
Каталог прямых ссылок для удаления аккаунта с веб-сайтов

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/e/ URL


Профиль ⮕ настройки ⮕ удалить аккаунт ⮕ подтвердить.

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Единственный способ удалить учетную запись - отправить электронное письмо службе поддержки.

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16Personalities URL


In your profile preferences, click in ‘Delete Account’ then confirm.

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1984 Hosting URL


If you are logged in, you can use the automated deletion process. If that doesn’t work, you can contact their support to do it.

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1fichier URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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1Password URL


Войдите в свою учетную запись, перейдите в профиль, нажмите «Удалить учетную запись навсегда». Подтвердите, введя «Я уверен» и нажав «Удалить учетную запись».

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1xBet URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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280daily URL


Введите пароль от своей учетной записи и нажмите «УДАЛИТЬ УЧЕТНУЮ ЗАПИСЬ».

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2K Games URL


Go to the page linked, create a request about deleting your account, and customer support should delete it.

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3D Aim Trainer URL


Email your username and e-mail used to create the account.

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404 Media URL


You need to send an email to support.

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Удалить свой аккаунт невозможно. Даже если аккаунт будет забанен, он будет существовать, но в группе «Забанен».

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4shared URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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500px URL


Visit the linked page, select ‘Delete your account’, then click ‘Continue’. Choose a reason why you’re deleting your account and click ‘Continue to delete account’. Finally, confirm your password and click ‘Delete account’.

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7digital URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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7plus URL


Create a new request, select the ‘Reason For Contact’ as ‘Account Related’ and then under ‘Please choose the issue’ select ‘Close 7plus account’. Supply the appropriate email and name, then send the request.

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8tracks URL


Login, go to your account settings and click the delete button. That’s it.

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99app URL


This must be done via the app: Settings ⮕ Privacy ⮕ Delete My Account. You must not have any associated pix key or value in your 99pay wallet.

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99designs URL


Свяжитесь с ними, они только попроят подтверждения.

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9anime URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Войдите в свою учетную запись, перейдите в параметры, нажмите «Удалить мою учетную запись». Подтвердите, нажав «Я хочу удалить свою учетную запись» и снова нажав «Удалить мою учетную запись 9GAG».

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A1Office URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Abacashi URL


Используйте контактную форму, или отправьте электронное письмо напрямую с просьбой удалить учетную запись.

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AbeBooks URL


Выберите «Что-то еще», затем «Закрыть мою учетную запись» и заполните форму электронной почты.

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Abload URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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About you URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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About.me URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Academia URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Academic Torrents URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Acasa URL


В настройках вашей учетной записи выберите снизу «Удалить мою учетную запись».

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Acceptd URL


Visit the linked page, scroll to the bottom, and click ‘Request Account Deletion’. You will be sent an email with a link to delete your account. Your request will be completed within 10 business days.

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Acciobooks URL


Just visit the linked page, login and confirm the deletion of your account

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Acer URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Acorns URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Acronis URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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ActiveCampaign URL


Для запроса на удаление учетной записи или запроса на удаление всей информации учетной записи отправьте форму запроса прав субъекта данных. На вопрос: «Что бы вы хотели принять с нами?» выберите вариант «Я хочу, чтобы меня забыли, и хочу, чтобы мои личные данные были удалены».

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Activision URL


Must put in a request, via a ticket system, while logged in to the account (to verify the identity of the account owner).

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Нажмите «Удалить», и все данные вашей учетной записи будут удалены.

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Adafruit URL


Нажмите «Удалить» и подтвердите.

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Addicting Games URL


Fill their form for account deletion and they’ll contact you again through mail for confirmation before deleting it.

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AddMeFast URL


First delete your sites and your ads. Then go to the menu on the top right corner, click ‘My Profile’ then ‘DELETE AddMeFast account’ at the bottom of the page and confirm.

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addy.io URL


Введите пароль и внизу страницы нажмите «Удалить учетную запись».

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Adfly URL


Press the button to delete your account, make sure you’re logged in.

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AdFoc.us URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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AdGuard URL


On your account settings, scroll to the bottom and click ‘Delete my Account’

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Adidas US URL


On your account settings, scroll down to ‘Manage Account’ and click ‘Delete Account’

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On your “Gérer le compte” page, in the “Supprimer le compte” category, enter your password and click on “Valider”

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Adobe URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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AdvCash URL


Перейдите на страницу профиля и нажмите кнопку «Удалить», чтобы удалить аккаунт.

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Aeria Games URL


Login, go to your profile settings on the top right, then go to the ‘Account’ tab and click ‘Delete my Account’

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Afterpay URL


Login, go to your account settings, select ‘Close my account.’

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Agence nationale des titres sécurisés URL


Go to your profile settings and click “Supprimer mon compte”

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Agoda URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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AgoraDesk URL


Go to account settings and click, scroll down and click ‘Delete Account’

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aiqfome URL


Open a ticket on their chat requesting for your account to be deleted. They might reply first asking why, but will then proceed

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airBaltic URL


1) Go to the airbaltic page. 2) Sign in to your airBaltic Club account. 3) Go to Profile section ‘Edit profile’. 4) Click ‘Close profile’.

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Airbnb URL


On the linked page, click the ‘Request to delete your account’ button. Complete the form, then click ‘Delete account’. You may receive a follow-up email to verify your identity.

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Airdroid URL


Перейдите на страницу информации об учетной записи, нажмите кнопку «Удалить учетную запись», чтобы удалить свою учетную запись AirDroid.

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AirMeet URL


Click the purple question mark button and then request account deletion via the Airmeet Chat Support. Alternatively, you can email support@airmeet.com.

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Airmiles URL


Launch live chat through ‘Chat’ button and request account deletion or by phone at 1-888-AIR-MILES (247-6453).

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Visit the linked form and submit a support ticket requesting account deletion. Make sure you are logged in so they can find your account, or specify your username in your message. Alternatively, you may also send an email.

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AKAI Professional URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Akinator URL


At the app, click on settings (gear icon) ⮕ Account settings ⮕ Delete account (at the bottom of the screen).

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Albion Online URL


You need to open a support ticket in order to delete your account.

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Alchemy URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Alelo URL


On app, go to ‘Settings’ ⮕ ‘Delete Account’. Follow the requested.

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Algolia URL


Go to your account settings, scroll to the bottom of Account Details, and select the Delete button next to “Delete Account”.

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Algor Education URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Alibaba URL


Чтобы удалить свою учетную запись, перейдите на страницу «Моя учетная запись», нажмите «Профиль участника», а затем «Деактивировать учетную запись».

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AlienwareArena URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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AliExpress URL


Visit the linked page and click the red ‘Delete my account’ button. Type “agree” in the provided text box, then click ‘Delete’.

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AliPay URL


From the app: Settings ⮕ Account and Security ⮕ Account Cancel.

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All 4 / Channel 4 URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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AllDebrid URL


Login to your account, then open the URL. You should see the option ‘Delete my account’. Enter your username for confirmation and use the deletion link sent to your email to delete your account.

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AlternativeTo URL


Scroll to ‘Danger zone’ at the bottom of your ‘Edit Profile’ page and select ‘Remove my account’.

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Alvanista URL


Перейдите по ссылке, чтобы отредактировать свой профиль, и нажмите внизу отменить учетную запись.

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Alza URL


Open the link scroll down and press on the “Request the deletion of my personal data”

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Amara URL


Просто перейдите на страницу учетной записи и нажмите красную кнопку «Удалить учетную запись» в левом нижнем углу страницы.

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Amazon / Audible URL


Прокрутите вниз, выберите причину, отметьте флажок «Закрыть мою учетную запись» и следуйте ссылке в электронной почте подтверждения.

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Amazon AWS URL


You will not be able to reuse the email address on the account at the time of closure, but they appear to accept disposable email addresses. However, for accounts created prior to May 2017, there is also an Amazon Marketplace account with the same email. See the entry for Amazon to delete that account.

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AMD Rewards URL


You can not delete your account, only disable it, At the bottom of the page there is a ‘Deactivate your account’ ⮕ Enter password ⮕ Deactivate account

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Ameli URL


On the page “Mes informations”, click on “Résilier mon compte”. It will automatically re-enable sending documents trough your mailbox.

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AmiAmi URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Amigo Secreto URL


You need to send them a message through Whatsapp requesting deletion. It takes roughly 20 days.

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Amso URL


You need to write an email to ask them to delete your account. After 1 day the deletion is confirmed.

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Anaconda Nucleus URL


Go to the ‘Delete my Data’ section, click the ‘Delete Data’ button and confirm.

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Ancestry URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Andaman7 URL


Contact customer service via the app and ask for account to be deleted.

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Android File Host (AFH) URL


Свяжитесь со службой поддержки клиентов, используя контактную форму, и запросите удаление вашей учетной записи.

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Angelist URL


После входа, нажмите «Удалить учетную запись».

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Anghami URL


If you can delete the account through the app, follow the process provided in the link. If you are using the web client you’ll have to contact support@anghami.com. Your account will be deactivated within 24 hours and deleted after 30 days.

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Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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AniList URL


Перейдите к «Удалить учетную запись пользователя ⮕ ОК, Удалить мою учетную запись».

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Animal Crossing Community URL


Мы не «удаляем» и не «закрываем» учетные записи на ACC. Если вы больше не хотите использовать сайт, вы можете удалить всю личную информацию из своего профиля, а затем прекратить заходить на учетную запись.

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Anime News Network URL


Visit the linked page and click the delete button, click the confirmation url that sent via email.

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Anime-Planet URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘YES, DELETE MY ACCOUNT FOREVER’.

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Animoto URL


Откройте ссылку и нажмите «Удалить учетную запись».

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Ankama URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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AnkiApp URL


Войдите в свою учетную запись и нажмите «Удалить учетную запись». Подтвердите ввод пароля и нажмите «ОК». Если вы не можете удалить свою учетную запись через web.ankiapp.com - посетите join.ankiapp.com.

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AnkiWeb URL


Подтвердите, введя свой адрес электронной почты и нажмите «Удалить».

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Anti-Captcha URL


Confirm account deletion, then input the code you’ll receive by email.

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Any.do URL


Вы можете удалить свою учетную запись только через мобильное приложение: установите приложение, войдите в систему, нажмите «Профиль», затем «Удалить учетную запись».

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AOL / Instant Messenger URL


Account gets deactivated for a waiting period of 30-180 days depending on your country, then permanently deleted.

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Aparat URL


To unsubscribe, click the Cancel membership button.

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Apex Minecraft Hosting URL


Вам необходимо войти в свою биллинговую панель и отправить заявку на удаление учетной записи. Если у вас только «multicraft account», вы можете отправить тикет без входа в систему.

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Apiary URL


Create a placeholder API, then delete all of your existing APIs. After that, send a request to terminate your account to the support email.

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Visit the linked page, provide a reason for deletion, then submit the form. Your account will be deleted within 48 hours.

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Apoia.se URL


The exclusion will occur 7 (seven) days after filling the Google Docs form.

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AppJobber URL


Go to the profile page, click the button to delete the account at the top right and confirm. Alternatively you can send and e-mail asking for the deletion.

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Apple ID / iTunes URL


Follow the steps to request account deletion. It is possible to undo for a few days. If you have bought a developer license, it’s impossible to delete your account. Once deleted, you will no longer be able to open a new one with the same email address.

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AppShopper URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Appypie URL


Under Privacy Settings click on ‘Delete / Deactivate Account’ then click on ‘Delete Account’ and confirm and specify a reason.

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Aquaillumination URL


Customer service is unable to delete accounts.

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ara.cat URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Arc Games URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Arch Linux AUR URL


Click on the “My Account” button, then in the first line of text at the top of the page, there is a button that links to a page where you can delete your account.

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Arch Linux Forums URL


You need to send an email to the forum team.

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Archipad URL


Click on your e-mail on the top right. Click on ‘Profile’. Scroll down to find the delete account button in red. Enter password to complete deletion.

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Archive of Our Own URL


Click on your profile picture on the top right, go to ‘Profile’, and click the ‘Delete my account’ button

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Arduino URL


Visit the linked page and under ‘Account Settings’, click the link next to ‘If you wish to delete your Arduino account’. You will be sent an email with a link to delete your account.

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AREX (Airport Railway Company) URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Arlo URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘Permanently Delete Arlo Account’. Click ‘Continue’. Click ‘Reset and remove all devices’. Click ‘Continue’. Click ‘Delete All Content’. Click ‘Continue’. Enter your email address and password associated with the account then click ‘Permanently Delete Arlo Account’

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ArmorGames URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Ars Technica URL


You have to make a forum post about deleting your account and eventually the admins will delete your account, although your comment and post history stays on the website

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Artsy URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Asana URL


Go to User Info, click Settings, Account and Delete My account at the bottom. After that, click ‘Continue with deletion’ button, pick a reason and type ‘delete’.

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Asda URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Asgardia.space URL


Вам необходимо отправить электронное письмо и запросить удаление учетной записи, что может занять до 10 дней. В некоторых учетных записях администраторы сайта не отслеживают запросы на удаление, что не приводит к последующим действиям.

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Ashampoo URL


Request deletion by emailing privacy team. Ask them to close your account and send them your name and email address. You’ll receive a mail back from them with a personal removal link in it.

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Ask.fm URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Asos URL


If not using the app, needs to request deletion from customer services. Theoretically on the app there are options to delete account described in the FAQ.

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Assembla URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Go to the website, select your type of account and select which data you want to remove.

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ASUS WebStorage URL


Select “Account related” as the problem category and “Request account deletion” as the problem item.

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Atavi URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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AtCoder URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Aternos URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Athletic Greens URL


Deleting account does not cancel subscription, so do that first. Requires submitting name, address, and phone number to start deletion.

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The Atlantic URL

ограниченый доступ

Depending on where you live you either need to select “Submit an EEA Data Request” or “Submit a CCPA Data Request”.

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Atlassian / Bitbucket URL


You need to visit my.atlassian.com and designate a different user as a billing and technical contact if your account is the primary billing contact for one or more products

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Auchan URL


Send an email to the address given here. It’s not listed on the FAQ page.

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Audiomack URL


Щелкните на ссылку удаления учетной записи в левом нижнем углу.

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Augment URL


On the Augment website, log in, then click on the ‘chat box’ at the bottom right of the page, then request for your account to be deleted. Alternatively, send a GDPR request at the email address.

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Auth0 URL


Delete all tenants on the Auth0 dashboard then send a private message to a support moment on the forums.

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Author.today URL


Вы не можете удалить свою учётную запись, только отключить её. Чтобы сделать это, перейдите в ⮕ личный кабинет ⮕ учётная запись ⮕ общее ⮕ управление учётной записью.

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Authy URL


Заполните форму, подтвердите свой номер телефона и e-mail. Данные будут удалены через 30 дней.

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Autodesk URL


Внизу страницы нажмите кнопку «Удаление учетной записи» и подтвердите «Удалить свою учетную запись и данные Autodesk». Введите свой пароль, затем введите 6-значный код, который будет отправлен на вашу электронную почту, и нажмите «Удалить учетную запись». Вы можете восстановить учетную запись в течение 30 дней после ее удаления. Удаление завершается через 90 дней.

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AutoScout24 URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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AutoWebSurf URL


Enter your password to confirm the deletion.

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Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Avast! URL


Войдите в систему, перейдите на вкладку «Детали профиля» и нажмите кнопку «Удалить учетную запись».

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Sign in and post a request in the deletion thread, a moderator will contact you and tell you the details.

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Click on ‘Delete Account’ at the bottom of the page, then ‘Continue Deleting’ and enter your password to delete account.

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Avira URL


Следуйте инструкциям, приведенным в статье. При желании вы также можете запросить удаление своей учетной записи по электронной почте.

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Avito URL


Enter any reason to delete

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AwardWallet URL


Вы должны ввести свой пароль и указать причину удаления вашей учетной записи.

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Axios URL

ограниченый доступ

According to their Privacy Policy, if you are a California or Virginia resident, you can email Axios about account deletion and they should delete your account and data.

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Fill out the form requesting data deletion and then go to your e-mail to confirm the request. It takes a couple weeks for them to process the request.

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Account will not be deleted, just disabled. If you want that, click ‘Disable Account’ button. Check ‘Yes, I wish to disable my AZ MVD Now account.’. Click ‘Disable Account’

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Must send an email or call 800-947-9915.

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Babbel URL


Scroll down and press delete. A confirmation box will show up. You will have to go click the link in the email they send to you to permanently delete your Babbel account.

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Baby Names URL


Visit the linked page, select a reason why you’re deleting your account, then click ‘Agreed - Close My Account’.

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BabyCenter URL


If you are protected under the GDPR or CCPA, complete the linked form. Otherwise, you must send an email.

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back4app URL


Delete all apps from your dashboard, then create a Support ticket and ask them to delete your account.

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Backblaze URL


Click on delete account and follow the required steps. You must have no outstanding B2 balance and will have to delete most files and settings in your account first.

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Badlion URL


Open settings, scroll down and enter your username and delete your account.

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Badoo URL


Зайдите в ‘Настройки’, затем слева нажмите ‘Удалить’, укажите причину удаления и подтвердите выбор нажав кнопку ‘Подтвердить’.

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Baidu URL


Информация недоступна

Balance URL


Send an email to their Privacy address. Within 24 hours, a support representative should respond to your request and ask for confirmation. Once they receive and respond to your request confirmation, your login credentials should no longer work.

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Bambuser URL


Go to your Settings page and scroll down to find ‘Deactivate’ account. Click on ‘Close Account’ button, and confirm the account deletion.

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Bandcamp URL


To terminate an artist account, you must click on the ‘Artists’ pane, click on the desired artist’s profile, and click the termination link there.

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Barnes & Noble URL


Visit the linked page, scroll to the bottom to ‘Data Rights Request’ and click on ‘Submit a Request’. Complete and submit the form.

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Basecamp URL


Data will be permanantly deleted after 30 days.

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Basin URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the ‘Completely obliterate all my data’ button

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Bato.to URL


Go to the linked site and click “Delete account”. Remember that you won’t be able to reuse e-mail associated with this account, and all uploaded chapters and comments will not be deleted.

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Battle.net / Blizzard URL


Requests may take up to 30 days to complete and may require to submit a government-issued photo ID.

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Same account also covers BBC iPlayer and BBC Sounds.

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Be Welcome URL


There’s a ‘Remove profile’ option on the side menu at the ‘Edit my profile’ page. You can even select an option to have your data deleted within 24 hours.

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You need to contact support on the linked page to request account deletion.

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Bearblog URL


Follow the link and confirm account deletion.

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Beatport URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Behance URL


To delete your account, please click on your avatar in the top right navigation, visit Account Settings, and hit the ‘Delete Account’ tab. There, you’ll have the option to delete.

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Contact the customer support via email and request to delete your account. You can only completely delete your account if you have not performed missions or have not made any money using the BeMyEye app, otherwise they will only deactivate it.

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BeReal URL


The exact steps vary by device. Account will be deleted after 15 days.

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BerryByte URL


Log into your BerryByte client area and send a ticket asking for account deletion. If you only have a game control panel account, you can submit a ticket without having to login.

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Best Buy URL


Process will be much smoother if you sign in. Alternatively, you can call 888-237-8289.

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Best Buy Canada URL


Fill out the form with the information on your account.

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bet365 URL


To delete the account, contact customer service. It is recommended to do it via chat and ask to close the account, as there is no link to do so.

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Betano URL


Access Account ⮕ Profile ⮕ Player Protection and select Self-exclusion option. You can choose remove your account for a derised time, or definitely.

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Bethesda URL


To delete the account, login first on Bethesda.net, then click on the above link and select Bethesda as the product (note that the page takes a while to load), then select ‘Delete Personal Information and Account’ and fill out the form, this will send a prefilled support contact form for account deletion. You may also send an email to privacy@support.zenimax.com

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Betnacional URL


According to privacy policy (item 8), you have to send an e-mail to them requesting the account removal.

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Betterment URL


Account can only be closed, but not trule deleted.

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BeyondMenu URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Bidoo URL


Click the assistance link on the website and fill in the contact form. A representative will mail you to confirm the account deletion.

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Bigstock URL


To delete your account, you must email them and request that your account be deleted.

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Bikemap URL


Login, click settings, click ‘Delete Account’, confirm.

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Bilibili URL


Информация недоступна

Binance URL


First you have to empty your account from all cryptocurrencies, then go to the website linked, scroll down and click on “delete account”, then follow the steps.

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Once you open the url and accept the terms and services your account goes into review. The account is deleted within 1 to 5 business days.

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Bitdefender Central URL


To delete your account, login, go to the ‘My Account’ page, click the ‘Delete Account’ link, click the ‘Delete Account’ button, and click the ‘Send Email’ button. A confirmation email will be sent to the account email. Click the ‘Delete Account’ link in the email sent to you, log into your account, and click the ‘Delete Account’ button.

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Bitfinex URL


Visit the Account Settings page from the menu in the top right corner of the Bitfinex platform. Deactivate your Bitfinex account by changing your account status. Finally, confirm this via the confirmation email. This process is irreversible and your data will be retained for as long as needed to meet audit and regulatory purposes.

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Bitly URL


At the bottom of the linked page, click the red ‘Delete Account’ button. Select an option specifying why you want to leave Bitly, and confirm your action by typing “DELETE ACCOUNT”, then click ‘Delete Account’ again.

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Bitstamp URL


Process described on their FAQ. You will need to enter your password to confirm the operation.

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Bittrex URL


The only way to delete an account is to send a customer support request, select ‘Close account’ and fill the form, you will then receive an email ironically asking you to create a Bittrex support account password so you can follow the status of your request.

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Bitwarden URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Bkool URL


To delete an account, the user must write to the following email address: dpo@bkool.com

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BlackBox URL


You need to contact support to delete your account.

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BlackSpigot URL


As noted on the forum, account removals are not an option.

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Bleep URL


Make sure you’re logged in and go to the linked URL and click “Delete Account”, this will show some text telling you to contact support. Click the “Contact Support” button and click the “Contact Us” button in the pop-up. Fill out the form and ask to delete your account.

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BlendSwap URL


Go to your profile and press the ‘delete account’ button

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Blind URL


Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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Blinkee URL


Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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Blinkist URL


Click ‘I want to delete my account’ at the bottom of the page.

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Blogger URL


Вы не можете удалить учетную запись Blogger без удаления всей учетной записи Google. Но вы можете удалить свой блог.

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Bloomberg URL


You cannot delete your account by yourself. Apparently, they delete it automatically after a long period of inactivity but nothing in their website talks about it.

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Bloomingdales URL


Only residents of California and Nevada are allowed to make official data removal requests. However, if you contact Customer Service via one of the methods listed, they may submit a 30-day account deletion request for you anyway.

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Blue Apron URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Bluebird by American Express URL


Remove all funds from your account. Then go to settings in your account, click on the profile tab, and click close account.

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Bluejeans URL


Contact support via the contact form and request deletion of your account.

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Bluesky URL


Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete My Account…”. Then provide the confirmation code sent to your email and your account password. No confirmation is given, but the account is deleted instantly.

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Board Game Arena URL


Log-in, go to your account settings and click ‘Delete my BGA account’.

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Board Games Online URL


Log-in ⮕ My Profile ⮕ Click Profile (Settings Icon) ⮕ Click on Delete Profile. Account will be deleted in about one week.

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BoardGameGeek URL


Log-in and use the link provided to request account deletion.

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bobatea URL


Log-in, go to Settings ⮕ Account then at the bottom you can delete your account.

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BodBot URL


Click the ‘Delete My Account’ link.

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Bodybuilding URL


You can only deactivate your account by contacting support as they state on the help page. There is no way to permanently delete your account or data, and an inactive public profile will always be visible to public.

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Bohemia Interactive URL


Submit a support ticket to them at the URL and they will send you an email asking to confirm after which the account will be deleted.

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Boingo Wireless URL


Fill the form or send an e-mail to them from the account you want to delete.

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Bol.com URL


Need to request deletion on a page within the account settings. After a few days you receive a link to confirm deletion. You need to be logged in to the account for the confirmation link to be working. Check after 30 days if the account is really removed, as it doesn’t always work. If you can’t figure it out complain by email, but this process takes even longer.

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Bolt URL


You will need to contact support team via the app or request account deletion by sending an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer.

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Bolt Driver URL


You will need to contact support team via the app or request account deletion by sending an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer.

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Bolt Food URL


You will need to contact support team via the app or request account deletion by sending an e-mail to the Data Protection Officer.

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Bones Coffee Company URL


You will need to contact support team via chat or email to request account deletion.

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BookBub URL


Fill out the contact form to request deletion.

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Booking URL


На сайте присутствует кнопка для удаления аккаунта, но вы никогда не получите подтверждающий email. Вместо этого вам нужно написать им на почту и запросить удаления аккаунта.

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Booklooker URL


You need to request deletion of your data via the contact form after logging in.

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Bookmark OS URL


Send an email and request account deletion.

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Boostcamp URL


Visit the linked page and confirm the deletion.

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Go to your profile page and the “Delete Account” button. If you did not set a password, it will ask you to create one before you can delete your account.

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Boots Viewpoint URL


Have to contact them, email used was claire@bootsviewpoint.co.uk

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BorgBase URL


Remove all your backup repositories, then in the account tab click on profile and on the bottom of the page you’ll find a button to remove your account.

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Borussia Dortmund URL


Go to ‘Account-Einstellungen’ and klick ‘BVB-Account deaktivieren. Then contact them via mail to get all data deleted.

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Bountysource URL


Only possible via e-mail, where they’ll (eventually) delete the account.

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Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Boxcryptor URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Braiins URL


Go to the menu on the top right corner, click ‘Account’, scroll down and click ‘Request Account Deletion’.

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Brain.fm URL


Send an email to their Privacy support address to request account deletion. After a brief exchange with a support representative to confirm your intention, there will be a several-day delay while they process your request, after which your login credentials will stop working.

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Braintrust URL


Go to Settings ⮕ Privacy & Security ⮕ My Account and click on Delete Account Button. You will receive a confirmation email.

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Brandpad URL


You need to cancel your subscription first, as deleting your account does not automatically unpublish or delete the brands connected to your account. Then on Account-Circle on the top right ⮕ Account ⮕ Delete Account.

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Brevo URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Brilliant URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Bring! URL


Log in to the account you’d like to delete and click the link on the same device.

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British Airways URL


Must send a request in writing. See this page for contact details.

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Broadcom Support URL


You need to send a request to the support

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BrowserStack URL


Scroll down and click on the “Delete Account” button, then enter ‘delete’ into the dialog and confirm.

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Brut URL


Contact the customer support via email and request the deletion of your account.

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Contact the customer support via email and request the deletion of your account.

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Bruun-rasmussen.dk URL


Contact customer support to request account deletion.

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Bubbl.us URL


Вам нужно связаться со службой поддержки и запросить удаление аккаунта, но адрес, указанный на странице помощи неверен. Вам нужно отправлять сообщение на адрес: support@bubbl.us.

Отправить e-mail »
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Buddy UniCredit URL


From the app, contact the support chat and request to close your account, then follow the procedure.

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Buffer URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Builder.io URL


Either you can write them a support ticket from their built-in application under the question mark or write them a mail.

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Buildspace URL


Email support@buildspace.so requesting to delete your account.

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BuiltByBit URL


Login ⮕ Account Details ⮕ Settings ⮕ Account Removal ⮕ Delete account

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Bukalapak URL


Open Akun (Account)>BukaBantuan (Open Help)>In Akun & Info Personal (Account & Personal Info), tap Selanjutnya (Next)>Tap Menonaktifkan Akun (Disable Account)>Tap Isi Form Bantuan (Type on Help Form)>Explain the reason why you delete it>Tap Kirim (Send).

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Bukkit URL


Message an administrator (timtower is the most active) and tell them you want your account deleted, and they will tell you it will be done when it’s possible.
So deletion of an account is not an option.

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Bungie.net URL


Send an email or fill out either the “GDPR Request” or “Right to Know or Delete” form.

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Support staff refuses to delete accounts due to ‘accounting purposes’

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Buser URL


Click in ‘Perfil’ on the right side top and click on ‘Editar perfil’. At the bottom of the page click on ‘Opções Avançadas’ and click on ‘Deletar minha conta’.

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Busuu URL


Click the ‘Delete my account’ button at the bottom of the page, then confirm you’d like to delete your account

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Buy Me a Coffee URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Buycott URL


To cancel your account you have to send them an email

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Buycraft URL


Buycraft was moved to Tebex, contact customer support to request account deletion

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ByDoor URL


Login, head to your account details, scroll to the bottom and click to deactivate your account. The text states it will remove all of your data, but after confirming on the e-mail, it’s just deactivated and can be reactivated later.

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C&M News by Rеss.at URL


Just click ‘Abschicken’

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Support have to be emailed with a request and it may be months before the account is deleted, depending on circumstance.

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Cabify URL


Login and go to Contact us ⮕ My Account, payment method, and invoices ⮕ I want to delete my account. Write a message and it will create a ticket.

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Cacoo URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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CafePress URL


Visit the linked page and close your account, then contact customer service and ask to have your personal information deleted.

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CakeReader URL


Информация недоступна

Call of Duty Mobile URL


Must put in a request, via a ticket system, while logged in to the account (to verify the identity of the account owner). You may also need to install and log into the game to get PlayerID/UID/PrivacyID needed for account deletion.

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CamelCamelCamel URL


Login to your account first. Confirm by ticking both boxes, ‘I want to close my Camel account.’ and ‘I’m really sure!’, and click ‘Close Account’.

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CamScanner URL


Either e-mail them requesting deletion or download the app, cancel the premium subscription, go to the bottom menu, account, tap the account name and click “Permanently delete/cancel an account”. This will delete all data you have stored too.

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Canva URL


At the bottom of the page click on the button that says ‘Delete account.’ There will be a 14 day waiting period, after this period, all your account data will be deleted.

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Capcut URL


In the ‘Delete Account’ section of the ‘Account settings’, click the red colored ‘Ok’ button. After 30 Days your account will be deleted.

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Capsule URL


Contact support by email or by phone at 1-888-910-1808 and request that your account be deleted. Your request can be denied if you still have an active service or transaction with them.

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Captain.tv URL


Send a request using the ‘Account Deletion’ type

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Car2Go URL


You need to call customer support and even after that can take weeks before confirmation of deletion

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Carbonmade URL


When logged in, use the link to be taken to the deletion page.

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CareerBuilder.com URL


Must remove uploaded files first

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Carrd.co URL


Just enter password and confirm deletion!

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Cash'em All URL


Go to settings in the profile page, then click “Cancel Membership” and confirm the email. You can also request the deletion via email.

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Cash'em All Web URL


Go to settings in the profile page, then click “Delete account” and confirm the email. You can also request the deletion via email.

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Castbox URL


You must request account deletion by email. Include what method you use to sign in (Google, Twitter or Facebook, etc.) and your email address. If you have their Android app, visit the linked page for instructions on how to delete your account yourself.

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Catappult URL


Go to Manage Users Access section, click Request account deletion.

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Catawiki URL


Go to the profile icon in the top right corner and click “Settings”, scroll down and click “Continue” under “Delete my account”, and “Confirm”. Then confirm the deletion from your email.

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Go to the link and make a request about deleting your account. Account deletion can take up to 30 days.

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CCMA (TV3 i CatRàdio) URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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cda URL


You need to contact with support

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CDEK Forward URL


Для удаления аккаунта нужно написать в поддержку по электронной почте

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Use the delete account button at the bottom of the page

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Contact customer service via the support e-mail form and request deletion of your account under General Questions.

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To request account cancellation & remove your personal information, please email them. Note: CEEOL will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with their legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce their agreements.

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Celcoin URL


Contact the customer support via email and request the deletion of your account. In order for them to identify your account, include your full name and Tax ID in your request.

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Cengage URL


Contact support over the phone or via live chat. Your case will need to be escalated to close the account, and it may take a few days. Otherwise, the account will automatically be deleted after 5 years of inactivity.

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You can’t delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to ‘Delete Account’

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Cfx.re URL


You need to send a support request. The button in your forum profile page leads you to that.

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cgtrader URL


Request account removal by sending an email to them requesting for account deletion. Personal data will be stored for 2 years after your last login

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Challonge URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Change.org URL


Send an email from the address you registered with asking to have your account deleted. You will need to answer to some questions about your account.

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ChangeIP URL


All requests for canceling accounts must be made via email or by opening a support ticket from the client area. It may take up to 7 days to be processed. You must have all account information to cancel.

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changelly URL


Click on ‘Delete account’ under ‘Email settings’

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character.ai URL


Scroll to the bottom of the settings page on your profile and click ”Remove Account“, then insert your username and choose whether you want to export your data while deleting it or not.

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ChatForma URL


Информация недоступна

Cheap Ass Gamer URL


Please email cheapyd@cheapassgamer.com from your account on file with CAG.

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Checklist URL


Log in and go to your account. Scroll to ‘Close your account’ and click on ‘Close Account’. Confirm by clicking on ‘Yes’ in the pop-up window. The account will be deleted immediately.

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Checksub URL


Contact the customer support to delete your account.

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Cheezburger URL


Write them an e-mail with your user name and email address attached to the account, along with the reason why you wish to delete the account.

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Chegg URL


To close your account, contact support with the email listed, call/message (408)-351-0942, or request assistance via their twitter @CheggHelp. For data deletion, click here.

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Chemaxon URL


Go to the linked page and delete your account.

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Chess.com URL


Enter your email, do the CAPTCHA and click “Show my data”. Scroll to the bottom, enter your username, and click “Delete”. Any comments and public posts must be deleted individually before deleting your account.

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Chessable URL


Once you submit your account for deletion, your account (and all data associated with it, including your purchased content) will be scheduled for deletion in compliance with the applicable legislation.

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Chessfactor URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Chesspuzzle.net URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Chewy URL


Login ⮕ Account ⮕ Settings ⮕ Privacy Preferences ⮕ Continue to Delete

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Chick-fil-A URL


Fill out the provided privacy web form, send an email to mailto:privacy@chick-fil-a.com, or call 1-866-232-2040.

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Chocolatey URL


Перейдите по ссылке, выберите раздел “Общее” и заполните форму, в которой запросите удаление вашего аккаунта.

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Cineplex URL


Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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CircleCI URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘Make a Privacy Request’, and then ‘Delete all my data’. Enter your email address. You will receive an email; In that email, click ‘Log in’, and then ‘Confirm Request’. More info here.

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Cisco URL


Fill in the fields on the form, confirm the request in your email and then wait for their privacy team to respond.

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Classmates URL


Provide a reason by selecting a radio button and select ‘Remove Registration’.

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ClassPass URL


You can deactivate your account from settings but not entirely delete the account itself.

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CleverReach URL


Email customer services to request deletion

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ClevGuard URL


Site currently does not allow for accounts to be deleted.

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ClickUp URL


Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the “Delete Account” button.

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Clipchamp URL


Scroll to the bottom and click “Delete your account”.

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Clippings.io URL


Visit the linked page and click “Delete Account”

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Clockify URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Cloud Convert URL


Go to the dashboard ⮕ account ⮕ details, and fill your username and password. The acount is deleted after 72 hours.

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CloudApp URL


Visit the linked page. Click your name in the top right corner, then click ‘Settings’. In the left column, select ‘Account Details’ and click the red ‘Remove account’ button.

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Cloudflare URL


You must have no domains, add-ons, payment methods or ongoing investigations attached to your account prior to account deletion.

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CloudMagic URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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CNET Download URL


You have to ask the support to get your account deleted. Choose the category CNET Registration

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You have to contact them in order to ask to delete your account.

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Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete Account’

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Cocoleech URL


Go to your profile and press ‘Delete Account’.

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Coda URL


Click “Advanced Settings” on the bottom of the page and the option to delete your account should appear

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Code Red URL


You can’t delete yourself. You can only change your phone nr. to a bogus number.

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Codeanywhere URL


Login then click Delete Account button and enter your password.

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Codeberg URL


Log into your account, go to settings ⮕ account and type in your password to delete your account.

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Codecademy URL


Simply click the “I understand, delete my account.” button.

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CodeChef URL


Navigate to the Privacy tab in your edit profile section. Scroll all the way down and click on “I don’t want to continue with CodeChef”. Alternatively login to codechef and visit “https://www.codechef.com/users//discontinue", after substituting in your username.

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Codeforces URL


You can’t delete your account yet. The feature is being worked on and might become available in the future.

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Codeium URL


Scroll down and press the ‘delete your account’ button.

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CodePen URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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CodeProject URL


Beneath the gravatar image, check the ‘Close my account’ checkbox. Then click on ‘Save my Settings’.

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CoderByte URL


You can only delete your account by emailing their support team. Certain activity data may remain stored and may be shared with third parties.

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CodersRank URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the “Account settings” page to the “Danger Zone” section and click on “Delete your account”

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Coderwall URL


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CodeSignal URL


Sign in, visit the provided link and press delete profile

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Codetasty URL


Log in, press the url, press ‘Deactivate Account’ which will disable your account for some time and then permanently delete

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Codewars URL


Go to your ‘Account Settings’ and scroll to the bottom to find the ‘Delete Account’ section

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Codingame URL


Go to your ‘Settings’ and scroll to the bottom to find the ‘Danger Zone’ section. However, the source code one has published will be kept in the system with a GPLv3 license.

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CoffeeCup URL


You need to contact them via email. They usually reply quickly.

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Cohost URL


Click settings on the left, scroll to the bottom of the page, confirm your email address and password, and wait for 3 days. Accounts can be deleted faster than the default 3 days by emailing Cohost.

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Coin URL


Contact them via ticketing system and ask for account to be deleted

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Coinbase URL


Sign in then visit their website and request the deletion of all of your data. You will then be directed to their account activity page where you must close your account after withdrawing all funds.

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CoinBR/Stratum URL


Contact the customer support via email and request the deletion of your account. In order for them to identify your account, make the request through the same email address that you have used to create your CoinBR/Stratum account.

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CoinGecko URL


You can delete your CoinGecko account directly from the website by clicking the ‘Profile’ icon ⮕ ‘Login’ and ‘Security’. At the ‘Login and Security’ page, please click on ‘Delete my account’ to proceed with account deletion

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CoinMarketCap URL


CoinMarketCap provides a button to automatically request account deletion. The account deletion process is said to take up to 21 days.

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CoinPayments URL


According to their own policy, accounts can never be deleted.

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CoinSpot URL


Once you have removed all wallet balances, you need to create a ticket.

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Cointree URL


Complete the form and wait for their support to delete the account.

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Collegeboard URL


You can’t delete your College Board account, but you can close it by calling their customer service at 866-315-6068

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Comment ça marche URL


Your messages will remain on the forums.

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commiss.io URL


Информация недоступна

Commun URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Compiled URL


Enter your user settings and select “Delete Account,” and “Delete” when prompted again. This is irreversible.

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Computeruniverse URL


Вам нужно написать им на почту, чтобы запросить удаление своих данных.

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Conte.it URL


Fill out the form to request cancellation from Conte.it’s insurance services.

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Cook It URL


It is only possible to permanently disable the automatic subscription fee. Doing so will also set your stars back to 0.

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Coolors URL


Use the link provided to request account deletion. Enter your password, then you get an e-mail with a code. Enter this code in the next input field. If you created the account with a ‘Social Login’ you need to set a password first.

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Coolshop.dk URL


Account deletion can be requested from within ones account settings. It takes them up to 24 hours to process the request.

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Copyleaks URL


Account ⮕ Security ⮕ Delete Account (On the bottom of the page). If you wish to delete all data, use this page.

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Copyrighted URL


Enter your current password to confirm deletion.

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Corellium URL


Click the Delete Account button.

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Correl.app URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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CoSpaces URL


Go to the linked page and scroll down to the bottom of page. From there, click the ‘Delete’ button next to the ‘Delete account’ section.

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Coub URL


Visit the linked page. From the left column, select your username. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Delete Account”.

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Couchsurfing URL


Cannot be deleted fully, reactivation is always available. Fill out the request form.

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Coursera URL


Delete acccount button is at the bottom of the account settings page.

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Cracker Barrel URL


Visit their Privacy Policy website ⮕ Section E, number 9, PRIVACY PORTAL link ⮕ Click URL ⮕ Fill out form (includes filling out personal info) ⮕ Verify your email ⮕ Wait for a response

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Craigslist URL


Send an email to abuse@craigslist.org and request deletion.

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CrashPlan URL


Start a live chat session and a representative will delete your account.

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Credit Karma URL


Membership can be canceled either online or by mail. Once you cancel, you will no longer have access to your Credit Karma account history and you won’t be able to create a new account for six months.

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CreditExpert URL


You can cancel by email but only if your membership includes insurance. Otherwise, an email cancellation will be ignored. You have to call 0800 561 0083 to cancel your account. This is the only way. More info here

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Credly URL


On the profile settings page, scroll down and click ‘Delete my Profile’.

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Crevado Portfolios URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Cronometer URL


Login ⮕ More ⮕ Account ⮕ Delete Account

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Crowdcast.io URL


You can pause your account for $10/mo or cancel your account.

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Crowdfinder URL


Request requires sending a proof of identity

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Crowdfire URL


Deleted after 48 hours of request

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Crowdin URL


Login to your account. Click on ‘Settings’, then ‘Delete Account’ (at the bottom). Choose one of the options why you want to delete your account and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Crowdsorsa URL


As of now there’s not a simple way to delete your account. You have to contact their team, your account will be quickly deleted upon request.

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Crunchyroll URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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CryEngine URL


Go to your dashboard, click ‘Delete your account’ and confirm.

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Crypton.sh URL


Scroll down the page, click at “Delete My Account”, type your password and confirm your action by clicking “Delete Account”.

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CryptoPanic URL


Click on ‘Yes, send confirmation email’, and you should receive an email to delete your account.

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CryptoVoucher URL


Just click the close account button in the account settings

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CryptPad URL


Scroll down to the red ‘Delete your account’ button and then select ‘OK (enter)’

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Crytek URL


You can delete your account by navigating to the profile settings or e-mailing them

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cTrader URL


You need to contact customer support and they will ask for very sensitive information such as your passport number.

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Cubeast URL


Select “Remove Account,” confirm your email, then select “DELETE MY ACCOUNT.”

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CubieCloud URL


Send an email asking to delete your account, providing your private id and other evidence.

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Cultura URL


Send a request to personal data rights service. They will delete your account without contacting you to confirm.

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Curio URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Curriculum URL


There’s no way to delete an account. The maximum that can be done is to hide the curriculum.

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CurseForge URL


Send a support ticket from the email associated with your account and include the following information: your account username; a screenshot of you logged in to account settings / authors dashboard.

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Cursor URL


Follow the link. Expand the “Advanced” section. Click “Delete Account”.

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Curve URL


They cannot delete your account immediately as they are obliged by the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 to keep your data for 5 years after you stop using Curve.

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Cutout URL


Go to My Dashboard, then Account Settings to delete your account.

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CV online URL


Request account removal by sending an email to them from the same email address appearing on your CVs.

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CVS Pharmacy URL


They allow account deletions under the CCPA, but only for California residents. However, the way they check your location is simply a ZIP code of your choosing. You can input any California ZIP (ex. 94102) and they will allow you to delete your account. Visit the linked page, and select ‘CA residents: request or delete personal information.’ Enter any California ZIP code, then click ‘Delete my info and account’, and finally ‘Yes, delete my info and account’.

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Cybrary URL


Go to “Delete Your Account ⮕ Delete Account”.

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You have to fill out a form. (BUT IT’S ONLY IN CZECH)

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Send a private message to Rodolphe.

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DagsHub URL


You first need to delete/transfer all your repositories. After that you can visit the linked page and delete your account.

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The Daily Wire URL


Click “Delete Your Data” and enter the verification code the company sends to your account email.

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Dailymotion URL


Type your password and confirm your action by clicking “Delete account”.

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DansTonChat URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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danwin1210.me URL


You can either disable or remove your account. After removal, username is free to be taken again.

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Darty URL


You need to send an account deletion request.

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Dashlane URL


After entering the email address and selecting a reason for deletion, you will receive a security code by email. Enter the security code. After that, the account will be irretrievably deleted.

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data.gouv.fr URL


On your profile page, click on the arrow next to the “Edit” button, in the top right of your screen, then on “Delete my profile”

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DataCamp URL


Click the red ‘delete account’ button at the bottom.

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DataQuest URL


Click the red ‘delete account’ button

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Day One URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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dbrand URL


Contact customer support to request account deletion.

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Deadspin URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Decathlon India URL


Send them a deletion request from the linked contact form and remember to mention your decathlon.in registered email there. After some hours of submitting the request their support representative will email you asking for your confirmation to have your decathlon account permanently deleted. Alternatively, you can email them.

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Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Deezer URL


If you signed up via Google/Facebook setup a Deezer password at https://www.deezer.com/password/reset and click the confirmation link you’ll get via mail. If you have your Deezer password, open your account settings. Click ‘Delete my Account’ at the bottom of the page. Enter your Deezer password and confirm the deletion in the confirmation mail.

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Deliveroo URL


At the bottom of the account page is the option to permanently deactivate your account. It is unclear if your data will be retained after this so you may wish to contact dpo@deliveroo.com to exercise your right to erasure under UK GDPR.

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Delivery Code URL


Go to My Account and select Edit Profile and then Delete Account. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the address on file with a link you must visit.

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Delta Airlines (SkyMiles) URL


You can not delete your account on the site. You must use the linked form. Then select SkyMiles ⮕ Update SkyMiles Account and request them to close your account.

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There is no way to delete an account. Inactive accounts are deleted automatically after 15 months.

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Demiplane URL


You must submit a support ticket to request account closure.

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Depop URL


Select ‘I want to delete my account’ in the support request page.

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Depositphotos URL


Enter live chat in the other department and request cancellation of your account or if it is not available use the contact form.

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Deutsche Bahn / DB URL


In the “Manage customer account” section, go to “Personal details” and then select the “Delete account” option at the bottom. Now follow the instructions to delete your customer account.

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Deutsche Post URL


Fill out the form to request erasure.

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Go to your ‘Settings’. On the left select ‘Account’. Click ‘Delete Account’, and follow the instructions sent via email to confirm.

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DeviantArt URL


All your data is ereased immediately, except comments which will remain. Accounts can be reactivated within 30 days. After that, Accounts can’t be reactivated.

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DevITjobs URL


Click on the ‘Log in here’ button. After logging in, go to ‘Account’, then ‘Delete Account’. You will be redirected to write to the support email. Account gets deleted within 48 hours.

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Devpost URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Under ‘Kundenkonto’, click on ‘Konto löschen’.

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diasp.eu (Diaspora) URL


Click close my account and confirm with your password.

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Dice URL


Go to your ‘Settings’. Scroll to the bottom to find the ‘Delete Account’ section.

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DiceCloud URL


There are no settings on the website to delete your account and the contact form is never answered.

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dict.cc URL


Account data will be deleted; the user name will be blocked to prevent reuse.

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Dictionary.com URL


Account data will be deleted along with all the saved data and words. You fill find the detele button at the bottom of the page.

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Didsoft URL


Create a ticket on the website, or email them.

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Dietollemode.com URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Digg URL


Go to “Settings ⮕ Delete my account”.

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Digio URL


There is no delete button and talking to the customer support gets you nowhere, they only understand you want to cancel the bank account or the credit card, but not remove the login information.

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DigitalOcean URL


Click in the checkbox “Purge all of my account data” and confirm your action by clicking “Deactivate Account”.

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Diigo URL


Scroll down the page, click at “I’d like to delete my account.”, type your password and confirm your action by clicking “Confirm Delete”.

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Directleaks URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Discogs URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Discord URL


Account deletion will not delete your messages, which you must do manually (Automating this process is possible using projects such as Undiscord). If you’re a server owner, you’ll need to either delete the server, or transfer ownership for account deletion to succeed. Account deletion takes 15 days on average (You can restore your account in this time).

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Discourse URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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discovery+ URL


Информация недоступна

Disney URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Disney+ URL


Your Disney+ account is different from your Disney account. Deleting your Disney+ account will not delete your Disney account.

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Displate URL


Click the “Deactivate account” button.

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Disqus URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Disroot URL


Go to the home page, click the user icon then press ‘Delete my Account’, nobody will be able to use the same username after deletion.

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distill.io URL


Click the button to delete the account.

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Divize URL


Click on “Delete” and confirm by clicking on “Yes, Delete it!”.

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Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Complete the captcha and press the button to request account deletion. An email will be sent to you to confirm such action.

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In settings scroll to the bottom, click the delete account button and enter your password. Your account will be deleted in 30 days.

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DNSimple URL


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E-mailing them is a deadend even after waiting for several weeks.

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DocHub URL


Log in, under “Account” click “Delete my Account”.

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Docker URL


Log in, under account settings find and use “Deactivate Account”.

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DocMorris URL


Contact customer service using their web contact form and ask them to delete your account.

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DocuSign URL


Follow the instructions at the linked support page; directions vary depending on account type and privileges.

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Dollskill URL


Email customer service and they will reply once that is complete.

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DonationAlerts URL


Press “Delete account” under the “Account removal”. Your account will be deleted within a month.

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Doneo URL


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Doodle URL


In your Doodle account select ‘Delete Doodle account’ at the bottom of the page.

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DoorDash URL


You will need the phone tied to your account to receive the 2FA code.

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Douban URL


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Douyin URL


You can log out of your account at ‘Me’⮕’≡’⮕’Settings’⮕’Account and Security’⮕’Cancel Account’. However, your account has to meet the conditions linked.

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You can delete it in the settings page

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Dr. Martens URL


Send an email stating that you want them to close your account. Include: full name on account, full billing address and registered email address. Once they confirm deletion it may take 7-10 days to take effect.

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Draft URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Drawabox URL


Send an email from the address associated with the account you’d like to delete.

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Drawpile URL


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Draxlr URL


Contact customer support to request account deletion. They should respond and will delete any personal information, database credentials and result caches that you have provided along with your account within 4 working days.

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DreamHost URL


Contact customer support using the customer service form or privacy contact email.

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Dreamstime URL


Click on the “Delete account” link towards the bottom of the page and then confirm your action in the opened pop-up. Accounts can be deleted only if you have no activity registered (uploads, downloads, comments,blogs etc).

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Dreamwidth URL


Changing your account status to Deleted will immediately hide your profile and journal from other users, but your account will not be removed for 30 days.

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Dribbble URL


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DriveThruRPG URL


Submit a request asking for the deletion of your account providing your username

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Drivvo URL


On the app, open the ‘Menu’ ⮕ ‘My Account’ ⮕ tap the three dots on the upper right corner, click ‘Delete Account’ and confirm.

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Drizly URL


Fill out the form and/or email them through their contact page: https://drizly.com/contact-us. They will email you promptly to let you know that your account has been deleted.

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Drone.io URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Dronebase URL


Contact support to find out if you can delete your account.

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Drop (Massdrop) URL


Log into your Drop account and submit a Support ticket on drop.com/support. Under Reason for Contacting Support, select Account inquiries.

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Dropbox URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Droplr URL


Click at “Delete Account”, type your email address and confirm your action by clicking “Delete”.

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Dropmark URL


Personal accounts can be deleted from the “Danger Zone” section at the bottom of your Account page. Note: Before deleting your personal account, you must first transfer ownership or delete all collections owned by your account.

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Войдите в свой аккаунт. Нажмите на свой аватар в правом верхнем углу (или в левом нижнем на телефоне), затем на “Настройки”. Выберите “Основные”. Там нажмите на синюю ссылку “удалить свой аккаунт” внизу страницы. Введите причину удаления и нажмите на красную кнопку “Удалить”, а потом на красную кнопку “Подтвердить”.

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Dunkindonuts URL


Click Personal Information, Click Delete My Account, Confirm ‘Yes, I want to proceed’, Reason for deleting your account, Choose ‘Other’, Type: I want to delete all of my private information. Then check both boxes if you agree. First box asks: Check here if you would like Dunkin’ Donuts to delete all of the personal information we have collected from you (subject to permitted exceptions). Second box: I understand that by deleting my information, I will no longer be able to use my DD Perks Account and will forfeit any accrued Perks Rewards. Then click Next, Then confirm by clicking ‘Delete My Account’. Then you will get a confirmation page that says: Thank you for your request, this confirms that your account has been deleted! You then get an email that says it can take 48 hours to update.

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Delete all applications, users and other administrators in the Admin Panel according to the support article, then contact support via email.

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Duolicious URL


Log into your account. Go to the “Profile” tab. Scroll down and press “Delete My Account”. Type “delete” then press “Done”.

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Duolingo URL


Scroll down and click “ERASE PERSONAL DATA”. You will receive an e-mail in which you have to click the link after “Delete my data link:”. This confirms the erasure of your personal data and account.

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Duotrope URL


You must submit a support ticket to request account deletion.

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Dwell URL


It’s not possible to delete an account, you can either remove or replace your contact information with bogus details.

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Dwolla URL


Dwolla accounts cannot be deleted, only disabled. To request deactivation of your account, contact support via email.

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DWService URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Dynadot URL


Deletion can only be done via email. First, you must make sure the account has no active services from Dynadot (domains, VPS or Email Hosting, SSL certificates, Website Builders, etc.). Active domains must be deleted (this takes up to 30 days), or moved to another account/registrar. Once all services have been removed, send an email to accounts@dynadot.com from your email in which the account is registered under.

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Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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e621 URL


Even though there is a delete option, the site states it will only change your account to a generic name and lock it. Your contributions (submissions, comments, etc) will remain.

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EA Games / Origin / Electronic Arts URL


Contact customer services to request deletion.

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Log into easyeda.com first, then click on the provided URL. Type ‘DELETE’ into the input box and click the Delete button.

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easyfundraising URL


Click on ‘account’ on the top right, then click ‘Manage your data’. Click ‘Learn more’ under ‘Delete your account and information’ section. You will be prompted to enter your password.

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easyJet URL


You have to fill out the Data protection request form on their website, providing your identification.

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EatStreet URL


Though you can deactivate your account under “My Account”, in order to permanently delete your account, you must contact support and request deletion at: customer.service@eatstreet.com.

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Customer support says that EBANX accounts can’t be deleted, as the information about user transactions (e.g: payments) may be necessary in the future for, according to them, “legal obligations and legitimate interests”.

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eBay URL


До удаления учетной записи вам будут заданы несколько вопросов.

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eBonus URL


After submitting a contact form, they will ask for confirmation using email. After confirmation, account deletion takes 30 days.

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Economist URL


There are two ways to contact this website, such as calling a phone number that is based on where you reside, or use the live chat.

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Ecwid URL


Click ‘Close Account’ in profile settings and then click ‘Yes’.

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Edabit URL


On the website, click on your avatar, click on Settings, click Account, and hit the ‘Delete Account’ button

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Edizioni Simone URL


Contact support via email and request your account to be deleted.

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Edpuzzle URL


Scroll the bottom of the linked page and click ‘Delete account’. Student accounts can only be deleted by request of a school teacher or administrator, or after 18 months of account inactivity. See their support article for more information: https://support.edpuzzle.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407364156557-How-Do-I-Delete-My-Account-

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Edraw Software URL


You need to contact Edraw Software support through their support center.

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eDreams URL


Click on “I want to delete My Account”.

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Educaplay URL


You must go to your profile, click on Account Settings and then on Delete Account

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Edvisors/ScholarshipPoints URL


Go to the URL and fill out the form with the information associated with your account. Edvisors will respond with a confirmation email. Click the enclosed link and fill out the next form. Between a few hours and 45 days later, Edvisors should send a confirmation email that your account has been deleted.

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Go to the account deletion page and select Delete Account. If you have logged in through a social media account, you’ll first have to unlink them, reset your password then delete the account.

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Electroneum URL


Contact the customer support using the form or via email and request the deletion of your account.

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Element URL


Go to “All Settings” scroll all the way down, and click on Deactivate Account.

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Elevate URL


You must send an e-mail to hello@elevateapp.com requesting deletion. You will then receive a response from support asking for feedback and to confirm the deletion. The next e-mail you receive from support will notify you that your account has been deleted.

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Elfster URL


Go to ‘Account Settings’ and scroll to the very bottom to see an option to delete your account.

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Ello URL


Quoted from Ello: Go to your Settings page and click the “Delete Account” link. Once you delete your account neither you, nor we, can recover it. Also note that your username may become available for another person to use.

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elmah.io URL


Click the Delete Account button to remove your user account.

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Elpais URL


Complete the form, they will send you an email where you must respond indicating the identity document.

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Elsevier URL


Fill out the form with your Account name, Email and a reason for deletion request.

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Emby URL


To delete your account, you must log into the community (not the app).

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Empik URL


Send an e-mail asking for the deletion.

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Engadget URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete Account’.

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enjin URL


Scroll down and click on ‘Delete Account’.

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enjoei URL


Scroll down on the configurations of your profile and click on ‘Delete Account’. An e-mail will be sent for you to confirm the deletion by clicking a link.

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Enphase URL


Scroll down on your account page and click on ‘Delete Account’.

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Envato URL


You have to send them a request to delete the account using the contact form.

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Epic Games URL


Log in to your account. On the “General Info” page, scroll to the “Delete Account” section, request deletion and follow the steps.

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Epidemic Sound URL


Follow the link to the contact form by follwing the link in “If you still want to delete your account please contact us by clicking here.”. In the contact form choose “My account” from the dropdown.

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Epik URL


Log in to your account. Start a new chat with customer support and request the deletion of your account and personal data. Make sure you have your customer support PIN on hand.

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Epoch Times URL


Send a request to customer support demanding for the deletion of your account.

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eProject.me URL


Send an e-mail asking for the deletion.

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eRepublik URL


Create new Game Support ticket to request account removal.

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At the bottom of the account settings page there is a Remove Account button

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EteSync URL


It will send a Deletion verification email, follow the link there to delete your account.

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eToro URL


At the bottom of the page, click the button to close your account, select the reason for your deletion and continue to confirm it.

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ETS Global URL


You need to send a data deletion request to delete your account. You will receive an email to confirm your email address.

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Etsy URL


Click on ‘Request deletion of your data’ and then ‘Yes, I’m sure’. You’ll receive an e-mail with a link to finish the process.

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Even URL


Head to the account information page (Profile ⮕ App settings ⮕ Account info) and click on “Delete your Even account & data”.

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Eventbrite URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Eventim URL


Search for Account, select question ‘How can I delete my account’, then click on ‘This answer was not helpful’. A ticket will be opened.

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Everand URL


Следуйте инструкциям по этой ссылке.

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Everhelper URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Evernote URL


Sign in to account settings, click ‘Account Status’, click ‘Close your Evernote Account’, read carefully and accept.

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Submit form to request deletion, open confirmation link from e-mail.

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Evite URL


Go to the URL, select ‘Delete My Info’ as the request type, and fill out the form with your account information. Open the email they send you and confirm. Wait a few days while they review your request. You should eventually receive email confirmation that your account was deleted, after which your login credentials will no longer work.

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Exclusive Car Registry URL


Click Profile icon ⮕ Show Menu ⮕ Security ⮕ Delete Profile ⮕ Type CONFIRM ⮕ Click Delete account button ⮕ Email Sent ⮕ Click DELETE ACCOUNT button.

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Exercism URL


Login and click ‘Delete my Account’. Then click again on the next page to confirm deletion.

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Exophase URL


They delete your account in 72 hours and it also includes the forum account attached, but the posts are kept and not anonymized. You must keep your connected services attached during this time so they can be fully removed by an admin. Your connected services (Playstation, Xbox etc) also cannot be added to a future account without contacting a staff member.

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Expedia URL


Go to Account, Security and Settings, then Delete Account.

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Experian URL


You have to call or email them. They respond to email quickly, however, so it is not that painful.

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Experian UK URL


Head to ‘Your Subscriptions’ and click the ‘Close your Experian Account’ button. This will cancel any subscriptions and closes your account.

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Expo URL


On the settings page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and follow the steps under ‘Delete your account’.

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ExpressVPN URL


You must either go through live support on the support page and specifically request the deletion of your account or write an e-mail from the registered address. Either way you will probably be asked to confirm again by mail.

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EZsniper URL


You have to fill in the contact form with the appropriate details, then in the body request for the deletion of your account and all data attached.

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F95Zone URL


Go to the linked page, confirm your password and click “Delete account”.

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Facebook URL


Хотя вы можете легко удалить свой аккаунт, некоторые данные, включая сообщения, останутся навсегда, это указано в политике конфиденциальности веб-сайта.

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Facebook Messenger URL


If you logged in with your Facebook account, you can just delete that account. If you registered using your phone number, go to your account settings and tap on Delete Your Account and Information.

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Faceit URL


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Facile.it URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Fairphone URL


Need to email privacy@fairphone.com and ask for your account to be deleted. Takes around 14 working days for the account to be deleted.

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FamilySearch URL


Go into your account settings and then click “Delete Account” at the bottom of the page.

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Fanatical URL


Visit the linked page and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Fandom Wikia URL


Click on ‘Close my account’. Disables the account but cannot delete user data completely. Retains user contributions and username is not released.

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FanFiction URL


On the linked page, copy the provided code and send it to support@fanfiction.com using the email you registered with. Staff will respond and delete your account within 24 hours.

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FastWeb URL


Go to the URL and log in with your credentials. Go to ‘My Account’ ⮕ ‘Account’ and select ‘Delete My Account’. Answer ‘Yes’ to the prompt. FastWeb will immediately log you out, and your credentials will no longer work.

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FaucetPay URL


Accounts cannot be deleted by the users, they can only be suspended by writing at Customer Support

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Fauna URL


In the Fauna dashboard, create a new database named ‘delete-request-{today’s date in DDMMYYY}’. Then open a support ticket to request deletion.

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Send an email to them.

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Featurebase URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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You will be asked to upload photo ID after the initial form submission. Alternatively, you can call customer service to have your user ID deleted.

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Fedora URL


Create a new issue and ask for your account to be deleted.

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FeedBin URL


At the bottom of the linked page, click ‘Cancel Account’.

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Feedly URL


Log in and click the ‘Delete Account’ button.

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Ferox Hosting URL


You have to create a ticket regarding account deletion and you will be asked to prove ownership of the account.

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Fever URL


On the app, tap ‘profile’ at the bottom right, then the gear icon at the upper right, scroll to the end and click ‘Delete Account’. State the reason why and confirm. Deletion is immediate

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Fidélité TCL URL


On your profile page, go to “Confidentialité”, then “Supprimer mon compte”.

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Figma URL


Log in, click on your profile picture in the top right of the header, click on ‘Settings’, scroll down to the accout section, click on ‘Delete account’, re-enter your account password, type ‘delete my account’ into the dialog box, and click on ‘Delete account’.

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Filen.io URL


The deletion option is at the bottom of the second tab of the user settings page when logged in.

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Fin.do URL


Запросите удаление аккаунта через форму обратной связи.

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Finanzblick URL


Click on your username (top left) ⮕ click on ‘Profileinstellungen’ ⮕ ‘Account löschen’. All data is fully erased.

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FinnishPod101.com URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Finviz URL


One must contact customer support via email or contact form to request account deletion.

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Firefox URL


“Cancel your account” link at the bottom of the page.

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Fitbit URL


From the dashboard website, click ‘Settings’, then scroll down and click ‘Delete Account’. You’ll receive an e-mail with the link for the actual deletion.

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FitnessSyncer URL


Login, click profile link, scroll down to delete and confirm.

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Fitocracy URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Fiverr URL


Log-in, go to the link and make the request to deactivate account

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Fixer.io URL


Go to your account page, click ‘delete account’ at the bottom.

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FixMyCar URL


You must contact support.

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Flat URL


Log-in, go to the link and click the Delete my account button

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Flathub URL


Войдите в свой аккаунт, перейдите на указанную страницу, нажмите “Удалить аккаунт” и подтвердите удаление.

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Flaticon URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the linked page and click ‘Close my account’.

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Flattr URL


Type your password and confirm your action by clicking “Permanently delete account”.

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Fleek URL


Log in to your account, go to the linked page, scroll to the bottom and click “Delete account” and confirm the deletion.

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Flickr URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Flightradar24 URL


According to their Terms and Conditions, you must email them to delete your account.

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Flip URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Flipboard URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Flixster URL


Email privacy@flixster-inc.com and ask to have your account deleted.

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Flo Health URL


Contact support using the linked form or by email and request account deletion.

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Floatplane URL


Click the ‘Delete Account’ button and type your password. Your account will be deleted in 2 weeks.

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Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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Floor Plan Creator URL


Click the ‘Delete Account’ button and confirm your selection.

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Flowkey URL


You need to send an email requesting to delete your account.

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Fluid UI URL


The easiest way is to log into your account, start the support chat in the bottom right corner and ask for account deletion. You can also contact the support by email.

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Fly.io URL


Go to Account ⮕ Settings ⮕ Delete Account. Some steps need to be completed before deleting the account, e.g. delete apps and remove certificates. Then, just click ‘Delete’.

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On the linked page under Profile select ‘To delete your account, click here’.

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Fnac URL


Send a GDPR rights request to support.

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Foap URL


Account deletion requires contacting customer support.

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FogBugz URL


The account retention period depends on the type of account you have.

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Follett URL


Scroll to the bottom and click the correct form or send an email.

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Followlike URL


On “Delete Sites or Account” section, click the red ‘Delete account’.

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Font Awesome URL


Near the bottom of the linked page, click the red ‘Delete Account’ link. Confirm your password, then click ‘Delete Account’ again. If you have Font Awesome Pro, canceling your subscription will also start the process of deleting your account.

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FontStruct URL


On the linked page choose the ‘Delete Everything’ option, confirm your password and click ‘Delete Account’.

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Foodmaxx URL


Contact customer service using the linked form and request account deletion, or call 1-800-692-5710.

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Fooducate URL


Log into your profile, fill out reason (optional), click Delete

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ForeverMissed URL


Use the contact form to ask customer service to delete your account.

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Forvo URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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forward2me URL


You need to contact support to delete your account and personal information.

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Fotka URL


To delete your account, you must not post anything for at least three days.

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Foursquare URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Foxford (Фоксфорд) URL


Отправьте письмо в поддержку для удаления аккаунта. На вашем аккаунте не должно быть активных оплаченных курсов.

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Framer URL


You have to email the support to delete the account. They take a few hours to respond.

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France Identité URL


Enter your document number then a deletion code received by e-mail to delete your account.

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Franz URL


Navigate to the bottom of the profile page where you have the option to delete your account.

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Create a ticket to the Billing department and request your account to be deleted.

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FreeBitco.In URL


This website does not provide options that allow the user to delete their account.

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FreeCodeCamp URL


You’ll need to access your account settings; it’s under a section labeled Danger Zone

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Freecycle URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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It is impossible to delete your FreeDNS account. However, your account automatically gets tagged as “dormant” if you are using the free plan and haven’t logged in for 6 months. When your account is dormant, all of your domains get temporarily suspended until you log back in and activate them again.

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Freejam URL


Visit the Account page, click “Delete account”, type your username and confirm.

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Freelancer URL


Click Close My Account in Account settings from above link. Complete the short survey, and click Close my account.

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Freeletics URL


After choosing to delete your account, a confirmation e-mail will be sent with a link you must visit.

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Freenom URL


This website does not provide options that allow the user to delete their account.

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Freesound URL


You cannot delete your account yourself if you have sounds uploaded to your account. In their own words: “Because you have sounds on freesound, deleting your user is not a trivial task. As such, we ask you to please contact the administrators via the Contact Form. They will help you with the deletion of your account….”. Alternatively - you can go through all your sounds, delete them one-by-one, and then delete your account.

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Freshdesk URL


On the top tab, click ‘Admin’ then ‘Account’, at the bottom, and search for the ‘cancel my account’ on the right. It is not really deleted, just closed.

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Freshping URL


Go to https://DOMAIN.freshping.io/settings/account (replace DOMAIN with your Freshping domain), scroll to the bottom of the page and press the “Delete account” button, then “Yes, Proceed” on the pop-up.

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Frontend Mentor URL


Click the ‘Delete Account’ button and type your username.

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Fruux URL


You will need to go to Account setting and click delete account

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Function of Beauty URL


You will need to request account deletion throught chat or email.

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Funimation URL


In the Submit a Request form, under “How can we help you?,” choose “Subscription”, then “Cancel or Delete Account”, and enter a brief description of your request in the “Description” field.

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Fur Affinity URL


Click the “Send Account Deletion Confirmation Email” button, which will trigger a mail with a deletion link

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Furbase URL


At the bottom of the account management page, check the “Delete User Account” box and submit

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FutureLearn URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click ‘Delete my account’.

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FXhome URL


Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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You will find a delete account button under ‘My Account’ ⮕ ‘Account details’ click it and accept, you will then receive an email requiring you to confirm the account deletion. Confirm it, then your account will be deleted if you do not login in the next 14 days.

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Gab Social URL


Under “Account Settings” there is an option to delete your account. Enter your password and press “Delete Account”

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Gadu-Gadu URL


You will find option to remove your account under Profile - My Account tab, after log in. Removed GG account number is going back to available numbers for new users.

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Gaijin Entertainment URL


В случае, если вы хотите приостановить доступ к аккаунту на сайте Store.gaijin.net, проследуйте по ссылке “Удалить аккаунт” в настройках вашего профиля, либо сразу перейдите по ссылке на страницу подтверждения удаления аккаунта.

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Open the App on your phone, navigate to your settings and select “Delete account” at the very bottom of the page.

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galaxy URL


Navigate to the “delete your account” section of the “danger zone” in your account settings and follow the instructions. If you have published any games, you must delete them before you can proceed with account deletion. Games can be deleted within their edit page.

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Galaxy Play URL


Check the “confirm” checkbox and click “Delete account”. Enter PIN code sent to your phone number. Your account will now be locked, logged out on all devices and will be permanently deleted after 14 days

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Game Tracker URL


Scroll down in the account manager and click on close account button. The account will be deleted 30 days after closing it.

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To delete your account, first close it with the provided link, after that you will be able to delete it on the same page.

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Gameforge URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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GameFront URL


Although the site claims to allow account deletion, it was not functional at the time of writing, instead returning a 500 status code (Internal Server Error). They claim that they will refuse to delete accounts through any other means.

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Gamefroot URL


Account deletion requires contacting the developer. The privacy policy references a non-existent deletion link.

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GameGleam URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Gamehag URL


Going to the bottom of the page and clicking on ‘Delete Account’ will only hide it, after deleting an account you can log back in and click recover even after years. E-mail does not work.

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GameJolt URL


They only accept requests from the email address on your account.

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GamersGate URL


The account deletion form asks for a lot of information, some of which is already available in the account dashboard.

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Gamesplanet URL


It is recommended to redeem/download any remaining purchases.

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Gamespot URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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GameStop URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Gamma URL


Click the profile icon in the top-right corner, go to Account Settings, select “Delete my account”, check the confirmation box, and click “Yes, delete my account”.

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Garena URL


Accounts can only be deleted by opening a ticket to their support team.

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Garmin URL


Select the DELETE YOUR DATA option under the DATA MANAGEMENT section. Deletion process will be started and an email is sent upon finishing.

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GasBuddy URL


GasBuddy is unresponsive to account deletion requests, but you can try submitting a support ticket anyway using the linked form. If you’re a California resident, you can submit a request to have your personal information deleted. You may be asked to submit more personal information to verify your identity.

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Gauges URL


Contact support and request they delete your account.

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Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Gdeposylka URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Gearbest URL


You will need to open a ticket. In the first field, select “Account Management ⮕ Advanced Account Information” and then send your message requesting the deletion of the account. Within 48 hours, the customer support will return your message asking if you confirm the deletion of the account. You can also contact them via email.

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GeekHunter URL


In the right top menu, click on your profile then on ‘Configurações’. Then click ‘Excluir minha conta’.

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GeeksforGeeks URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Genesis Cloud URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Geni URL


Delete any of the information you would like removed from the site. Then select ‘Account Settings’ and ‘Close Account’

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Genius URL


Visit the linked page to submit a ticket. Select ‘Account Deletion/Data Erasure Request’ from the drop down and fill out the form. You will be sent an email that asks you to reply with ‘Confirm Account Deletion’ to process your request. You also won’t be notified when your account is deleted.

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Gentoo Forums URL


Send an email to forum-mods@gentoo.org requesting account deletion. However, all your forum posts and comments will still be shown, and your account will only be anonymized as detailed here.

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Genymotion Cloud (SaaS) URL


First, log in to your account and go to the Administration Panel, cancel your plan and remove all credit cards. After doing that, you can submit a support ticket requesting the account deletion.

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Genymotion Desktop URL


Log in, and on the “Account Info” tab, scroll to the bottom and click “Delete account”. There should then be a confirmation box, where you can delete your account.

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Geocaching URL


Click “Delete your account” at the bottom of the page, then click “Yes, delete my account”.

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GeoGebra URL


Scroll down to the bottom of the linked page and click the button to delete your account.

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GeoGuessr URL


Just click delete account at the bottom of the page and confirm account deletion.

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Geotastic URL


Click “delete account” on the linked page.

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GermanTechJobs URL


Click on the ‘Log in’ button. Then, go to ‘Account’ and ‘Delete Account’. You will be redirected to write to the support email. Account gets deleted within 48 hours.

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get.tech URL


Contact the following email from the registered email to remove your account.

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GetContact URL


You need to login on the website via WhatsApp, Telegram or SMS and then proceed to deletion.

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GetCreditScore URL


Select the Delete My Account option on the preferences page and click submit.

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Gettr URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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You need to email them for them to erase your account.

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You can’t delete your account without contacting them. You must set the subject to ‘Delete Account’

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Giant Bomb URL


You can delete your account by contacting support.

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Giphy URL


Click the “Delete Your Account” button at the bottom of the page.

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GitBook URL


Scroll to the bottom of your account settings and click “Delete Account”

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GitHub URL


Click on ‘Delete account’ near the bottom of the page and follow the instructions. Some user content will continue to exist anonymously on the website.

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GitKraken URL


Type in the verification message “Delete My Account” as required and confirm deletion.

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GitLab URL


Click on ‘Delete account’ near the bottom of the page. Some user content will continue to exist anonymously on the website.

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GitPod URL


Click on ‘Delete account’ near the bottom of the page.

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Gizmodo URL


Fill out the form using the email address of your account and click on the verification link that is sent.

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Glassdoor URL


Fill out the form on the linked page. Under the field “What is your personal data request?”, select “Delete my personal data”. You will be asked to verify your email and then your account will be deleted within 30 days.

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Glide (UK) URL


Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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Glitch URL


Log in first, go to the url, scroll down and press delete account.

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Glorious Forums URL


Select your account in the top right, select the bottom-most yellow button (contact icon), and select “Delete My Account”. Confirm your selection, and it is done.

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Glovo URL


It is also possible to file an account deletion request via the “Contact Us” section at the bottom of the page.

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Glyph / Trion Worlds / Gamigo URL


Для того чтобы удалить ваш аккаунт, вам необходимо войти в существующую учетную запись, перейти в раздел “Security and Privacy” в настройках, нажать “Delete my account” и ввести код, который был выслан вам по электронной почте.

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Gmail URL


Click the trash can next to gmail, enter your new email address, and confirm the verification email. You can request a copy of your data, before you delete it. If you want to delete your entire google account, use the instructions for Google.

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You can delete your account, by following the steps provided here: ‘https://hilfe.gmx.net/account/verwalten/loeschen.html’

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Open a live chat ⮕ Ask for agent ⮕ Request account deletion. Put a random phone number if you need to. It will take 7-10 days for it to be processed.

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In the section Account removal, you need to accept the option delete your account, and input your password.

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Gocatch URL


Either submit a request via the Gocatch support site or send an email to them and ask for your account to be permanently deleted (specify that you do not want it to be able to be reactivated at a later date). Although the information on the support page only mentions account ‘deactivation’, the company appears to honour requests for deletion.

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GoDaddy URL


Перейдите к настройкам учетных записей, выберите «Закрыть учетную запись» и подтвердите.

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GoFundMe URL


Log in first, go to the url, scroll down and press delete account.

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Log in first, go to the url, press DELETE ACCOUNT and an e-mail will be sent. After confirming your account will be permanently deleted after 14 days.

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Goggles4u URL


Email steve@goggles4u.com and ask to have your account deleted.

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Gogo URL


Select “Delete My Data” on the form for the request type.

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Email customer service to request deletion.

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GoldenLine URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Golf GameBook Scorecard & GPS URL


You can delete profile from account settings in the app.

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Good Food URL


It is impossible to close your account. You can contact the customer service just for them to suspend your account (and payments).

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Good Noows URL


On the top bar, click on ‘Your name’, then click on the ‘Delete Account’ button at the bottom of the dialog.

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Goodlord URL


You must send an e-mail to the privacy team.

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Goodreads URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Google URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Google One URL


Click the trash can next to Google One and confirm the verification email. You can request a copy of your data, before you delete it. If you want to delete your entire google account, use the instructions for Google.

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Google Pay URL


Click the trash can next to Google Pay and confirm the verification email. You can request a copy of your data, before you delete it. If you want to delete your entire google account, use the instructions for Google.

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GoPetition URL


Enter a reason for closing and your password and click delete, however this is more like a deactivation as you can contact them to undelete it

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Gorila URL


Login, go to your account configuration and click delete account

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GoSquared URL


Select a reason for closing and it’ll take 2 clicks.

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Gov.br URL


According to the help page, you can delete your account by contacting gov.br’s help desk.

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gPodder URL


Go to account, select Delete Account at bottom of page, and click the red button labeled Delete Account.

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Grab URL


Swipe left to right from the edge of screen, tap the profile picture, scroll down until you see delete account.

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Gradcracker URL


Visit the linked page, scroll to the bottom of the page, click “Delete my account” and confirm.

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Graduate-Jobs.com URL


Click your name on the top right, click “Settings”, scroll down and then click “Delete Account”. You will be prompted to enter your password.

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Grailed URL


Send an email to arun@grailed.com and request deletion.

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Grammarly URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Gravatar URL


You can’t delete your Gravatar Account without deleting your entire WordPress Account.

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GreasyFork URL


Use the link provided to request account deletion. An e-mail will be sent to confirm it and then you’re done.

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Green Man Gaming URL


Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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Grindr URL


Submit an account deletion request via their web form, including all requested account details.

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GroupMe URL


Go to the GroupMe profile page, then click ‘Delete GroupMe Account’. If you are the owner of any groups, you must transfer them to someone else first.

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Groupon (USA) URL


Select “Delete all my data” and verify your identity.

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Groupon (Worldwide) URL


Select “Delete all my data” and verify your identity.

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GrubHub URL


Click the link to submit a request under “Delete your personal information”

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GTmetrix URL


Login to your account and click on ‘Request Account Deletion’ or follow the link, Answer questions and click on ‘Continue’, Confirm deletion via entering password and click ‘Delete Account’.

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The Guardian URL


Scroll to the bottom of the linked page, enter your password and confirm by clicking the “Delete your account” button. Deleting your account does not cancel subscriptions, see further information in the linked page.

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Guild Wars URL


You need to create a support ticket and request for them to delete your account. Before your account gets deleted you need to answer why you want the account to be deleted.

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Guilded URL


In account settings under Overview select ‘Edit account’, then ‘Delete account’, confirm your password and choose a deletion reason.

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Guildtag URL


Navigate to your profile editor and click ‘Delete Account’. If you want your posts deleted, you must remove them invidivially beforehand.

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Gule Sider (Norwegian Yellow Pages) URL


In order to change your information on Gule Sider you’ll have to find your profile by searching it in the search box from the link above, and sign in using BankID. You will be able to edit your information. You can’t fully remove yourself (remove your name), but you can remove your address and phone number. Some people don’t have BankID, for example minors. If you are a minor without BankID, try asking your parents for help. If you’re an adult/teen without BankID you’re probably screwed. Their help page about changing your details seems to be out of date.

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Gumroad URL


There is a link at the bottom of the Settings page to delete your account.

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Gumtree URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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gutefrage URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Gyazo URL


Scroll to the bottom of the webpage, and click the red “Delete Account” button

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Habbo URL


Log in on the respective site and submit a request to delete your account.

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Habitica URL


Log in to your account, click the User icon in the top-right corner, click Settings in the drop-down menu, and click the red Delete Account button at the bottom of the page.

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Hack The Box URL


On the page, click ‘Delete Account’.

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Hack This Site URL



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Hackaday.io URL


Login to your account, go to ‘Edit my Account’, then ‘Delete your account’. You will then be prompted to enter your password. Then click delete.

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Hacker News URL


You can remove your account’s data, including your email, but removal of your posts should be negotiated with the staff, as it may harm the project.

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Hacker One URL


Deleting your account requires you to first create an account on their support platform, you can then request account deletion by creating a ticket.

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Hackerrank URL


According to the site you must go to the profile settings url and there will be a button called ‘delete account’ which will delete the account if it is wished to.

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Happy Scribe URL


Go to “Settings ⮕ Delete Account ⮕ Delete my account”.

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Hark Audio URL


Email hello@harkaudio.com and ask to have your account deleted

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Harney & Sons Fine Teas URL


Contact them through email or phone and ask for account to be deleted

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It is also possible to file an account deletion request in the iOS app (account settings ⮕ subscription)

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hCaptcha URL


You must send an email to delete your account.

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HeadHunter URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Headliner URL


You have to send an email to support@headliner.app

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HeadshotGenerator URL


You have to send an email.

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Headspace URL


Click “Delete my account” and follow the instructions that appear.

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HelloFax URL


Click “Delete my account” and follow the instructions that appear.

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HelloFresh URL


You need to fill out the form, then confirm your email. Once done, a request will be made. Don’t get distracted by the confetti.

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HelloWallet URL


Login, go to setting, click ‘Cancel My Membership’ and confirm.

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HelpScout URL


Login, go to Account and click on Cancel Account

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Hemingway Editor URL


Since there is no button, you must contact them through E-Mail. Thankfully, the wait time for their response is brief; however, this may differ from one to another.

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Hepsiburada URL


You have to fill out a request form in order to get your account deleted.

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Heroes and Generals URL


You need to fill the form and submit it. There is a 30 days period in which you can reverse your decision. After that your account will be deleted.

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Heroku URL


“Close your account…” link at the bottom of the page.

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Account deletion button can be found at the bottom of the profile edit page.

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Hetzner URL


Enter Hetzner account managment, find user deletion seciton and click Delete User Account.

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Hi-Rez Studios URL


Go to the link provided, make sure the email address is verified and on the Security Tab click “CLICK HERE TO REQUEST AN ACCOUNT DELETION OR MAKE AN ACCOUNT DATA REQUEST” and follow the steps on the screen.

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Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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hide.me URL


Click “Account settings” and then the red button “Delete my account” at the bottom of the page.

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HigherMe URL


Select “Delete Account,” confirm your email, then select “Yes, delete account.” You have 30 days to recover the account.

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HiNative URL


Click “Settings”, then “My Account”, then “Delete my account”, and finally click the red “Delete my account” button.

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Histats URL


Click the red ‘Delete Account’.

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Contact the customer support using the contact form and request the deletion of your account. After receiving a response from support, confirm the deletion by replying to that email. Note: Your balance must be empty before doing this process.

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HitFilm URL


Must email them in order to get personal data deleted.

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Email their support with the associated E-mail address to delete your account.

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Hive Social URL


Email their support with username and associated Email address to delete your account.

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HOL Virtual Hogwarts URL


You can remove information and manually quit HOL, but your account stays forever.

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Holiday Pirates URL


“Delete” button at the bottom of the page.

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Holopin URL


Account deletion requires contacting Customer Support.

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Honey URL


Visit the linked and page, click “DeleteAccount” and confirm. For more details see this help article.

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Honeypot.io URL


Go to the profile page, click the cog icon, click ‘delete your account’ and then ‘yes delete’

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Hooked (Deals) URL


Hooked’s privacy policy contains no provisions for deleting personal information once that information has been given, unless that information is inaccurate or the user is less than eighteen years of age. Falsely representing your age to get an account deleted is not recommended. The best that you can do is to forget your login credentials. If you re-used your account password elsewhere, be sure to change your password on those sites. (Changing your Hooked account password is also impossible.)

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Hoop URL


Navigate to ‘Account’ ⮕ ‘gear icon’ ⮕ ‘delete account’ ⮕ ‘delete’. This will remove some of your account data, but not all. There is no way to remove all data, despite their privacy policy claiming it is.

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Hostelsclub URL


You can remove every information from your account or if you signed up using a social network disconnect it.

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Hostinger URL


Click on ‘Delete account’ at the bottom of the page, click on continue and then confirm you’d like to delete your account.

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Hot or Not URL


Sign in to your account, go to the ‘Account’ options in your settings and delete your profile. See also ‘Can I deactivate or delete my Profile?’

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Hotels.com URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Hotspot Shield URL


If you’re a paid user, you can contact support. If you’re a free user, it’s only possible if you have regulations that require deletion.

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Hotstar URL


Select account related, then delete my account and write your issue.

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Houzz URL


Your Houzz ⮕ Edit Profile and Settings ⮕ Advanced Settings ⮕ Deactivate Houzz Account (at the bottom of the page)

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Hover URL


First Cancel your service with Hover.com. Then proceeed to contact Customer support to submit a request for account deletion.

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HowLongToBeat URL


Go to ‘My Account’ ⮕ ‘Options’, click ‘Delete Profile & Data’ and confirm.

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HoYoverse URL


Log in to your HoYoverse account, navigate to the ‘Requesting Account Deletion’ button at the bottom of the page, then follow the steps given. Afterwards, your account will be permanently deleted after 30 days.

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Select language ⮕ Fill submission ⮕ Submit

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Delete Account ⮕ proceed ⮕ confirm ⮕ enter password and click ok.

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Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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On mobile, go to Settings ⮕ HUAWEI ID ⮕ Account Security ⮕ More ⮕ Security Center ⮕ Delete account. On the desktop, id.cloud.huawei.com ⮕ Account Security ⮕ Security Center ⮕ Delete account.

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Huddle URL


Информация недоступна

Huggingface URL


Log in to your account, visit your account settings, scroll to the bottom and click “Delete my account”, and confirm.

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Hulu URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Human Benchmark URL


Click “Confirm delete account”.

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Humata URL


Go to your account settings, scroll down to the end and click the ‘Delete account’ button.

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Humble Bundle URL


The easiest method is to submit a Data Subject Access Request at their DSAR Privacy Portal to request account deletion. Alternatively, you can also submit a support request for account deletion. In the linked page under “What can we help you with?” select “Humble Bundle Account” ⮕ “Delete Account”, fill in your email, enter “Account deletion” as subject, add your honest reason for account deletion in the message, and submit. Someone from support should contact you and guide you further.

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Hype URL


First of all, you must meet the requirements written in the linked page. From the app, click on the profile icon, then go to settings, click on the button to close the account and follow the instructions.

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Hype Machine URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Hypixel Forums URL


Complete the form on the linked page. They require some PII such as name, address, and a government-issued ID.

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IBM Watson Media URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Contact your relevant help desk, and an email should be sent back with confirmation of deletion. You need to contact ibmidsupportuk@ibm.com, if you live in one if the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland or UK. Else you should contact ibmidsupport@ibm.com.

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Ibotta URL


Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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On the account settings, click ‘delete my data’.

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Icedrive URL


Visit the linked page. Select the ‘Privacy’ tab, scroll down, click “Delete Account, Files, and Data” then confirm your password.

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Iceland URL


Отправьте e-mail на указанный адрес чтобы запросить удаление учетной записи. Отправить e-mail »
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Icontem URL


Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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Перейдите по ссылке и удалите свою учетную запись.
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