URL


Fill out the form and request account deletion. Verification of your identity is required via MitID. Processing of the request takes up to 30 days. Payment history is kept for 5 years.

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Yousician URL


Go to your account, scroll down and click “Delete account” in the “Advanced Settings” section. You will be prompted to enter your password.

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YouTrack URL


You cannot delete your account, but anonymize your data. In your Profile settings page, on the top-right corner there is an “anonymize user” button. Click it, then your name&uesrname will be anonymized and e-mail will be removed.

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YouTube URL


YouTube hesabınızı silmeden önce verilerinizin bir kopyasını talep edebilirsiniz.

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YoYo Games URL


Hesabın silinmesini talep etmek için belirtilen e-posta adresine bir e-posta gönderin E-posta gönder »
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To unsubscribe from YRIS, open the application on your smartphone, log in, go to “Settings” (the icon at the bottom right of the main screen), then click on “Delete my account”. If you are unable to log in, you can request to unsubscribe via the contact form.

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Yuka URL


After logging in the application, on your mobile device, visit the link and follow the instructions provided.

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Yummly URL


Sayfanın altındaki “Hesabınızı silmek için buraya tıklayın” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Requests will be processed in accordance with local laws. Request account removal by sending an email to them or filling the form (requires Google account). Include your full name, email address associated with your account and a detailed description of your data request.

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Z-Library URL


Click on top-right-corner menu ⮕ Edit Profile ⮕ Remove Profile ⮕ Remove my account. Enter Captcha to remove account permanently. Note that you’ll unable to create a new account associated with this emailID.

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Zalando URL


Click on the link, log in and then click on the “Delete your account” tab. Finally, click on “Request account and data deletion”.

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Zamnesia URL


If you want to have your account deleted you have to send Zamnesia an email and they will delete your account according to the GDPR rules.

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Zanichelli URL


Go to your profile, click on the button to delete the account and confirm. Your account will be deleted after 30 days, if you log in during this period, you cancel the deletion of the account.

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Zap Imóveis URL


Access the link and click on ‘Excluir Conta’

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Zapier URL


Verilen bağlantıya gidin, e-postanızı onaylayın. Giriş sayfasına yönlendirileceksiniz. E-postanızı tekrar onaylayın ve ‘Hesabınızı silmek istediğinizi onaylayın’ alanına ‘DELETE’ (tümü büyük harf) yazın.

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Zappos URL


Contact chat support. You may be asked to verify your identity with your last name & billing address.

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Zattoo URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Zaxby's URL


Call 1-866-892-9297 and press 2 to be connected with a reward account services agent and ask to have your account deleted. Your account will be deleted after 24-48 hours.

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Zazzle URL


Hesabınızı sonlandırmak için, Müşteri Hizmetleri’ne web iletişim formu aracılığıyla kullanıcı adınızı ve hesabınızla ilişkili e-posta adresini içeren bir mesaj göndermeniz yeterlidir. Bunu yaptığınızda, Destek Ekibimizin bir üyesi hesabınızı devre dışı bırakacak, hem genel hem de özel tüm ürünleri kaldıracak ve (varsa) mağazanızı devre dışı bırakacaktır. Sistemimiz bir sonraki hesap kaldırma grubunu işlediğinde hesap tamamen silinecektir.

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Zeet URL


Click on the “Delete Account” button.

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Zeit Online URL


Kullanıcı adınızı belirterek bir e-posta gönderin

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Zello URL


Click on the “Delete Account” button.

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Zenamu URL


To request account deletion, you must email them

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Zendesk URL


“Yönetici” “Ayarlar” “Abonelik” “Evet, hesabımı iptal et” tuşuna tıklayın.

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Zenkit URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, profile gidin, aşağı kaydırın ve “Hesabı Sil” öğesini tıklayın. ‘DELETEMYACCOUNT’ girerek onaylayın ve “Hesabımı Sil” tuşuna tıklayın.

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ZenMarket URL


You must contact support to request account deletion.

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Zeplin URL


You need to transfer or delete your projects and cancel your subscription (if you have one) before deleting you account. Unlink your google account if you used it to login. Go to “Profile” ⮕ “account” ⮕ click “Want to remove your account completely?” ⮕ click “DELETE ACCOUNT” and provide your password.

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Scroll to the bottom of the linked page and click ‘Delete Account’.

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ZeroTier URL


Go to your account page and click on the “delete account” button.

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Zhihu URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Zoho URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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ZombieLink URL


Scroll down to ‘Delete and Reset Account’ and click the red link: ‘delete your account’

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Zoom URL


Hesabınıza giriş yapın, “Hesap Ayarları” sayfasına gidin, hesabı iptal et tuşuna tıklayın. Onay kutusunu onaylayın.

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Zotero URL


Login to your account, go to ‘Settings’, click on ‘Permanently Delete Account’ at the bottom of the page.

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Zulip URL


“Ayarlar” “Hesabınız” “Hesabı Devre Dışı bırak” yolunu izleyin

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zyBooks URL


Submit a deletion request by emailing them or calling +1-833-719-2300.

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Zynga URL


Select the game you want to delete your account from (if you want to delete the entire account choose zyngagames.com). Log in. Click on the FAQ tab on the top navigation bar. Then click “Go here to request account deletion”. Click the box indicating your understanding and then click Continue. To confirm deletion, click the box, select a reason, and then click Delete My Account. Your account deletion request is now pending. Expect the deletion request to be completed within 30 days of the request.

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Zé Delivery URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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ÇiçekSepeti URL


Hesabınızı silmek için “KVKK” formunu doldurup onlara email aracılığı ile göndermeniz gerekiyor. Form sadece Türkçe’dir.

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Мій Клас URL


Bağlantıdaki sayfayı ziyaret edip hesabınızı silin
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Go to the linked page and click “Удалить учетную запись”.

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Bu nedir?

Birçok şirket koyu desen tekniği kullanarak hesabınızın silme yolunu bulmayı zorlaştırıyor. JustDeleteMe ise bu web hizmetlerinden, hesabınızı kolayca silebileceğinize olanak tanıyan linkleri derlemeyi hedefliyor.

Eklenmesini istediğiniz bir site mi var? GitHub'da Pull Request oluşturun.


Yukarıdaki linkler hesap silmenin ne kadar zor olduğunu belirtmek için renklerle kodlanmıştır:

  • kolay - Basit işlem
  • orta - Ekstra adımlar gerekli
  • zor - Müşteri hizmetlerine başvurulmadan tamamen silinemez
  • kısıtlı imkan - Hesabınız yalnızca gizlilik haklarına sahip olan bir yerde yaşıyorsanız veya iOS App Store yönergeleri gibi geçerli bir politika kapsamındaysanız silinebilir.
  • imkansız - Silinemez